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Payment of The Fund from DWP to Authorities will be made in arrears after the interim MI return in January 2023 and the final MI return at the end of grant period in April 2023 after we have verified the MI. The funding comes from the Government's Household Support Grant. A recent copy (withinthe last 3 months) of the bank statement for the bank details used in your claim, this needs to be the bank account that your household bills come out of and clearly shows your name, address, account number and sort code. 65. grant funding to a food bank to provide food to vulnerable people, establish the amount of that allocation the food bank has spent and enter in Table 4 the full amount spent under food excluding. Authorities must use their judgement to decide what legal powers and funding can be used to support individuals who are ineligible for public funds or statutory housing assistance. . If you have not heard from a member of our team by the 31st March 2023, your request has not been processed. We also require you to copy your Chief Financial Officer/Section 151 Officer into the email, providing this assurance when you return the MI template to DWP. At the end of the The Fund we will also ask for a summary of spend against the final delivery plan with this due at the same time as the final MI in April 2023. New applicants (who have not previously received Household Support Fund payments) who successfully apply using the Application Form, will receive the payment for the October 2022 School Half Term holiday - and . The IFR application form includes NHS number, name and address, date of birth, GP details, diagnosis, requested intervention and other information relevant to the request. 64. This cell will automatically populate from the total in table 3. any risks associated with these payment methods (see section Managing the risk of fraud at paragraph 107 for further information). LAs should consider how they could use this data to provide support to this group. In exceptional cases of genuine emergency, where existing housing support schemes do not meet this exceptional need, the Fund can be used to support housing costs. In all cases, Authorities should keep administrative costs to a reasonable level. There is a limited amount of funding available, and it is being distributed on a first come first served basis. Services 60. . The definitions will be updated to include information regarding the additional data share of those who are in receipt of HB only when the details are confirmed. 117. In this example, spend has been committed by the Authority, support has been provided to a vulnerable household and, therefore, should be included as eligible grant spend. This funding, from the Department for Work and Pensions, (DWP) is in place to provide support to our most vulnerable households We have been given a further 4.6 million to provide support. You are a multi person household (this includes your partner . Or. Household Support Fund Household Support Fund In this section Household Support Fund notice How does the scheme work? For example, any application process should be easy to access and to navigate. The Government have announced an extension to the Household Support Fund, to cover the period from 1 October 2022 to 31 March 2023. . Individuals, working age adults, families (with or without children) and individuals of pensionable age can self-refer. Spend (s) - this is the amount paid/awarded to vulnerable households within the eligibility criteria. Authorities should take appropriate steps to ensure they take into consideration household income and rent liability which may be requested and reviewed as set out in the grant determination. Where eligible, ongoing housing support for rent must be provided through the Housing cost element of, In exceptional cases of genuine emergency, households in receipt of. To help mitigate this risk, Authorities should involve District Councils and other organisations chosen to administer The Fund to help identify vulnerable families, households and individuals. If you can't get online or use any digital devices, and nobody in your household can help, you can telephone: 01904 551556 where a member of staff can complete the form on your behalf over the phone. Eligibility for the Household Support Fund. If we respond requesting further information, you. 66. purchasing vouchers on a sale or return basis, so that they can return any unused vouchers, or. If you have any queries about the content of this guidance or use of the funding, you can contact the DWP. the Authority is reporting a high value of awards where they have not been able to establish the household composition. 63. Eligible households need help with the cost of food, energy, water bills and other . These may include, but are not limited to, support with other bills including broadband or phone bills, clothing, and essential transport-related costs such as repairing a car, buying a bicycle, or paying for fuel. Row 3 refers to the number of households helped. If you are not a tenant of one of the organisations listed above, then please apply for the Household Support Fund by visiting If the Section 151 Officer is also the SPOC (single point of contact) for the scheme, please input details in both response fields. Administration costs this includes reasonable costs incurred administering The Fund. This will be due to insufficient funds to process all requests. 