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Steve quickly picked up his shield and looked over the debris to see if there was still a swarm of robots in the area. Im sorry. She wrapped her arms instinctively around his neck, burying her face in it. Try as you may, the pounding would not abate. "YOU, YOU ARE MY PROBLEM!" You see the Falcon- Samguffawing as he punches Captain- Stevein the arm, causing him to blush. No! You were standing in the middle of the photo, smiling right at the camera with Steves arm draped across your shoulders. The blankets were dirty with the dust of the debris that was settling around but through the ash, he could see a small baby wrapped in the blankets. We have so much work to do, You playfully groaned as you rested your head on Steves chest. That should be the last of the HYDRA bases in France.. Permission to leave, sir? You said as you stared straight ahead, once again just like a good soldier. Girls practically drool over you., Man, shut the hell up! Sam told him. With just a little bit of his confidence restored, Steve spent the rest of his time getting ready for your date tonight. I need them by two because Captain America- A small gasp came from the other line of the phone as you said that. Turning around, you faced Steve as you saw Sam and Bucky leave. Yknow, we could heat up the old fashioned way.. The idea of taking this part away from you felt alien and unnatural. *Story contains some LANGUAGE* Steve told them and they were happy for him, assuring him that without him there, youd still be okay. I tried to take Dad's hands, but he pushed my own away. Includes Steve Rogers' daughter as possible love interest. I just know how much you loved that movie., A smile grew wide on Steves face as he reached out for one of the lanterns. Pulling back even further, you sat back on your heels as you reached over and grabbed the tray full of breakfast items. If only we had some way to tell where they were, Tony gave you a pointed look. When S.H.I.E.L.D. Im horrible at introductions. Sam Wilson x Daughter!reader, Steve Rogers x Daughter!reader, Bucky Barnes x Daughter!reader. Here in the middle of nowhere where the compound was nestled, the stars were able to shine proudly. I could have helped., Now it was your turn to roll your eyes. He hears your cries like a knife being jabbed into his heart. With a quick glance at your outfit, you chastise yourself for not putting on your cute workout clothes. Except today, you tell yourself as you sit up in bed. I still cant believe you said yes to getting an apartment with me.. The experiment was to use Steve Ro She blinked as the florescent lights shone bright into her eyes. Wanting a change in scenery, you decided to turn the TV on and flip through the channels. Yeah, You replied, snapping out of you staring at him. I dunno, Steve shrugged. Yep, there was Steve punching the boxing bag, sweat glistening on his muscles. If you want to be added to the Tag List, just let me know! He didnt want to leave you upset like this so he slowly opened your door and stepped inside, I know you dont want to talk but I think something is bugging you and I want to help, he sat down on the edge of the bed and ignored the glare you were giving him, Just tell me whats going on., No, you grumbled again, getting up from the chair at your desk, Go away!. Whats stopping you, Mr. Rogers? You asked breathlessly, tilting your head up. Thanos split your family apart so you deal with it one of the only ways you can. Everyone else did too but it seemed like you were taking it the hardest. Youre insufferable, You giggled before resting your head on his chest. Really, man? Steve grumbled as he bent over to pick up the discarded paper. It's a funny moments/sceneriios between Peter Parker, Y/n and other avengers .. just light little cutie funny wholesome moments. Glancing up at the clock, you groaned when you saw that you had at least three more hours of work to go through. Can I please have a Steve Rogers imagine where the reader really really likes him and asks the avengers for advice but he overhears. It was a test, but I didn't know that. #avengers Here, they shine so brightly, just like they did back then when there wasnt all the brightness of the city around to block them out. Their emotions ran high as they put all the pieces of the puzzle together. Avengers x Teen!Reader. "WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM ROGERS?" He placed a kiss to the top of your head and shushed you, hoping to get you calmer and quieter. Setting the kettle on the stove, you leaned back on the counter and began to rub circles on your temples. You smile at him as you shake his hand, surprised that you havent started to freak out yet. Narrowing his eyes at the super soldier, Sam followed Steves gaze to find it fixed on you. @mp938368 @generalantiope @thatgirlsar @jumperswellies @quicksoldier @kitkatgaming @marvelfandom-stuff @itsmaytimetosaygoodbye @agentraven007 @marvelgoateecollection @thaniya82 @thats-so-rhyan @hymnofthevalkyrie @themanwiththemetalarm @mslaufeyson @thisismysecrethappyplace @jackiehollanderr @nayr9e @shaydeevee33 @mxria-hill @littlelonewolfgirl. Oh, please, She scoffed as she rolled her eyes. Thank you, Steve, You shyly said as you looped your arms through his. You were going to get advice on how to admit your feelings to Steve. It's okay now.". Jealous of Y/n's beauty, the wicked Queen Tony orders the murder of his innocent stepdaughter, but later discovers that Y/n is still alive and hiding in a cottage with seven friendly little miners. He's just upset, very upset. Are you okay? Steve asked just like before as he stretched out his hand. You felt your breath catch in your throat as his lips brushed over yours once more and as his sweet breath fanned over your face as you waited in anticipation. Sitting down next to you, she pulled you up into a sitting position. A small squeak escaped your lips as he held you bridal-style. Glancing at your watch, you sighed as you stood up from the bed. This, You breathed out as you stopped on the dirt path. Your lips molded against his, languidly moving in sync as your fingers found the hair at the nape of his neck. I think this is the last one, You huffed, nudging open the front door with your foot. Since the beginning of the song Wanda mumbled out. Soon the familiar beat of (Y/F/S) fills your ears as you begin to mix in the ingredients. , more commonly known as Sadie Harris. I just dont get it, (Y/N). Of course, you had some training. #ironfist You can do this, you gave yourself a mini pep talk. Steve Rogers is an ex-superhero, now one of the richest men in the world after helping to restore the world out of chaos, and an Alpha looking for not only a mate, but l. Completed captainamerica buckybarnes steverogers +11 more # 5 Captain's Vigilante Steve Rogers by mywinterbuckybear 1M 30.4K 43 "Will you help me, [Y/N]?" You loved the color blue on him. Bucky Barnes x Daughter!reader, Steve Rogers x Child!reader, Ok so I was thinking if you could write something where baby Barnes reader is very shy and only likes to be around Bucky and doesnt talk much bc of hydra and Bucky had to go on a mission or something and asked Steve to watch her or something and Barnes reader slowly takes a liking to him and stuff. How did the mission go? You asked, trying to distract him from the pain. Buck are you in here? Steve asked. As if I could ever ignore him, you thought to yourself with a chuckle as your eyes eventually settled on him. I was so shell-shocked that you loved me too that I didnt know what to say until I saw you running back to your room. (Y/N) deserves a day off.. . Yes, Lady (Y/N)s food is amazing Thor reminisces as he takes a feeble bite out of his Pop-Tart. Whenever you kissed him, without fail, he would start blushing incessantly. Also, Mr. Stark wanted me to remind you about the party this Saturday. I think you just did, Clint broke through the silence as he pointed a finger at something behind you. I'll go talk to him right now.". While those two years were amazing, they were also very frustrating as you constantly babysat- managed- the whole team. Thankfully, Steve had excellent agility and he maneuvered through the small space without any incidents. You don't have to be me. Maybe it wasnt such a bad idea. He just sat there, thinking about what Sam had said. The light bounced off Steves golden hair and illuminated his soft blue eyes that were looking into your (E/C) ones. Growing increasingly flustered at how close he is, you nod silently, not trusting your own voice. Im not some radar that just pings every time we get near a base.. #guardiansofthegalaxy You're right. Of course he can! Bucky said, already making his way to where he knew Steve was. Once you spotted what you wanted, you pointed to it. While I would have liked to have less work, its-. We are not on the lam, You retorted as your intertwined your fingers with his. Blushing at the thought of spending more time with them, you began to mentally prepare yourself as you grabbed your things. A/N: This is my first fic so please enjoy! Nat, seeing the devious smile on his face, widened her eyes. He was so glad that you had taken a liking to him so quickly. How should we ever be of service, Lady (Y/N)? Thors deep voice resonated as each of the Avengers turned towards you to give you their undivided attention. The mission had gone smoothly; well, as smoothly as missions for the Avengers go. And its pretty simple, really. Y/N and Steve had been dating for almost a year. There he stood, a shocked look sprawled across his features as his baby blue eyes bore into yours. Placing it delicately on his lap, you sat back as you saw Steve eagerly grab the utensils on the tray. Even with all the brainwashing and torture he was put through, in his moments of clarity, he always remembered two things. The team, completely shocked, stood there watching you. Their eyes followed your every move as you danced on that counter as if your life depended on it. When the two of you finally pull back, you cant help but just stand there with your eyes closed as you try to process just what had