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Im going to focus on us having a good conversation. And they still dont do it? And I think that helps, lends a lot of credibility to what Im doing with it. John Carlton used to use the word spooky for this kind of stuff like things just happen. Maybe I can give myself permission and acknowledgment of like, I can articulate this in a way that will connect with people and that will hopefully help them. I went with it. You can do it however it is that you want to do it. Im going to be happy to engage with the customers, happy to respond to emails, and be into it. I thought, Maybe I can finally permit myself to write a book that I would have wanted years ago. Five of those things are from their past, five of them from the present, and five of them are things that they want in the future. Im tricky and strategic about this stuff. I said, I am grateful for that. I said, This hill is steep. Heres the thing that I love about it. The husband had all the data and all the information. Ill do whatever I can do to get out of my own way. Cheers, everyone. If Im going to write something, how do I contribute to the marketplace in a unique way and actually leave my footprint, versus just being another guy, because then whats the point of writing the book? Thats negotiation. Its like, If we set that precedent, then thats going to hurt our revenue, etc. If youre the bigger company, its like, If I give that away, then Im setting precedent.. I am excited about where this episode is going to be able to take people and how its going to impact their businesses and their lives and elevate what they do and what they achieve. All right, well do a call. If you do, you'll just lose interest and stop. I appreciate this stuff that youre doing because its so powerful. We should always be looking for mentors and people that are going to help us get to the next. We all have things to be incredibly grateful for. We start telling ourselves, This is what I want. We start to see it. After having been unemployed for a few months, he was nervous about needing to get a job. And so, is part of it, just so Im clear because Im going to do this. Once you know that you want or you think that you want something from somebody, your emotions are fully engaged. Are we tricking our vibration to connect with the universe? They know that I care. By being grateful and appreciating what you have, you invite more situations, circumstances, reasons, and excuses to continue to feel gratitude, which is another way of feeling good, which is another way of attracting more good. And youve expressed that in a really cool way. And Im sitting there in my chair or wherever and thinking about it. I love it. The internal financial thermostat is there. In the negotiation parlance in our language and lingo, we use the word precedent all the time. And its going to play on you to stop you from doing what youre doing. Your email address will not be published. Thats why Ive got the YouTube channel. We understand burnout. Im much more focused into this. So, I was just wondering if there were those elements in play. So, Ive made it abundantly clear that if you recommend my book, youre not going to regret it. How do you divide it in 1/3? I dont need to sweat about it. Anything that you can, I guess, to include other people, have a partner, have a buddy, someone to help you and keep you accountable. The billionaire Thai media mogul bought the rights to Miss Universe, Miss USA, and Miss Teen USA for $20million. The results that I experienced and the events that I experienced were nothing short of miraculous. Its a little pricey because Im so busy. First 30 seconds, youd be like meh. Theyd write everything in the present tense, and then they jumble up the order of that list. You, Christine, in my opinion, ask such a wonderful question. I think youve given great value today. So I took that book and I meditated on it. But I love adding in the future things. Theres a lot going on. But 90 seconds, 120 seconds. Youre putting out the feeling and vibe of feeling good. This is awesome. But theres a link where you can get bonuses, where I will email more value to you. Sometimes we dont see it with our eyes. I do a lot of David and Goliath negotiation working with smaller organizations negotiating with big companies. Everybody has a methodology or steps, if you will. I dont want to cannibalize his sales. It does inform how you communicate because when youre more confident in what youre trying to say and what youre trying to convey, it can give you more room to be curious about what your counterpart is doing and saying. Theres always something more for you. The Law of Attraction like you've never heard it before! But youll even get my silly sense of humor, which I strategically use to make points in there. Oftentimes that discomfort on the other end of that is something glorious but because your ego doesnt know how to negotiate and doesnt want to risk what it might be, it keeps you stuck in place. Im going to take your money and use that as fuel and resources in order to build better products and better services and better experiences for you, the customer or client. Whether you are the little guy or not, when youre encompassing that role or taking that role or fitting that role upon yourself, youve got to understand that youre always valuable. I can say that I really care for people. If I give as much as I can and actually benefit people, Im not worried about the return. So yeah, I love that. Talk about some of the other things that people can do around. You need to agree with the terms to proceed, 253 N. San Gabriel Blvd., Unit B, Pasadena, CA 91107, United States, Teaching Sales Techniques Through Books featuring Brandon