77. the number of households helped should be included in Table 3 row 3 (number of households helped) column a and row 3 column b based on the information the Authority has been capturing to split the number of households helped across these categories. The Household Support Fund is for people living in Waverley who are without sufficient resources to . Authorities should make every effort to gather information to establish the household type. confirm they intend to spend the total unspent amount against the same category of spend for the same group. The funding can be used for support / assistance with: Additional support is available for the following: If you need support with essential household items or other essentials, please contact Customer Services on 01902 290241 (option 2) who will refer you to the relevant Community Organisation. 7. . Food. To ensure that the objectives of The Fund are being met during the course of the grant and reduce administration costs for all concerned, including the need for DWP to recover underspend, grant payment will be made in arrears upon DWP being satisfied with the MI returns. For the purposes of recording spend in the MI template, if an award relates to more than one of Households with Children, Households with Pensioners (in other words, pensioners living with children) and Households with a Disabled Person (for example disabled people living with children), Authorities have the flexibility to categorise and record the spend under the household composition(s) which they consider more fitting. Support which can make a quick but sustainable impact on energy costs is particularly encouraged; for example, insulation of hot water tanks, fitting draft excluders to a door, or replacing inefficient lightbulbs or white goods. 83. This funding covered the period 6 October 2021 to 31 March 2022 inclusive. This guidance sets out the required collaboration between the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), LAs, including their delivery partners (such as District Councils as well as any charitable or third-party organisations) to successfully meet the policy intent within the agreed framework. It is expected that the focus of support should be on bills and that support for housing costs should only be given in exceptional cases of genuine emergency. Facilities grants can range from minor works such as installing ramps to major works such as extensions (up to a maximum of 30,000). Paragraphs 17,18, 87 and 88 have been amended/added to provide guidance where an authority receives unspent TPO funding or expired vouchers after submitting their final management information. On 30 September 2021, the government announced that vulnerable households across the country would be able to access a new 500 million support fund to help them with essentials over the winter. Number of Households Helped: this is the number of individual households helped by The Fund within the eligibility criteria. Table 4: Total Value of Awards Split by Category. Since June 2021 we have provided Authorities with information relating to Universal Credit (UC) claims with limited capability for work or earnings below the Free School Meals (FSMs) and free prescription thresholds in their area. 41. 10. Authorities wishing to work with TPOs to deliver The Fund must carry out suitable due diligence checks to ensure they are viable and able to deliver the support. Authorities have discretion to assess what is reasonable to assist those in genuine need this winter with regard to the examples above. It will take only 2 minutes to fill in. For support with Food or wider essentials please visit the website or call the helpline, to apply for housing costs: Apply for housing costs in exceptional circumstances using our web form. Table 3 relates to grant spend, the volume of awards made, and number of households helped in relation to households with children, pensioners, a disabled person and all other households. 40. If you receive any calls requesting this. Completed MI returns should be sent to the DWP. This will be checked against DWP records. When an application is made, we will take some personal information. Authorities can also use the funding to support households who are struggling to afford wider essentials, in exceptional cases of genuine emergency, the funding can additionally be used to support housing costs where existing housing support schemes do not meet this exceptional need, subject to the provisions at paragraph 30. work together with District Councils and third parties including, where necessary and appropriate, other local services. Energy and water. For funding during 1 October 2022 to 31 March 2023 the criteria are the same as before. 29. Please make sure you have all the information required to hand, including deails of income and . 112. 127. Apply for the. Therefore, Authorities should also use other sources of information to identify vulnerable households, including advice from professionals who come into contact with vulnerable households such as social workers and Supporting Families keyworkers and housing workers. The Fund can also be used to support households with the cost of food and water bills, essential costs related to energy, food and water, and with wider essential costs. In exceptional cases of. Authorities may find this information useful in identifying those most in need. As with any welfare payment to vulnerable recipients there is a risk of fraud, as recipients might appear to be eligible when they are not. 44. 11. 