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Newiie Harbour was pumping. Futile. At what point are they a write-off? The state government and council are together tipping in 20 per cent of the costs for the construction of a wall stretching from Collaroy to South Narrabeen after heavy surf and powerful storms . as my old mate hutch likes to say. I tear up and swear to myself. Building a vertical [with over-top] wall is about as insane a design as you can get, as stated and proven by all the intelligent people on this forum. Some relevant links from when I had a dig around before. A much higher amplitude as well. Hopefully there's someone with deep pockets able to go after the truth of the matter. The Collaroy Beach coastline on May 6, 2016 before major storms swept the shoreline. Lake that has been going on for the last 20 years. @Tango You don't have to look around the world because the Gold Coast has implemented the only effective "non- ugly as fuck" option at Palm Beach Qld. Action: Casey Johnston to forward initial site visit details to Taskforce members, noting there will be a further site visit as the project progresses". However, theres an irony that could've beenliftedstraight out of a script for Utopia. [ask GaryG] To add a bit of controversy, I've often wondered: Is Carties borderline just a novelty wave? "Protective works are a far preferable measure to a vertical seawall," he said. And it was created many years ago when coastal property was much lower in value and the bang for buck was much higher. San Sebastian surfers are fighting a wavepool in their hometown, which is also the hometown of Wavegarden's founder. "The only feasible way forward without wasting any more council and tax payers money to protect the properties in question is to acquire the properties at any cost and return them to a naturalised stated." Multiple reports have previously shown a better cost effective way to protect public infrastructure on that stretch. The project is part of the 1.3-km seawall proposed from South Narrabeen to Collaroy to protect both private and public assets in the suburb. Cheers for the knowledge Craig. >>Is that because he has been paid already?? I would rather have seen the money go into a couple of California style piers. The properties were bought in good faith, said one local who wished to remain anonymous, and the owners must feel an obligation for the authorities to protect them, but a seawall is last century thinking.. They have access to and use a large suit of software modeling tools, but unfortinately a lot of them don't have outputs that non-scientists can get their head around [just numbers which are meaningless on the surface unless you understand what they represent.] Didnt hear boo about that from anyone ? Confirming that they were involved in the initial design only. "We have the Tools and imagination" However, the work then continued skyward with a seven metre vertical concrete wall on top of the foundations. It's actually quite simple to install and get going unlike a lot of open-source software. Some investigative journalism required to obtain all the council documents around its approval process. Japan may be a perfect case study. Precarious! I guess that makes offshore options quite limited, So I'm a little confused as to why there are hardly any real solutions put forward to deal with coastal erosion in 2021, despite our huge body of scientific knowledge regarding the issue. When deciding to spend rate payer dollars, on what metric do they use without using the big IF ? (As we all know, unfortunately, money/wealth/property seems to be many people's priority, and corrupt opportunists step in to "help" with that). Man, that'd get old real quick, happy to pass. Seawalls form a defining line between sea and land. property owners in Collaroy have seen the value of their asset increase by around 20-30% in the last 12 months alone. The Surfrider Foundation Australia organised a protest against the seawall that is being erected between Narrabeen and Collaroy. info a new build now paid by the public purse. However, Craig, when you say "Comparing the swell to those of last year it wasn't of any major significance but it shows the futile efforts trying to protect property with a hard structure." Rather than a natural ebb and flow of wave energy, a hard structure increases reflective energy and turbulence, making it difficult for sand to settle and accrete. The council had an interest in preventing future erosion impacting Pittwater Rd, the main north-south artery on the NB. Same stretch of sand - another wall to protect public assets - Gary G has been erecting hard structures in the dunes around Victorian beaches for years. That this kind of construction was approved with the obvious impacts on the public domain (the beach) simply beggars belief, and the real focus should be on the process to consider the design options and then issue the approval. Another week, another pumping day in the south-west of France. Can't wait to see the classic "Dick and Balls" painted on that big ugly fucker. Is there a sea wall at Collaroy? It will improve beach access. processes currently-exported iron ore, bauxite, and alumina into green. If you are referring to Vertical hard structures then that needs to be specified). Are the exposed quarried rocks part of the construction/ foundation or are they from pre existing efforts. In Apollo bay there is an area at Marengo where they just tip $1/2 m's worth of sand a year ..there was a report about having to spend $3b to make big bridges and raised roads. Could be some good entertainment next time some serious swell hits. This is a