Bornancin, Getting New Clients with a Book featuring Chris Miles. Im going to do my best to give a short answer because its actually a long answer. Are they looking for a solution? The law of attraction can help you address that. That came through in his communication. The worst thing that can happen is you spend five minutes a day feeling good about something where instead, you could have been worrying about your finances, your relationship, your job, or whatever else. Within two weeks, I feel better, which is saying a lot with a broken heart. They know whether they were thinking about the actual thing or not is because if theyre thinking about that promotion with frustration, impatience, uncertainty, doubt, and fear thats the lack of the promotion, not the promotion. So, love that. Its such a weird, esoteric, and intangible thing, but the fact that you show up in a unique way, which affects how the other person shows up. Its important to know that you have every right to set those precedents as well. Its a vibration that resonates out there with the universe. Are you a speaker? Ive just started that. I appreciate that. Their ego knows its okay for them to get there. And I got very few things. What are the questions I can ask to have a better awareness so they can have a better real result? Theres always like, Ive got to meet that standard. Its what you think about and what you focus on manifest into your life. Imagine youre trying to manifest a job promotion and you focus on it every single day. This is the fine line that we walk, this is the high wire act. Yeah, its very weird because I didnt have any specific expectations that I was even laying out other than this general huge impact type of thing. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Helping Leaders Inspire Teams with a Book featuring Randy Ross, Transforming a Business Through Behavioral Change featuring Sean Doyle, Helping People Through the Invention Process Using a Book featuring Ron Richard. Its got two letters in it, an N and an O, at least in English, but its a short word in every language. Ill teach new methods. He kept telling himself, Nobody is going to pay me that. And once youve done so, your ego looks around, it sees youre alive, and now it will fight tooth and nail to protect that. You can put whatever word you want to it. All it knows now where you are in your life, in your business, in your health, and everything. Required fields are marked *. Thank you for the update. And maybe the community could communicate the missions better, maybe they couldnt. The amount of power and freedom that gives you is incredible. Its a good thing to have that recognition of no ones going to spend any time with you if they dont have anything perceived or real to gain from that interaction. Rather than taking lack-full action, you take inspired action. You think of The Last Law of Attraction Book Youll Ever Need to Read, and Im speaking from experience as that person who used to go through book, to book, to book, to program, to program, to program. Very, very cool. This isnt the right relationship. Its out there. In my book, Im meticulous about making the exact step-by-step instructions so people that want to follow that can. How hard are they working right now to make artificial intelligence and replicate things? I hear that you took valid data points. Not that it cant turn around anyone for anything else. Also, everyone can approach it uniquely. So, thats what I do every single day. Andrew, thank you and welcome to the podcast. I have with me, Andrew Kap. stream Even when things are bad, theres always something to appreciate. Lets do it. There are a lot. If you hit a point where you are feeling that your counterpart isnt valuing you at all or youre feeling disrespected, then theres this great word. You have this confidence and certainty enthusiasm as youre being grateful for it. Rob, thanks so much for having me. I had three kids when I was doing it. To give ideas that I havent followed through on yet, along with what you said, when travel gets a little bit lighter for people in this day and age. Love it. I feel that this is how Im being treated. When you sent it to me and hearing you say that it made me come up with the word when you facilitate a different perspective, you create a different result or you invite at least a different result and you invite more possibilities. And so, one of the things that we focus on with our clients is showing them how they can make hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars a year with just a few thousand sales with using their book. You follow it the way you want to follow it. So, lets give them the best place. Youre thinking about it with good feelings. Its like, If you get a discount on something, we got grandfathered in on cheap internet. That was something Im like, Im thankful for that. Youre doing great. I post about new methods. One of my instructors used to always say, Worry is nothing more than negative goal setting. What we focus our mind on, we bring into action. Theres so much abundance that we dont realize no matter where we are in our lives thats almost begging us to claim it. So, I guess thats led to some media opportunities for you and other things in this space? If Im giving my best in my interviews, thats going to pave the way. No one can replicate anyone elses magic. And they really want something. Youre myopically focused on one item at a time because youre not thinking about the possibilities as it stretches out across all of the list or beyond the list because youre not even exploring what value is possible outside the list. If she doesnt like it, she can sue me.. Andrew Kap holds one goal above all others through his various projects: Genuine and Sustainable Impact. Yep. Because in the end, all this comes down to, from my perspective, is finding a way to feel good for even just five minutes a day, while thinking about what you have or what you want or both. % The thing that you are wanting, youre treating like youve already had it or have it. She knows her stuff. I have a black belt in martial arts. I agree with that approach. She even sees and pinpoints the color, Theres one in the color I want. Im like, Oh my gosh. It feels a little bit like that sometimes. I thought they can do it. You want to win. Thank you very much for sharing that story. Yeah. And I would meditate and let it really pump me up and remind me of what Im trying to do with this book, because therere not only hundreds. Profit. 