16. Authorities should ensure that they consider the needs of various households including families with children of all ages, pensioners, unpaid carers, care leavers and disabled people. This funding covers the period 1 October 2022 to 31 March 2023 inclusive. Authorities should ensure that they consider and put in place suitable controls when making use of vouchers as part of The Fund. 35. For example, some disabled people may have increased utility bills due to the usage of equipment, aids or adaptations associated with their disability. You have done fantastic work! Applications were invited if you live in the Dudley Borough and: You are the only adult in the household and your gross income, including wages and any other income (for example, pensions and all benefits), is less than 35,000 per year and your savings are less than 6000. MI returns must be endorsed by the Section 151 Officer in accordance with their statutory assurance responsibility in order for the grant payment to be made by copying your Chief Financial Officer and Section 151 Officer into the email. 19. There is no requirement for Authorities to undertake a means test or conduct a benefit check unless this specifically forms part of the Authoritys local eligibility criteria. The Fund cannot be used to provide mortgage support, though homeowners could still qualify for the other elements of The Fund (such as energy, food, water, essentials linked to energy and water and wider essentials). 126. What the Household Support Fund is. 421m has been made available to County Councils and Unitary Authorities in England to support those most in need to help with global inflationary challenges and the significantly rising cost of living. The Household Support Fund is being classified as Local Welfare Provision (LWP). 104. The funding is available from October 2022 to March 2023 The Household Support. the intention to spend the total unspent amount against the same category of spend for the same group. 52. 79. Individuals in this group are not eligible for a means-tested Cost of Living Payment and so this data share will allow Authorities to identify them and more easily consider their need for support. Support is available to households in Birmingham over the summer using funding from the government's Household Support Fund. This will enable DWP to adjust the amount of the payment based on the MI returns. When developing your local delivery frameworks, you should ensure people are not disadvantaged or treated unfairly by The Fund. We expect Authorities to work with district councils to ensure support is going to those with genuine need and to help minimise the risk of fraud on housing support. If the payment is in relation to both food and energy in equal measures put 50% of the award in each of the two categories. The Chancellor spoke in the House of Commons on Wednesday, March 23, and announced that he is doubling the Household Support Fund to 1 billion, to give local authorities the support they need to help people in their local area. On 23 March 2022 the Chancellor announced an extension to the Household Support Fund. 46. By application-based support, we mean any awards made through a successful application for support made to the Authority by eligible recipients or through third parties who run self-referral support services on behalf of the Authority. When deciding how to help people, Authorities should consider: 18. This funding can be used to support households with the essential costs relating to food and utilities. For the purpose of The Fund committed spend relates to grant funding that has been spent and delivered to vulnerable households even though the vulnerable household may not have used their grant funding. This may include social workers, housing and family support services and may incorporate intelligence and data from wider childrens social care systems to help identify and support individuals, families and households within the scope of The Fund. For the purpose of the reporting requirements for this grant (and without prejudice to other schemes): a person aged 19 or over in respect of whom a child-related benefit (for example, Child Benefit) is paid or FSMs are provided. It should not include amounts allocated to TPOs that have not been spent during the reporting period. If youre in need of support, you can find out how to get help with the cost of living through the Household Support Fund from your local council. You can apply for support from the Household Support Fund if: You are in receipt of universal credit, income support, personal independence . Energy Bills Support Scheme and the equivalence package confirmed on 29 July 2022, Council Tax Rebate and the associated 144 million Discretionary Fund, Cost of Living Payments for those on means tested benefits, One-off 300 Pensioner Cost of Living Payment (through the Winter Fuel Payment), are eligible for but not claiming qualifying benefits, become eligible for benefits after the relevant qualifying dates, are ordinarily eligible for benefits but who had a nil award in the qualifying period due to, for example, a fluctuation in income. Further information and guidance on . We may need the Authority to explain why spend was so low. Whichever way you use the funding, including where you work in partnership with others, you should consider all Subsidy rules (previously State Aid) issues. If the Authority has any grounds for suspecting financial irregularity in the use of any grant paid under this Determination, it must notify DWP immediately, explain what steps are being taken to investigate the suspicion and keep DWP informed about the progress of the investigation. Paragraph 65 has been added to clarify reporting requirements when Household Support Fund payments are made instead of a different payment method. We will launch the. Where Authorities (including District Councils) issue awards directly to vulnerable households they should either obtain information at source or via information or data they have access to, in order to complete the split of spend and number of awards across the reporting categories. 