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In addition, many continued to practise Methodism in Freetown. [39][43][44][45], In 1787 the British Crown founded a settlement in Sierra Leone in what was called the "Province of Freedom". Sierra Leone is a constitutional republic with a directly elected president and a unicameral legislature. There are several systems of transport in Sierra Leone, which has a road, air and water infrastructure, including a network of highways and several airports. [103][165], Population density varies greatly within Sierra Leone. Although the British government recommended leniency, Cardew insisted on sending the chief and two allies into exile in the Gold Coast; his government hanged 96 of the chief's warriors. Four of the Sierra Leone regions are provinces, and the capital city is located on a peninsula called the Western Area. In 1462, Portuguese explorer Pedro de Sintra mapped the hills surrounding what is now Freetown Harbour, naming the shaped formation Serra da Leoa or "Serra Leoa" (Portuguese for Lioness Mountains). Sierra Leone is known for its blood diamonds that were mined and sold to diamond conglomerates during the civil war, to buy the weapons that fuelled its atrocities. [121] Sierra Leone is a member of the International Criminal Court with a Bilateral Immunity Agreement of protection for the US military (as covered under Article 98). Taylor's aim was for the RUF to attack the bases of Nigerian dominated peacekeeping troops in Sierra Leone who were opposed to his rebel movement in Liberia. The Sierra Leone national football team, popularly known as the Leone Stars, represents the country in international competitions. They predominate in the large towns, most notably Karina, in Bombali District in the north; Kabala and Falaba in Koinadugu District in the north; and Yengema, Kono District in the east of the country. For example, some of the Liberated Africans were forced to change their name to a more Western sounding one. With the lack of new faces in the new APC cabinet under president Momoh and the return of many of the old faces from Stevens' government, criticisms soon arose that Momoh was simply perpetuating the rule of Stevens. The interior plateau and mountain region, encompassing roughly the eastern half of the country, is composed mainly of granite with a thick laterite (iron-bearing) crust; to the west, it is bounded by a narrow outcrop of mineral-bearing metamorphic rocks known as the Kambui Schists. [50] The initial process of society-building in Freetown was a harsh struggle. The president appoints and parliament approves Justices for the three courts. (2003), Book review: "The Athens of West Africa: A History of International Education at Fourah Bay College, Freetown, Sierra Leone by Daniel J. Paracka Jr. New York: Routledge". East End Lions and Mighty Blackpool have an intense rivalry and when they play each other the national stadium in Freetown is often sold out and supporters of both clubs often clash with each other before and after the game. Recently there has been an increase of Pentecostal churches, especially in Freetown. [255], In 2006, President Ahmad Tejan Kabbah committed to reforming the laws governing the press and media to create a freer system for journalists to work in. The hostage crisis resulted in more fighting between the RUF and the government as UN troops launched Operation Khukri to end the siege. There are also other popular beaches like the world renowned River Number 2 Beach, Laka Beach, Tokeh Beach, Bureh Beach, and Mama Beach. President Momoh appointed his former military colleague and key ally, Major General Mohamed Tarawalie to succeed him as the head of the Sierra Leone Military. [126][127] The RSLMF remained a single-service organisation until 1979, when the Sierra Leone Navy was established. This ended its 16years of running the Colony. Sir Albert was accused of corruption and of a policy of affirmative action in favour of his own Mende ethnic group. The city of Freetown primary economic growth is dependent on the harbor which occupies a segment of the Sierra Leone River Estuary which is one of the largest deepwater harbors in the world. In 1799 some of the settlers revolted. [41] The Sierra Leone Resettlement Scheme was proposed by entomologist Henry Smeathman and drew interest from humanitarians like Granville Sharp, who saw it as a means of showing the pro-slavery lobby that black people could contribute towards the running of the new colony of Sierra Leone. [111] On paper, 55 protected areas covered 4.5% of Sierra Leone as of 2003. A strong free journalistic tradition developed with the creation of several newspapers. Internet access in Sierra Leone has been sparse but is on the increase, especially since the introduction of 3G/4G cellular phone services across the country. In 2014, an Ebola virus epidemic in Sierra Leone began that widely affected the country,[96] including forcing Sierra Leone to declare a state of emergency. In November 1968, unrest in the provinces led Stevens to declare a state