4 0 obj Gravity will be able to bring ERC20 assets from Ethereum into Cosmos, as well as Cosmos assets to Ethereum ERC20 representations. So, people know that if they recommend this book and their friend asks a question, Im going to take care of them as well. Gravity of the Cosmos ManifeSTARS (Testimonials) Watch on. Therefore, the gratitude that you experience and feel for it, its going to have a certainty and a confidence and a level of enthusiasm and power that you just cant manufacture. How many people wake up and have to say, Let me inhale. I didnt think much of it. Its not like Im charging an arm and a leg for this type of thing. I didnt do this specific exercise that Andrew had on day six and I did something else instead. Giving ourselves permission to be flexible, including with the time-lapse method. Whats going on? We had a hard conversation, which I would hate to hear myself back in the day because I was as guilty as anyone else. Who better to have than the man who has the number one best-selling book in this category on the market? Nice. Im very, very intrigued by the success of your book and look forward to talking to you about that. And this is a song. Whether somebody is listening to this and believes in whatever their idea of the law of attraction is, or not. It changed how I was able to have the conversation with him and ultimately, once he decided to give her all of it, it created a different conversation to have with her as well, which was powerful. His latest offering, The Last Law of Attraction Book Youll Ever Need To Read offers readers a never-before-seen understanding of the topic that no other LOA book has ever been able to do by going the extra mile of finally addressing WHY people who get excited about trying it still cant manage to get in the habit of using these methods for just five minutes a day. So, I dont have a lot going on right now. If they dont want to pull their wallets out, I have free content from my YouTube channel thats in support of the book and thats Action is required. You have so much resourcefulness within you and you access that. These are things that we gloss over when were under stress. But since my audience knows that Im only giving them value, and Ive only ever given them value, its very easy if I do a product launch to send it out there, sight unseen, and theyll buy. When youre doing the method to get the result, youre not realizing that youre focusing and reinforcing the energy and awareness to the universe and your subconscious mind that you dont have the result. I often say that except in sex where no is no. Its an evaluative process. Its like, Whoa, thats a lot to throw away. I look forward to seeing you on the next episode of In the Venn Zone. It better stand out. Im not in each persons business but I would argue that abundance thinking is so brilliant and beautiful, because it bleeds across so many different ways. If Im giving value in the book, thats going to pave the way. And most people dont have 1,600 sales, let alone, and I know what it takes to get a review for crying out loud. Shes not a numbers person, she was freaking out, she thought that he was trying to screw her. Maybe theres going to be something in their gut, like, This person is not the one.. Im absolutely going to be doing that gratitude, that five-minute gratitude, what would you call it, process? It was a breakup over text. Im not playing around here. Its called a time-lapse method. So it is. The huge hook to this, they dont mess up the Law of Attraction, they mess up their approach to engaging with it. -- Based on the #1 Best Seller: "The Last Law of Attraction Book You'll Ever Need To Read." This channel will provide fun and unique . Arent I supposed to do the methods to get results? Yes and no. This is not a first time. They do the method to get the result. We need to worry about the negotiation, our business, or another paycheck. The Gravity DEX is just the start of cross-chain trading of Cosmos tokens. I understand, besides the content, hopefully, delivering on what its supposed to. One of my other favorite quotes from my martial arts instructor is, People are screwed because we are composed mostly of water and electricity. Just say no and you get up and you walk away because thats the ultimate leverage. Its all about, what do you bring to the table as to who are you showing up as that will create the invitation for them to be the most harmonious match? They know what that is. To whatever measure you can, at least accept the fact that youre always worth more than you ever are acknowledging yourself for. Simply being grateful for your car, your paycheck, and the food that youre eating will indirectly lead to that relationship that youve wanted, that you can now be grateful for as well. It is on Audible. You could take a week off now. Even though Im glad to talk to you again, I want to try to do my part because, this is my personal opinion, I dont believe, in the law of attraction space, you need a guru. Precedent is often used when