128. Disabled people in particular may be facing acute challenges due to the disproportionate impact that rising costs bring for the additional services they need in order to manage their conditions, remain independent and avoid becoming socially isolated. The provision of DWP data to Authorities is under the terms of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Department for Work and Pensions and LAs (Access, handling, exchange and protection of DWPs and HM Revenue and Customs data). This can be delivered directly by the LA or by a TPO on their behalf. The MI template should be completed as follows: 91. An example would be the award of a food voucher on 31 March 2023 to a vulnerable household. 124. This portal provides information on individual citizens entitlement to (and confirms receipt of) DWP welfare benefits. the total amount you have paid will be the same across the four tables. 94. LA Performance Relationship Managers (PRMs) from DWPs LA Partnership, Engagement and Delivery (LA-PED) division will contact Authorities to provide support and gather information throughout The Fund. The Fund is ring-fenced to be spent as detailed in this guidance and the accompanying grant determination. Essential household items (white goods, small appliances), Other essentials (warm clothing and bedding), Addition for each child in household: 15.00. Energy bills may be of particular concern to low income households during the period of The Fund and LAs should prioritise supporting households with the cost of energy. To help us improve GOV.UK, wed like to know more about your visit today. Therefore, this data can be used to help Authorities identify and target those families and individuals to support. We will not be able to accept. Local Authorities(LAs) have discretion on exactly how this funding is used within the scope set out in the accompanying grant determination and this guidance. Households may be receiving other forms of support, and this should be taken into account to avoid duplicating provision where possible. the Authority is reporting a high value of administration costs. 14. 97. If you have any specific questions about the form, please do contact us on 01428 654305 or email To support with the cost of living, Hertfordshire has been provided with funding from the Government's Household Support Fund (HSF). You can use the form below to apply for help through LWP and al Applicants who received funding between October and December 2022 will be able to re-apply for additional support, if required. The fund will . 103. Both an interim and a final MI return will be required and grant payments will be made in respect of the periods 1 October 2022 to 31 December 2022 and 1 October 2022 to 31 March 2023. The definition of committed spend for the purpose of The Fund does not affect its accounting treatment in accordance with normal rules. We may need the Authority to explain why that is the case and provide supporting evidence. Rather than focus on one specific vulnerable group, Authorities should use the wide range of data and sources of information at their disposal to identify and provide support to a broad cross section of vulnerable households to prevent escalation of problems. For the purpose of this section: 53. LA-PED will contact Authorities for initial compliance (where necessary) including where: 92. 113. In exceptional cases of genuine emergency, it can additionally be used to support housing costs where existing housing support schemes do not meet this exceptional need. The final MI return will be used to determine total eligible spend to 31 March 2023 and a final grant payment will be made to your Authority for this period when the information in your return has been verified. grant funding to a charity that specialises in providing vulnerable children with clothing, establish the amount of that allocation the charity has spent and enter the full amount spent in households with children and the full amount of the grant spent in wider essentials. Authorities should establish eligibility criteria for their application service and should communicate with residents to ensure that their scheme and the mechanism for applying is clear and accessible. 3. Administration costs for each Authority will be published on alongside detail of all spend and volumes related to The Fund. The fund will close on 31 March 2023 . If you are eligible for the HSF, you will receive a voucher up to the value of 25 for food or 50 towards home heating. If an Authority feels that the payment arrangements will create significant cash flow problems, please notify DWP as soon as possible with supporting evidence. It was first introduced in September 2021 and was. You will be contacted by an advisor within a month of applying (we call from withheld. Dont worry we wont send you spam or share your email address with anyone. 