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Labor inspections focused on the formal sector, leaving informal workers with no labor law protection. The government was reasonably effective in enforcing child labor laws in large and medium-sized companies, especially in the export-oriented factory (maquiladora) sector and other industries under federal jurisdiction. Standards moving through the development process at standards developing organizations (SDOs). Coordinator for the Arctic Region, Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources, Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization, Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security, Bureau of Arms Control, Verification and Compliance, Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation, Under Secretary for Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights, Bureau of Conflict and Stabilization Operations, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration, Office of International Religious Freedom, Office of the Special Envoy To Monitor and Combat Antisemitism, Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons, Under Secretary for Economic Growth, Energy, and the Environment, Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs, Office of the Science and Technology Adviser, Bureau of the Comptroller and Global Financial Services, Bureau of Information Resource Management, Office of Management Strategy and Solutions, Bureau of International Organization Affairs, Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs, Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs, U.S. Looking ahead. The government continued to pursue the extradition of Tomas Zeron from Israel. Authorities were attempting to extradite Roemer from Israel. INEGI found that 53 percent of women of reproductive age used modern contraception in 2018 (the most recent study). In July the CNB reported it had recovered more than 1,100 pounds of charred human remains from La Bartolina, Tamaulipas, a clandestine cremation site found in 2017. By law government health providers are obliged to offer sexual and reproductive emergency health services for survivors of sexual violence within 120 hours of the sexual assault. U.S. Department of State - United States Department of State Workers had to buy food and other items at the company store at high markups, at times leaving them with no money at the end of the harvest after settling debts. Respect for the Integrity of the Person, a. Authorities sometimes failed to respect court orders, and arrest warrants were sometimes ignored. As of July the CNB reported that there were 89,572 missing or disappeared persons in the country. Since 2019 more than 60 women accused Roemer of sexual abuse, assault, and rape. The current U.S. Department of State Travel Advisory at the date of this report's publication assesses Peru at Level 2, showing travelers should exercise increased caution. The year started under the shadow of the brutal murders of the . The law provides criminal penalties for corruption by officials, and the government took steps to increase its legal authority to pursue these crimes. Zeron led the investigation of the case by the former criminal investigations unit in the Attorney Generals Office at the time of the students disappearances. The threat against journalists by organized crime was particularly high in the state of Guerrero. The INE requested information from all 32 states, reviewed a sample of 1,177 of the 6,962 federal deputy candidates, and canceled the registration of three candidates for filing false reports. See the Department of States International Religious Freedom Report at https://www.state.gov/religiousfreedomreport/. September had the highest incident rate, with an average of 84 women killed in each month. Child, Early, and Forced Marriage: The legal minimum marriage age is 18. Institutionalized persons with disabilities often lacked adequate medical care and rehabilitation services, privacy, and clothing; they often ate, slept, and bathed in unhygienic conditions. Aggregate 360 score of 2.59, leadership index at 74, and eNPS of 70 demonstrate his . On February 19, a constitutional reform eliminated presidential immunity for corruption and other crimes. With no access to schools or child care, many workers took their children to work in the fields. On August 3, Ravelo died from his injuries. Significant human rights issues included credible reports of: unlawful or arbitrary killings by police, military, and other governmental officials; forced disappearance by government agents; torture and degrading treatment by security forces; harsh and life-threatening prison conditions; arbitrary arrest or detention; restrictions on free expression and media, including violence against journalists; acts of corruption; insufficient investigation of and accountability for gender-based violence, including but not limited to domestic and intimate partner violence; crimes involving violence or threats of violence targeting persons with disabilities; and crimes involving violence or threats of violence targeting lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and intersex persons. The new wage applied to all sectors and allowed an earner to reach or exceed the poverty line. There were accusations of sexual abuse against authorities during arrest and detention. NGOs alleged that provisions in laws threatened the privacy of internet users by forcing telecommunication companies to retain data for two years, providing real-time geolocation data to police, and allowing authorities to obtain metadata from private communications companies without a court order. According to data from the Mexican Social Security Institute, in 2020 there were approximately 278,000 workplace accidents, resulting in 666 deaths. The Jalisco government disarmed the municipal police force of Ixtlahuacan and turned over public security duties to the National Guard and the Jalisco Secretariat for Public Security. The government, in conjunction with international organizations, made efforts to promote the safe, voluntary return, resettlement, or local integration of IDPs. Federal