massive issue around the world from which there are countless learnings. The theory is that the waves break further offshore, soaking up wave energy that would otherwise erode the leeshore dune system during storms. @dawnperiscope My parents in NZ were excited when they took out bloodymangroves at the mouth of the estuary where they lived. With expected sea level rises obviosly making those matters worse - however there is some irony in the fact Gina Reinheart whose carbon footprint is horrendous, just bought the most exposed land in sunshine beach to these very issues - but im also stressed people like her etc will want to build sea walls down the track. They are frequently used in locations where further shore erosion will result in excessive damage, e.g. 30 years of volunteers doing Dunecare (eg. This can easily be achieved by creating offshore reefs that reduce the energy to a level the beach can cope with. Plop! From their perspective building the wall before further erosion took place and moved closer to the road was another advantage as was disregarding the impact on the beach for a potentially more permanent solution. Of the people that Swellnet spoke to, the opinions of how we got to this point swung from nefarious (It was rushed through during COVID because they knew people were occupied) to inept (It was signed off by a mid-level planner with no knowledge of coastal processes). They are multi millionaire asset owners. Yep totally agree. They're not effective at all mate. Wonder if he has been down there in the last 2 days to check on status of wall? The contractor is required to remove this temporary working platform and bund at the completion of the works, sieve the sand and remove all debris, and return the beach to its former state.. At this point, no-one can say if any consultation occurred, though the cynical view is council ticked the box by distributing flyers to the immediate neighbours, all of whom would want similar works built to protect their properties. check out the beach erosion in Apollo bay as well Edit: The estuary was in an area protected from the ocean and the cliffs only faced small wind chop and the tides. Children protest the building of a seawall at Collaroy-Narrabeen in 2002. Collaroy's existing situation is precarious at best. Not rhetorical question ! I wouldnt have thought there would be much fetch? Not even the dude came up with half an ear! What an absolute joke of a mess this has turned into. It would be fascinating to see the NSW Cabinet documents which advocated for this approach. Its also been the focus point for opposition to coastal development; an abject lesson about what results from bad policy. there is no excuse for purchasing a property on the beach in the last 30 years let alone 5 without an inkling of understanding of the risks. Click on "Documents" for the interesting stuff. I am looking at it but there is probably someone better qualified out there. He said when the work is complete, sand will be pushed up to cover most of the seawall. This paper by John Corkill is worth reading if you're interested - he's a legend. You shouldve known by 1990. A horizontal reef is also a "Hard Structure" yet it acts in a very different way to a Vertical Sea Wall such as the Collaroy one. Whe I checked the link today on the second one it went to the first DA for the sloping rock wall, not the second one for the vertical concrete wall. They aint getting crushed. And more recently there was a local magazine piece discussing future sea level rises and the Noosa beach rock wall not being able to contain that, plus the homes along the Sunshine Beach to Peregian Beach stretch being at future risk, and councils would be needing to address that. It would be a good idea to put in a surf cam in that pans up and down the wall to document any changes to the beach, sand movements, erosion problems etc. There are 11 parcels of public land (including the Collaroy carpark, South Narrabeen Surf Club, reserves and road ends) interspersed between 49 private parcels of land that require protection. The problem is one of vertical fiscal imbalance. Protesters linking arms on the beach in 2002. Climate projections will have some Australian surfers rejoicing, and others not so. A few years on when I visited I suggested a stroll along the cliffs at the estuary and they replied that its to dangerous now as theres been heaps of erosion for some reason. btw- that one is a tiddler compared to what they have here. The thing is, the existing site was fine except a motorway was about to be built straight through it. . Te Puna Aonui is the joint venture of government agencies that will deliver Te Aorerekura. Old dude making a dash for it, budgie smugglers and a cricket cap. We spoke to expert coastal engineer, Peter Horton, about the current situation and the coastal protection works he designed to protect the properties from large and powerful surf. A bit like asking journos writing about climate change to include references scientific papers talking about how CO2 is a greenhouse gas. Instead they provide a caveat for bulldozing sand from low on the beach to higher on the beach in times of heightened storm activity - which only lowers the beachs natural defence system. Unlike politicians, scientists are usually very open with sharing their knowledge and data, to help inform the public. walkways to viewing platforms & beaches, selective weed management, planting, education, etc), Give nature a chance, it will rebound & stabilise dunes or else find a new equilibrium.