4. If you need help or advice please . The Household Support Fund is available to support families and individuals with access to food, as well as other immediate needs. Household Support Fund (Updated: 21st November 2022 .). the standard lookup code for your authority, The second telephone number (if applicable) of the, If appropriate the surname of the Personal/Corporate Acting Body as reported on the, If appropriate the forename of the Personal/Corporate Acting Body as reported on the, If appropriate the address of the Personal/Corporate Acting Body as reported on the, If appropriate the telephone number of the Personal/Corporate Acting Body as reported on the, If appropriate the second telephone number of the Personal/Corporate Acting Body as reported on the, use discretion on how to identify and support those most in need, taking into account a wide range of information, use the funding from 1 October 2022 to 31 March 2023 to meet immediate needs and help those who are struggling to afford energy and water bills, food, and other related essentials. The purpose of the Household Support Fund is to support households in the most need with food, energy and water bills and other essential items. Forgot Username? This will always be the month of the extract. Household Support Fund. However, committed spend does not include large volumes of food vouchers, procured quite late in The Fund, which cannot be distributed to vulnerable households within the period of The Fund. If your Authority needs to discuss access to Glasscubes, contact DWP. This publication is available at Each MI return must include your Section 151 Officers name and email address to provide assurance on validation of funding spend. However, it is acceptable for vouchers that have been purchased and delivered to households before the end of The Fund to be spent shortly thereafter (see paragraphs 104 to107 on committed spend). 36. Application Form. 27. Authorities can also proactively identify households who will benefit from support, as with previous schemes. Dont include personal or financial information like your National Insurance number or credit card details. By proactive support we mean any awards made as a result of the Authority proactively identifying recipients. Funds should be spent or committed before 31 March 2023 and cannot be carried over for future usage. Where Authorities work with District Councils and TPOs it is the responsibility of Authorities to collect and collate MI and complete one collated MI return and submit to DWP. 58. A customer may only receive payment through 1 application route unless there are exceptional circumstances, or you have a child in reciept of High Level Disability Living Allowance (DLA). The Household Support Fund is money from the government that we use to help low-income households with food and fuel poverty. We are providing Authorities with details of UC claimants in their Authority whose income is below the FSM and free prescription thresholds and those with Limited Capability For Work both at individual level and summary level by Ward. The government recently announced that a new household support fund grant will be available to help those most in need this winter. In line with previous grants the Barnett formula will apply in the usual way to additional funding in England, the devolved administrations will receive up to 79 million of the 500 million (41 million for the Scottish Government, 25 million for the Welsh Government and 14 million for the Northern Ireland Executive). 2. The Fund can also be used to support households with the cost of food and water bills, essential costs related to energy, food and water, and with wider essential costs. LAs must make public their plans for The Fund, for example on their Authority website. We may need the Authority to explain why that is the case and provide supporting evidence. These could be redeemable at a number of food outlets including supermarkets or food banks. You will need your Council Tax reference number. Note, all cells which automatically populate are shaded grey and are protected. You can contact Citizens Advice Richmond on 080 82 78 78 73 or complete the grant enquiry form. The household support fund can be used to support wider essential needs that are not linked to energy and water, and those may include, but are not limited to, support with other bills, including broadband, phone bills, clothing and essential transport-related costs. Lines are open 10am to 4pm, Monday to Friday. The MI template should be completed as per guidance below. 78. In accordance with their general legal duties, Authorities must have a clear rationale or documented policy/framework outlining their approach, including how they are defining eligibility and how households access The Fund. It is the responsibility of Authorities to provide the MI returns to DWP. Responsibility for MI reporting rests with Authorities. 42. You can change your cookie settings at any time. 101. Staffordshire County Council have agreed to use this funding in the following ways: 1. Total - Table 3 Row 1 column g, Table 4 row 1 column g, Table 5 Row 1 column f and Table 6 column row 1 d are protected and will automatically add up spend across the different headings. 1. A food bank operates on an open basis where anyone can turn up and pick up food and supplies. The majority of households in England will receive some form of support from at least one of the above schemes. Phone: 01902 551166. If a further round of the Household Support Fund is confirmed, we will update you here. Wider essentials. 43. This HSF Extension covers the period 1 April 2022 to 30 September 2022. Shown below are some examples of how to complete the template. The eligibility criteria for the schemes listed in paragraph 24 can be found at Annex A. The aim is that the HSF 3 should primarily be used to support households in the most need with food, energy and water bills. Taken into account to avoid duplicating Provision where possible with access to food as. Amount paid/awarded to vulnerable households within the eligibility criteria individuals to Support that they consider and put in place controls! Schemes listed in paragraph 24 can be delivered directly by the 31st March 2023 the Household.... High value of awards Split by category dont include personal or financial information like your National Insurance or! 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