law prohibits arbitrary arrest and detention and provides for the right of any person to challenge the lawfulness of his or her arrest or detention in court; however, the government sometimes failed to observe these requirements. Created in 1985, the Diplomatic Security Service's (DSS) Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC) promotes security cooperation between the State Department and U.S. private sector interests around the world. According to several NGOs and unions, many workers faced violence and intimidation perpetrated by protection union leaders and employers supporting them, as well as other workers, union leaders, and vigilantes hired by a company to suppress opposition to an existing union in bargaining-rights elections. Federal law prohibits domestic violence and stipulates penalties for conviction of between six months and four years imprisonment. The report singled out Hidalgo, Nayarit, Puebla, Sinaloa, Sonora, and Tamaulipas as the states with the worst prison conditions. Most formal-sector workers (70 percent) received between one and three times the minimum wage. Read the entire Travel Advisory. This represented an increase of 11 percent of children from the 2017 INEGI survey. In October 2020 the Electoral Tribunal granted registration to three new political parties: Solidary Encounter Party, Progressive Social Networks, and Social Force for Mexico. Conditions in prisons and detention centers were often harsh and life threatening. osac crime and safety report honduras. State and municipal laws addressing domestic violence largely failed to meet the required federal standards and often were unenforced. In August 2020 a federal judge sentenced Juan Carlos El Larry Moreno Ochoa to 50 years in prison for killing Breach. Freedom of expression advocacy groups reported the government, despite reductions in its advertising budgets, continued to have a strong financial impact and influence on the largest media companies. By law workers may remove themselves from situations that endanger health or safety without jeopardy to their employment. Sandoval remained in pretrial detention as of August. Abuses of persons with disabilities included the use of physical and chemical restraints; physical and sexual abuse; human trafficking, including forced labor; disappearance; and the illegal adoption of institutionalized children. This book is required to read as an instruction manual for the dem Some cases dated back to the 1960s, but the vast majority occurred since 2006. Not all public defenders were qualified, however, and often the state public defender system was understaffed. Penalties for law violations regarding hours and minimum wage were commensurate with those for other similar laws but were rarely enforced. Of the 32 states, 24 criminalize sexual harassment, and all states have provisions for punishment when the perpetrator is in a position of power. Gomez had advocated against illegal logging and the destruction of the Michoacan monarch butterfly habitat. See the Department of States Annual Report on International Parental Child Abduction at https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/International-Parental-Child-Abduction/for-providers/legal-reports-and-data/reported-cases. The NGO Mexican Commission for the Defense and Promotion of Human Rights identified 15 incidents between January and July of mass forced internal displacement (defined as the displacement of at least 10 families or 50 individuals) due to violence. It was created in 2019 to bring together national and international forensic experts to help identify 37,000 unidentified remains held in government facilities, coordinate implementation of the general law on forced disappearances, and allocate resources to state search commissions. Of all children, 7.1 percent, or two million, were younger than the minimum age of work or worked under conditions that violated federal labor law, such as performing hazardous work. The elections were generally free and fair. As of August 16, authorities had not arrested any suspects. While penalties for conviction of forced labor were commensurate with those for similar crimes, very few cases were successfully prosecuted. The Secretariat of National Defense and Secretariat of the Navy also play a role in domestic security, particularly in combating organized criminal groups. As of August there were no developments in the case regarding the abduction and killing of seven-year-old Fatima Aldrighetti Anton. On January 14, community leaders went to the municipal headquarters of Ayutla de los Libres, Guerrero, to urge revocation of Protestant families local property rights for refusing to participate in the construction and servicing of the local Catholic church. It may exercise its power to call before the Senate government authorities who refuse to accept or enforce its recommendations. They were vulnerable to abuse from staff members, other patients, or guests at facilities where there was inadequate supervision. 4 The authorities failed to properly safeguard the evidence collected, examine all lines of investigation and correctly apply a gender perspective. In 2019 a Mexico City court ordered academic Sergio Aguayo, a columnist of the daily newspaper Reforma, to pay a fine of 10 million pesos ($530,000) in moral damages to former Coahuila governor Humberto Moreira. In June media outlets reported that a fight between two rival groups of inmates left six inmates dead and nine wounded at a prison in Villahermosa, Tabasco. In most states alternative justice centers employed mechanisms such as mediation, negotiation, and restorative justice to resolve minor offenses outside the court system. In August Yucatan passed a law legalizing same-sex marriage, increasing the number of states making it legal to 22 of the countrys 32 states. . After accumulating nine hours of overtime in a week, a worker earns triple the hourly wage. The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, and NGOs expressed concerns regarding arbitrary detention and the potential for it to lead to other human rights abuses. As of August 25, former governor of Chihuahua Cesar Duarte was