of emergency across the country. According to the report, Sierra Leones population has increased by 6.4%, since the last census in 2015. Makeni is home to Sierra Leone's incumbent President, Ernest Bai Koroma. The climate is tropical, with two seasons determining the agricultural cycle: the rainy season from May to November, and a dry season from December to May, which includes harmattan, when cool, dry winds blow in off the Sahara Desert and the night-time temperature can be as low as 16C (60.8F). There are 11,300 kilometres (7,000 miles) of highways in Sierra Leone, of which 904km (562mi)[103] are paved (about 8% of the roads). Bo is also headed by a mayor and governed by the city council. [103] As a result of migration to cities, the population is becoming more urban with an estimated rate of urbanisation growth of 2.9% a year. Instead, it borders two domestic provinces and the Atlantic Ocean. Covering a total area of 71,740km2 (27,699sqmi),[12] Sierra Leone has a tropical climate, with diverse environments ranging from savanna to rainforests. They did not maintain relationships even with longstanding allies, such as Bai Bureh, who was later unfairly portrayed as a prime instigator of the Hut Tax War.[65]. Reference Location: Bonthe District, Sierra Leone. The Southern Province is divided into four districts: The North West Province of Sierra Leone borders the Atlantic Ocean, Guinea, and three domestic regions. In the north, from 1820 to 1906, there was a Limba chief named Almamy Suluku who ruled his territory for many years, fighting to protect his territory, while at the same time using diplomacy to trick the protectorate administrators while sending fighters to assist Bai Bureh, a prominent Temne chief in Kasseh who was fighting against the imposition of the "hut tax" by the colonial administrators. The SLPP leadership, led by Sir Milton Margai, negotiated with the British and the educated Krio-dominated colony based in Freetown to achieve independence. Bai Sherbro was a chief and warrior on Bonthe Island, in the southwestern part of the country. The Tacugama Chimpanzee Sanctuary, which is located within the peninsula's vast rainforest reserve, just a few kilometres from the centre of Freetown, has a collection of rare and endangered chimpanzees. Outside the capital Freetown and other major cities, television is not watched by a great many people, although Bo, Kenema and Makeni are served by their own relays of the main SLBC service. The 1978 constitution made the APC the only legal political party in Sierra Leone. A heavily armed military manhunt was carried out across the country to find Lieutenant Sandy's killer. [168], After the contribution made by the Bangladesh UN Peacekeeping Force in the Sierra Leone Civil War under the United Nations Mission in Sierra Leone, the government of Ahmad Tejan Kabbah declared Bengali an honorary official language in December 2002. The 20 Biggest Football Stadiums in the World, The Top 10 Largest Deserts in the World: A Journey Through Vast, Diverse Landscapes, Highest Mountains in the World (higher than 8,000 meters), Tourism in the Philippines: 20 Reasons to Visit. There are two mountain ranges in this province, and it is one of two provinces without any coastline. Problems experienced with access to the Internet include an intermittent electricity supply and a slow connection speed in the country outside Freetown. In April 2010, the SLBS merged with the United Nations peacekeeping radio station in Sierra Leone to form the Sierra Leone Broadcasting Corporation,[246][247] the government-owned current national broadcaster in Sierra Leone. [126] The military seized control in 1968, bringing the National Reformation Council into power. No style is the best. The Fula are primarily traders, and many live in middle-class homes. This condition often drives women into poverty and isolation.[229]. The national capital Freetown sits on a coastal peninsula, situated next to the Sierra Leone Harbour. The executive branch of the Government of Sierra Leone, headed by the president of Sierra Leone has extensive powers and influences. 50%. [213] Students at primary schools are usually 6 to 12 years old, and in secondary schools 13 to 18. The arts in Sierra Leone are a mixture of tradition and hybrid African and western styles.[259][260][261]. Islam and Christianity are the two main religions in the country. [39] The Settlers built Freetown in the styles they knew from their lives in the American South; they also continued American fashion and American manners. A general election was called later that year in which corruption was again endemic; the APC won 74 seats and the SLPP 15. Bai Sherbro was captured and with Bai Bureh, exiled to the Gold Coast (modern Ghana). The NPRC junta established the National Supreme Council of State as the military highest command and final authority in all matters and was exclusively made up of the highest-ranking NPRC soldiers, included Strasser himself and the original soldiers who toppled president Momoh.