< inland. Greed and stupidity rule in councils . Water is manageable but comes with a huge expense and loss of nature. Ray Collins eat your heart out.. Good find. Luckily these sections of the Roads are at the far inside of pointbreaks so the wave energy is mostly weak, with little rebound affect. exports the same quantity of energy in green electricity and hydrogen as it exports in thermal coal and liquefied natural gas. Please please please don't let those greedy fucks do this to Australia. The primary mechanism for coastal land acquisition in NSW has been the Coastal Lands Protection Scheme, but it wasn't designed for climate/erosion buy-backs. What sort of idiots approved this shit? Amongst other things, it is illegal to "establish, maintain or use a spoil ground or other ocean disposal point (including dumping materials at sea)". There is no better option. Look at offshore reefs around all the pacific islands. They might be looking for a new 'environmental' consultant after the next major swell. And this (Item 4) gives the reasons they changed to a wall. Would be very interested in knowing what other options were considered and why they were discarded Yeah it's easy to get caught up in the house situation, but the road is at exactly the same height and built on sand too. Inevitable as the ocean winning, is a painted "cock and balls" on that wall. Also, it's a not so secret secret, anyone who speaks out about this have been known to disappear. While celebrating his record for coastal protection with a park on the Collaroy-Narrabeen stretch, Northern Beaches council was also processing a Development Application thatd threaten the very same beach. My NSW water buddy says MHL are coyboys. This is very different to Collaroy. Normally large swells from the SW have very little affect on the beaches around here because the great ocean rd is comprised of Rocky headland after headland. The DA for the Collaroy seawall was approved while the Northern Beaches Council was under administration. Ive already done some research but the swellnet knowledge base is one of the best in this area. All they are protecting are some pretty sparse land and some rice fields a couple of hundred metres inland. Super difficult problem, maybe councils could buy beachfronts then lease back the properties. The first application for a sloping structure was widely publicised and accepted by most who saw it. It just doesn't make the engineering firms any money or contribute to gross state product under the current economic system. The thing is- in those pics, behind the walls, there's really not much to protect. Have you done a study already? It didn't last long and within 12 hours the sand that was built up against the near finished first wall was 2/3rds washed away. The Collaroy seawall was in part constructed after a significant storm event in 2016 eroded 50 metres along the Narrabeen and Collaroy shoreline, causing damage to waterside properties. It didn't last long and within 12 hours the sand that was built up against the near finished first wall was 2/3rds washed away. Seeing and continuing a precedent that the government should pay and protect small groups of private landholders while the property owner reap the benefit and profit of rocket fuel property prices. It would be the same as for any development adjacent to the cables where they make landfall. Staged retreats seem the best option, but also some councils are genuinely desperate to embrace the most apocalyptic climate change forecasts. When the CBA or risk assessment work is done with good information about the things to be lost (eg the beach, public access, amenity, etc) it can shift the outcome of the analysis significantly, particularly the "do nothing" which is actually doing something. In 1974I witnessed what cyclonic ocean power can do to ignorantly planned beach development 50 years on and a lot of sea miles under my belt. 5 min [P] Call of the Wild skinny dip at yer local Sea-Walljust doing wot comes natural! I posted links to the relevant council pages in the previous story. Owners of storm-devastated Collaroy properties on Sydney's northern beaches face paying up to $140,000 each for a new sea wall that might have saved their homes had it been there at the weekend. Sea-change hostage negotiations at Hellhole of the Pacific I think they saw an opportunity to get landowners to pay for something that they would very likely have to do at some point anyway. For a couple of furlongs it was quite close to the ocean but nobody cared. Fvck the coastline. A weather-beaten cement plaque with the year 1952 is still visible along a section of the seawall. (This statement also doesn't specify what type of HARD structure. The coastline in SW Vic has evolved to respond to a dominant SW swell and storm pattern - that's why the beaches face the way they do. Cyclonic activity isnt forecast to increase at all - I think the jury actually out on that at the moment, east coast of Australia in a 500 year dip too on cyclonic activity. There have been high profile storms on the NSW East Coast since the mid-70s. Maybe you New South Weleshpeople do things differently. Around 80 percent of the cost will be shouldered by the property owners themselves while the remaining 20 percent will be jointly funded by the Northern Beaches Council and the NSW government. I have a blanket policy of not feeling sorry for people owning properties worth multiple millions of dollars, who have lived the better part of their lives walking from their beachfront home directly onto the sand. There are some fed govt areas that listen to this thinking. RFS DU SOL's new album cover to Surrender is on point.. Collaroy sea wall 1.8 mts higher than the Berlin Wall If you look at the photo of the wall there appears to be a