awaiting an extradition decision. Through a nationwide assessment process, the National Search Commission (CNB) revised the governments official number of missing or disappeared persons repeatedly as additional data became available. Contents1 What is the crime rate in [] There were 600 federal labor inspectors to cover the entire country; 60 percent of state level labor authorities had fewer than 10 inspectors. Discrimination and Societal Abuses, Systemic Racial or Ethnic Violence and Discrimination, Acts of Violence, Criminalization, and Other Abuses Based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity, Other Societal Violence or Discrimination, a. Zone 18 and the city of Villa Nueva in Guatemala City due to crime. The national emergency telephone number is 911. Signup for our newsletter to get notified about sales and new products. Authorities declared 10 political parties eligible to participate in the midterm elections. Huehuetenango Department (except the city of Huehuetenango) due to crime. This one-hour panel will be a can't miss discussion on lessons-learned stemming from remarkable on-the-ground stories. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy, 2021 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices, Section 1. OSAC membership includes 5,400+ member organizations and 18,000+ individual members from corporate, non-profit, academic, and faith-based groups of every size, all with overseas operations and personnel who are exposed to ever-evolving security issues. In January 2020 the government raised the minimum wage. Women, children, indigenous persons, persons with disabilities, LGBTQI+ persons, and migrants (including men, women, and children) were the most vulnerable to forced labor (see section 7.c.). Social programs to combat child labor did not address all sectors where child labor occurred. According to the NGO Christian Solidarity Worldwide, Catholic-majority communities sometimes discriminated, harassed, threatened, displaced, denied basic services, and destroyed the property of individuals who left Catholicism. Informal workers were in every sector of the economy, with agriculture as the sector with the greatest number of informal workers. On August 7, several journalist organizations, including the Puebla Network of Journalists, National Network of Journalists, Communication, and Information on Women, and International Network of Journalists with a Gender Vision, issued a statement denouncing increased levels of violence against female journalists in Puebla from security forces and criminal organizations. 1. All states have additional laws against discrimination. Nevertheless, women nationwide faced obstacles to accessing emergency services due to health providers personal objections to emergency contraception or misunderstanding of their legal obligations to provide services. Libel/Slander Laws: There are no federal criminal laws against defamation, libel, or slander; however, eight states have criminal laws on these acts. In addition to the outstanding Zeron arrest warrant, the Special Unit for the Investigation and Litigation of the Ayotzinapa case issued 12 warrants and made 10 arrests for investigative irregularities, such as torture and obstruction of justice. Government officials stated that the harassment of Catholic priests and evangelical Protestant pastors reflected high levels of generalized violence throughout the country and not targeted attacks based on religious faith. The government cooperated with the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and other humanitarian organizations in providing protection and assistance to refugees, returning refugees, or asylum seekers, as well as other persons of concern. The Director of DSS serves as the council . This limited medias ability to investigate and report, since many of the reporters who were killed covered crime, corruption, and local politics. Federal law sets six eight-hour days and 48 hours per week as the legal workweek. In June another priest died in a cartel crossfire on the Durango-Zacatecas border. Organized criminal elements, including local and transnational gangs, and narcotics traffickers, were significant perpetrators of violent crimes and committed acts of homicide, torture, kidnapping, extortion, human trafficking, bribery, intimidation, and other threats, resulting in high levels of violence and exploitation, particularly targeting vulnerable groups. Sanchez was a reporter for Facebook-based Panorama Pacifico and was in the protection mechanism after suffering an attempt on his life in July 2020. Civil society organizations, however, reported that the number of labor inspections was not sufficient to secure compliance. Journalists could criticize the government and discuss matters of general interest with no restrictions. The government approved the National Work and Employment Program for People with Disabilities 2021-2024, aimed at strengthening labor inclusion of persons with disabilities and supporting the employment of persons with disabilities in decent work. The CNDHs 2020 National Diagnostic of Penitentiary Supervision reported that state prisons were understaffed and suffered from poor sanitary conditions as well as a lack of separation between those sentenced and those awaiting trial. Most internal affairs units, however, were insufficiently staffed and funded. Freedom of Expression, Including for Members of the Press and Other Media, b. Freedoms of Peaceful Assembly and Association, d. Freedom of Movement and the Right to Leave the Country, e. Status and Treatment of Internally Displaced Persons, Section 3. In June unknown assailants killed Javier Barajas Pina in the state of Guanajuato. The education system provided education for students with disabilities nationwide. The National Migration Institute, under the authority of the Interior Secretariat, is responsible for enforcing migration law. This report details El Salvador's crime and safety reports. In a June International Organization for Migration survey, 20 percent of citizens and 35 percent of third-country migrants reported using a smuggler to arrive to the U.S.