somebody agrees to do something that they didnt want to do and youve now set a precedent and its usually set as a negative. Hey, it's Andrew, otherwise known as that guy who wrote "The Last Law of Attraction Book You'll Ever Need To Read," and today, I'm gonna be teaching you a brand new manifestation method that I actually came with after I published my book AND after I launched my 90-day Gravity of the Cosmos Program. The book has enjoyed continued success, including hundreds of 5-star rave reviews, #1 Best Seller status in multiple categories on Amazon, and a growing YouTube channel devoted to it. Yeah. There are no rules. Through your facilitation of a better perspective through both of them, giving them that opportunity to see something in a different way less confrontational, less adversarial, and more harmonious. I want to have you talk a little bit about what gratitude and practicing gratitude means to you. What Ive noticed is, Ill get into conversations with people and theyll be like, Oh, wait. That goes beyond winning and whether youre dissolving a relationship or entering into a new relationship. Before I did this road, I was a marketing consultant and I did copywriting for other people. In my philosophy, and people who have read this before have read me say this, but for those who havent, my core philosophy on negotiation is, Negotiation is a conversation about a relationship and you cannot win a relationship. Even if you are dissolving a relationship, it is still a conversation about a relationship and how you look back in the future and on that moment. And now that I know what this is, how do I provide that for them in a way that they will never forget, in a way that under promised and over delivered? Your brain, your subconscious mind is the greatest supercomputer ever. All I know is that we as humans, dont downshift easily. You will let inspiration come and youre still going to do work but your action will be inspired. Andrew has helped thousands of entrepreneurs discover how to attract and manifest the money, relationships, health, and success they've always dreamed of. You can do combinations. That answers everything regarding the Law of Attraction. So, it just reaffirms and reminds me of, when youre giving that value through the book, through your presentations, through everything, I dont care about how it comes back because I am at a point now where Im so confident it is coming back. For anybody thats listening to this, whether they believe in whatever their idea of it is or not, you can believe in the power of gratitude. The reason I want to bring this up because besides the fact that we had your take on it and besides, heres this now this classic way, how do we apply this negotiation? Im not using textbook terms here, or Im not using textbook definitions, but weve got three minds. If the outcome is not what I want, but Im still safe, is it that bad? It came through to the people receiving the communication and they saw it as valid. Within four months, Im making more money than at any point in life before then. Is this a deal that I need now or is it a deal that I can do other business and get this three years from now when Im much stronger and can build? It is on Apple books. There is a myriad of ways of doing this that goes specific, tailor-made to your situation that you could get a lot out of. I realized that Im not a clinical psychologist, and the definition isnt exact but I always explained the ego in the context of us having three minds. And yes, it better have a title thats going to let you know that Im not messing around. The fact that you can notice and acknowledge it is what fuels it and reinforces it. Its pretty remarkable to see, so thank you. I dont think theres any doubt about that. But also, Ive been very intentional about creating an ecosystem of value, you might say. Thats the part I like about your book. Whether youre negotiating internally with yourself or externally with other parties, how you show up determines the kind of success that the universe will allow you to manifest. And Ive always thought of the law of attraction as having that obvious spiritual element, which I am in agreement with, and have, I think all human beings have a deep need for that meaningful connection with God, a higher power, et cetera. You see his book, if youre watching this on video, youll see his book in the background. So, this part of your mind, the ego, it loves you. This negotiation that a person is listening to now, not only is the negotiation valuable in the sense of what youre doing then, but its when that becomes good, and I hope Im not butchering this, you gain experience points. Win-win has become this thing that people are using as a battering ram sometimes and theyre disingenuous about the idea of both parties winning. And then youre delivering on that in the later ends where it makes more sense, and theres a richer texture to what youre hearing in the end, because you intelligently, hopefully, set that foundation in the beginning while simultaneously making that beginning still consumable, still entertaining, still easy to take in and still easy to enjoy. Its what you think about and what you think about and what you focus on manifest into your life cant... The man who has the number one best-selling book in the Venn Zone not a numbers person she! This thing that people can do it ram sometimes and theyre disingenuous about the idea of the things. The billionaire Thai media mogul bought the rights to Miss universe, Miss USA, and everything over... Will let inspiration come and youre still going to do work but your will! Engage with the universe even when things are bad, theres one in the present tense and... 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