set of stairs built into the concrete for each property. Well, it (and a lot of us) could possibly be in for a real test within 3-5 years with the Thwaites Glacier (Doomsday Glacier) suggested to be at risk of sliding into the sea and potentially raising sea levels by 65cm. Just last March of 2019, the Northern Beaches Council succeeded in convincing the State Government to chip in on the assistance package to be given to Collaroy residents for the construction of the sea wall. a report a number of years ago by the Great Ocean Road Coastal Committee, GORCCshowed there were more than 47 areas that were of immediate concern where the ocean would cut the road. The politicians and land owners actions are an entirely separate discussion and I'm not entering into that minefield! It is possible that this is part of the Silverback's Seachange pork barrel rollout. The main issue is that the cables are protected in whatever is proposed. Almost certainly the latter lilas, given the problems Sydney has had with apartment blocks I would think regulation is minimal to non-existent. Surf Breaks Inc. Coming to a beach near you ! A barrier reef in place would no doubt have knock-on effects. Structures appeared. Further to the north, sand that was built up in front of properties has been scoured away leaving an eight foot drop-off. they might be right basis forecasts but beachfront owners bought in an area that didnt previously exhibit high erosion issues. The whole buy back argument being too expensive is a crock of shit. Looks perfect for high tide backwash to spread up and down the beach. Wow, that is ugly even by brutalist/modernist standards. The fucking vandals bulldozed down one of the last remnants of coastal heath to get their heavy equipment in. I am not a coastal engineer nor scientist, [actually a software-designer] but I have a passion for understanding coastal processes and I have been watching a lot of the Software progress. There is currently an online petition to stop it extending to the Marquees. Here Willi. The only feasible way forward without wasting any more council and tax payers money to protect the properties in question is to acquire the properties at any cost and return them to a naturalised stated. On top of this they have places sand band grounds out perpendicular to the sandunes. Collaroy seawall project | Protection from coastal erosion Watch on Location: Collaroy NSW Our specialist staff were engaged by the Northern Beaches Council to construct the 250m rock revetment seawall in front of the Collaroy Beach carpark. Take the houses away eventually they would be building a wall to protect that road that you whinging moles drive around on for 20min checking it. I think the wall is actually a good warning of exactly what governments mean by "adaptation and mitigation"..expensive projects for the construction industry rather than sound ecological management. On Saturday November 27th hundreds of locals came down to Collaroy Beach / North Narrabeen Beach in grim weather conditions to protest the monstrous 7 meter . I guess that the levees will give me a 100% guarantee that it'll never happen in my lifetime". They needed see this, but still probably wouldnt t have believed it. Anybody heard of rising ocean levels & retreat by wealthy landholders who where allowed to build in the dune systems which nature designed to replenish the beaches? I imagine the ocean will eventually claw away under and around and over the structure. These contracts to the construction companies are worth hundreds of millions of dollars. Cheers. This was done to ensure the wall would be up before people realised what it was. The role of the council in all this might come out if people push hard enough. Only thing that would be better if they made a foot path on top of it so wheel chair bandits and a like get to use the cost line as well, "Or boarding a jumbo jet to go for a surf and buy the latest board all things responsible for the needing of the wall in the first place.". For those who object to it, there is something hostile about Collaroy's multi-million-dollar sea wall. Making it deeper? If you don't know know shit about the processes of the ocean and coastal erosion then please put your hand up and say so. Those first couple of staircases looked fucked. Premium ad-free surfcams, dawn surf reports, and more, Google "End-wall effect erosion" and you'll find many papers/studies on this. Owners, Council and 'engineersshame shame shame. Compare their prediction of how it would look with the reality shown above.. GOR coastal erosion webinar link for today at 3pm for those interested. Criticism of the debris left on the beach, the erosion as the sea ran up against the wall and drew away all the sand during January 2022 swells and the manner in which these works have been carried out prompted council staff to investigate a number of times during the heavy swells, and has been under regular inspection since then. Perhaps off topic in relation to the above story but thought this video was interesting in regards to how certain structures change the amount of erosion and inundation behind structures from wave/tidal run up. If a construction like that ends up being the only realistic option then so be it, but at least they need to be transparent about how they got to that point, and ideally accountable in future if it goes south. Over the coming fortnight there's a couple more swell forecast from the east-northeast and that'll really put the structures to the test. Exports the same as for any development adjacent to the Marquees almost certainly the latter,... 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