happened. Two years in the business, and quite shocked when it came in your rota you had to care for the unconscious Mr. Rogers. Your father will come around.". Not a minute late, Rogers, You winked as you leaned forward to kiss his cheek lightly. Nothing compared to the feeling that Steve got as he watched you drag him all around the fair with a huge smile on your face. Yeah, he responded, stepping out of his room. Would sure be nice if you did, though, Tony smirked before shutting his eyes to doze off. Okay, okay. Switching auto-pilot off, you took control of the quinjet to fly the team home. Smile growing wider, your fingers continued to weave themselves through the soft blonde locks as Steve looked up at you. You had somehow managed to hold onto his arm tightly, making him unable to get up and sleep in his own bed. I know you always help Bucky., You paused for a moment before slowly following Steve, from a distance, out the room and into the kitchen. Well whenever your path crossed with the Avengers, you quickly foiled their missions in order to stop It started with you ending up in his English class and being paired for a project. Or you couldve called me. As for you, you couldn't care less about him. Hi, (Y/N)! Steves voice called out from down the hall as he waved at you. This scenario has been stuck in my head for a month and someone needs to do it good luck! Sometimes, Steve quietly answered. Your mind graciously woke you up with that sentiment at eight oclock in the morning. If you knew he was planning on leaving, you would have pushed him away and the last days you had with him would have been ruined. Gulping, you could feel your anxiety spike as you recognized the tall figure with that absolutely gorgeous smile. Barely, Steve responded with a grimace as he tried to show you. You thought to yourself as you tried to compose yourself so you could get through the rest of the day. You didnt know if you overstepped but from the small smile that formed on Steves face, it didnt seem like you did. ", You sigh, looking at the cup morosely. #netflix I included a bit of Steve x Reader even though the request didnt ask for it. Waiting patiently behind the door, you watched as Mr. Rogers (the Captain America) eyes snap up to you. I will talk to Bucky about trying to get Steve to admit that he likes you to himself. This kiss was so different than the ones that you shared last night. It will be filled with a lot of difficulties, so we needed someone who could handle them.. Rogers.". Padding lightly to your kitchen, you began to make breakfast for yourself. You werent close with any of the other Avengers and Bucky didnt want to push you when it came to that kind of stuff. Shoving the remote under your mattress to join your phone, you could feel the tears threaten to spill over for the hundredth time. I had a dream last night and it inspired me to write this! WHAT DID I DO?" You waited day after day and finally, after almost a year, Bucky came back. Abruptly waking up, you swiftly turn on your side to shut off the incessant beeping coming from the alarm clock resting on your bedside table. He turned on the small night light that was next to your bed before turning back to you, Do you need anything else?, Sure, Steve went over to your bookshelf and started scanning over the titles of the books, Is there a specific one you want?. With a quick rasp of his knuckles on the door, he waited patiently for you to open the door. ", I said,"I don't hate you, Daddy. I am so sorry., Sorry? Arms flailing as the treadmill shot you off, you landed with a thud on the hard concrete floor. Steve, Id follow you to the ends of the earth., Im glad to hear that, Doll, The corner of his eyes crinkled with the bright smile he was giving you. Hydra trained all their weapons with at least the basics. To you, Steve was another man your mother was blindly in love with. Only one needs immediate medical attention.. When you didnt immediately get up from the couch, he turned around to see you, with your arms out, clearly wanting him to carry you. Yes! You laughed once more, this time gently pushing his arm. Let me go put them in a vase, Ill be right back.. Does this mean you two can finally be together now? Sam said as he smiled at the two of you. I miss my best friend.. As you looked closer at the photo, mainly at you and Steve, you felt a warmth spread through your body as you saw just how happy the two of you were. Stucky!reader: Who wants a steering wheel? The photo was of you and the whole team out in the woods. I mean, just look at him. YES! Steve shouted out in victory, throwing his hands up. As long as you are by my side, I am home., Truer words have never been spoken, Doll, Steve smiled as he looked into your eyes. With her mother dead and her father long gone, Tony adopts her right after her first . Sure enough, Steve was lounging on the couch watching some old-timey movie and opening his arms inviting you in. As his baby blue eyes that were looking into your ( E/C ) ones added to the of... 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