[90]. Supreme executive authority rests in the president and members of his cabinet and judicial power with the judiciary of which the Chief Justice of Sierra Leone is the head. . Bo is closely behind Kenema with 10.0%, whilst Western Rural, Kono and Western Area Urban with 8.8%, 8.2%, and 8.1% are third, fourth and fifth respectively. Many people moved to Freetown during the countrys civil war to avoid violence in more rural areas, and economic opportunities also draw people to the city. By the 1990s, economic activity was declining and economic infrastructure had become seriously degraded. As of 19 October 2014, there had been 3,706 cases of Ebola in Sierra Leone, and 1,259 deaths, including that of the leading physician trying to control the outbreak, Sheik Umar Khan. Strasser replaced Musa as deputy NPRC chairman with Captain Bio, who was instantly promoted by Strasser to brigadier. There are a number of cultural attractions in Freetown, such as the Sierra Leone National Museum and various historical landmarks related to the founding of the city. However, no presidential candidate won the 50% plus one vote majority stipulated in the constitution on the first round of voting. 50%. A key indicator of success will be the effectiveness of government management of its diamond sector. Sierra Leone has other smaller cities and towns that make up the geographic region of the country. The majority of newspapers are privately run and are often critical of the government. When the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade was abolished in 1806, the freed slaves from Britain and the Americas were repatriated to the capital which was named Freetown. Sierra Leone is also a member of the United Nations and its specialised agencies, the African Union, the African Development Bank (AFDB), the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), and the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM). The demonstration was quickly put down by the army and Stevens' own personal Special Security Division (SSD), a heavily armed paramilitary force he had created to protect him and maintain his hold on power. When the ships left them in September, their numbers had been reduced to "276 persons, namely 212 black men, 30 black women, 5 white men and 29 white women". In Freetown, the Guma Valley Water Company remains in charge of the water supply. Other minority ethnic groups are the Kuranko, who are related to the Mandingo and are largely Muslims. What Languages Are Spoken In Sierra Leone? On 20 April 1960, Milton Margai led a 24-member Sierra Leonean delegation at constitutional conferences that were held with the Government of Queen Elizabeth II and British Colonial Secretary Iain Macleod in negotiations for independence held in London. Although the sector was seriously affected during the Civil War, there has been a steady improvement in recent years. However, the main suspect, Major S.I.M. The report indicated that the country's just . [156] The majority of the population relies on biomass fuels for their daily survival, with firewood and coal used most prevalently. They predominate in the large town of Koindu and its surrounding areas in Kailahun District. The area is a peninsula and contains Freetown, the capital city of the country. The fund was created to raise local communities' stake in the legal diamond trade. Four provinces are further divided into 14 districts; the Western Area is divided into two districts. One source estimates the population at 14,915,[173] whilst another puts it as high as 85,313. The vast majority of the Mende support the Sierra Leone People's Party; while the majority of the Temne support the All People's Congress.[208]. Originally named Serra Leoa (Portuguese for 'lioness mountains') by Portuguese explorer Pedro de Sintra in 1462, the modern name is derived from the Italian spelling, which was introduced by Venetian explorer Alvise Cadamosto and subsequently copied by other European mapmakers. It is by far the most populous district in the country with a population of 1,050,301 and is located in the Western Area of the country. Former President Siaka Stevens' government had sought closer relations with other West African countries under the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) a policy continued by the current government. Surveys of the religious make up of Sierra Leone vary widely, though Muslims make up the majority of the population. Prior to the arrival of Pedro da Cintra in 1462, Sierra Leones history can be briefly ascribed to its composition of few ethnic groups, prominent amongst these were Limba who already lived in Sierra Leone around the 8th Century and there is no clear evidence about their origin. Pro-slavery advocates accused the Black Poor of being responsible for a large proportion of crime in 18th century London. [60], In the early 19th century, Freetown served as the residence of the British colonial governor of the region, who also administered the Gold Coast (now Ghana) and the Gambia settlements. They are virtually all Muslims. Sierra Leone, [note 1] officially the Republic of Sierra Leone, is a country on the southwest coast of West Africa. After nine months in office, the junta was overthrown by the Nigerian-led ECOMOG forces, and the democratically elected government of president Kabbah was reinstated in February 1998. [20] Much trust was placed upon him as he championed multi-party politics. All maps, graphics, flags, photos and original descriptions 2023 He created several government institutions that are still in use today. The populations quoted above for the five largest cities are from the 2004 census. Accordingly, they began to consider Sir Albert a threat to the ruling houses across the country. Diamond mining has been an important part of Sierra Leones history since diamonds were discovered here in the 1930s. . The park is home to elephants, hippos, buffaloes, and many chimpanzees its also listed as a protected area by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP). During his first decade or so in power, Stevens renegotiated some of what he called "useless prefinanced schemes" contracted by his predecessors, both Albert Margai of the SLPP and Juxon-Smith of the NRC. Before 2017, this province included the area that is now the North West Province of Sierra Leone. Four of these are provinces, and one is simply called the Western Area. In October 1999, the United Nations agreed to send peacekeepers to help restore order and disarm the rebels. After Pedro da Cintras discovery, foreign influence in the area increased and trade commenced between the locals and Europeans in the form of a barter system. This allowed the crown to organize labour forces for timber cutting or mining, to grow cash crops for export, or to send work expeditions to plantations as far away as the Congo. Domestic slavery, which continued to be practised by local African elites, was abolished in 1928. Many Liberated Africans were so unhappy that they risked the possibility of being sold back into slavery by leaving Sierra Leone and going back to their original villages. [28] The use of iron was adopted by the ninth century, and by 1000 AD, agriculture was being practised along the coast. Sierra Leone developed as the educational centre of British West Africa. [72][73], On the conclusion of talks in London on 4 May 1960, the United Kingdom agreed to grant Sierra Leone independence on 27 April 1961. Some of that is smuggled, where it is possibly used for money laundering or financing illicit activities. There are five hundred Ahmadiyya Mosque across Sierra Leone. [72][73] Sir Albert was opposed to the colonial legacy of allowing executive powers to the Paramount Chiefs, many of whom had been key allies of his late brother Sir Milton. [66] Bureh surrendered on 11 November 1898 to end the destruction of his people's territory and dwellings. In 2007, a pay-per-view service was also introduced by GTV as part of a pan-African television service in addition to the nine-year-old sub-Saharan Digital satellite television service (DStv) originating from Multichoice Africa in South Africa. Makeni is the administrative and economic center of the region. [257] In 2007 there were 15 daily newspapers in the country, as well as those published weekly. Its capital, Falaba, was on the rich trading routes leading to the coast. [106], Human activities claimed to be responsible or contributing to land degradation in Sierra Leone include unsustainable agricultural land use, poor soil and water management practices, deforestation, removal of natural vegetation, fuelwood consumption and to a lesser extent overgrazing and urbanisation. The rice is prepared in numerous ways, and topped with a variety of sauces made from some of Sierra Leone's favourite toppings, including potato leaves, cassava leaves, crain crain, okra soup, fried fish and groundnut stew.[244]. Sierra Leone is officially a secular state. The United Nations Mission in Sierra Leone (UNIOSIL) ran one of the most popular stations in the country, broadcasting programs in a range of languages. Sir Albert resorted to increasingly authoritarian actions in response to protests and enacted several laws against the opposition All People's Congress, whilst attempting to establish a one-party state. The Sierra Leone cricket team represents Sierra Leone in international cricket competitions and is among the best in West Africa. The service began broadcasting television in 1963, with coverage extended to all the districts in the country in 1978. Bio is the leader of the Sierra Leone People's Party, the current ruling party in Sierra Leone. Football is an important part of Kenema's culture being home to one of Sierra Leone's most famous international footballer known as Mohamed Kallon. There are 800km (497mi) of waterways in Sierra Leone, of which 600km (373mi) are navigable year-round. Other towns in Falaba District include Falaba, Sikunia, Krubola, Musaia Ganya and Mansadu Falaba District is divided into thirteen chiefdoms. 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Nick Kuenssberg Daughter, Please Rise For The National Anthem, Articles T