-Mexico border. Workers, the employer, or an interested third party may request the CAB or court rule on the legality of the strike, which may find the strike is nonexistent and therefore illegal. The state commissions are funded by state legislatures and are semiautonomous. Day laborers and their children were the primary victims of forced and child labor in the agricultural sector, particularly in the production of chili peppers and tomatoes. Disappearances remained a persistent problem throughout the country, especially in areas with high levels of cartel or gang-related violence. Between January 1 and August 4, it received 4,119 reports of missing persons and located 3,805 alive and 277 deceased. The increase in domestic violence cases that began during the start of the COVID-19 pandemic continued. The presidential cabinet had 19 secretariats, and as of August women headed seven. As of September no alleged perpetrators of the disappearances had been convicted, and 78 of those initially accused were released due to lack of evidence, generally due to irregularities in their detention, including confessions obtained through torture. Civil society and families of the disappeared stated the governments actions to prevent and respond to disappearances were largely inadequate to address the scale of the problem. Sexual Harassment: Federal law prohibits sexual harassment and provides for fines from 250 to 5,000 times the minimum daily wage, but the law was not effectively enforced. In April authorities arrested 30 members of the navy and charged them with forced disappearances in Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, in 2018. The minimum age for hazardous work is 18, including all work in the agricultural sector. The 45,000-person Jewish community experienced low levels of anti-Semitism. The National Council to Prevent Discriminations 2017 national survey on discrimination found 58 percent of Afro-Mexicans and 65 percent of indigenous persons considered their rights were respected little or not at all. The survey also reported 22 percent of persons said they would not share a household with an Afro-Mexican. In July a joint investigation by media outlets reported a leaked Pegasus list of more than 15,000 individuals as possible targets for surveillance in 2016 and 2017. The law prohibits minors from working in a broad list of hazardous and unhealthy occupations. Some NGOs alleged individuals who organized campaigns to discredit human rights defenders at times acted with tacit support from government officials. Organized criminal groups were implicated in numerous killings, acting with impunity and at times in collusion with corrupt federal, state, local, and security officials. An Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation study on the use of contraceptives in Chiapas (the poorest state) found that older women were less likely to use family planning methods (13 percent of women ages 35 and older, versus 18 percent of women ages 20-34), while 23 percent of indigenous women opposed birth control for religious, cultural, or social reasons. Authorities arrested four police officers and charged them with femicide (killing a woman because of her gender). In July the Supreme Court ruled that authorities at all levels must investigate enforced disappearances, search for disappeared persons, and inform victims of the process. The rate of aggression against political figures during the election cycle was on par with the 2018 election, one of the most violent political periods in recent history. OSAC Registry. A warrant for arrest is not required if an official has direct evidence regarding a persons involvement in a crime, such as having witnessed the commission of a crime; in a 2018 report, the domestic think tank Mexico Evalua determined that 90 percent of all arrests fell under this category. In 2019 the Prosecutor Generals Office opened a corruption investigation against Lozoya for receiving up to $10 million in bribes from the Brazilian construction firm Odebrecht. Interested parties can call the Baja California Secretary of Public Safety anonymous tip line at 1-866-201-5060 from anywhere in the U.S. to report any crime- related information. According to the Interior Secretariat, between 2018 and July assailants killed seven journalists and two defenders under protection of the mechanism. Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and family members of disappeared persons alleged the prosecutors undercounted the actual number of cases. Some civil society groups, however, asserted that state commissions were subservient to the state executive branch. As a result the number of pretrial detainees increased 25 percent since 2018, and pretrial detainees comprised 40 percent of all prisoners, according to government figures. Children performed dangerous tasks in agriculture in the production of beans, chili peppers, coffee, cucumbers, eggplants, melons, onions, tomatoes, and tobacco. Pretrial Detention: Lengthy pretrial detention was a problem, and authorities did not always promptly release those detained unlawfully. COMARs budget increased modestly in recent years but was not commensurate with the growth in refugee claims in the country. In November 2020 a judge suspended five officials from the Mexico City Prosecutor Generals Office for failing to search for Fatima within 72 hours after she went missing. By law attorneys are required to meet professional qualifications to represent a defendant. According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the median salary for full-time female employees was 19 percent less than that of full-time male employees. In March police officers broke the neck of Salvadoran refugee Victoria Salazar. Local commentators pointed to the electoral authorities quick and transparent publishing of results as increasing citizen trust in the electoral and democratic system. We do know that Cuba has relatively few guns, and violent crime is fairly uncommon. Corruption: There were numerous reports of government corruption during the year. 2021 105W 100W 95W 90W 85W 80W 75W 70W 65W 60W 55W 50W 45W 40W 35W 30W N N !\ . Additionally, some indigenous students did not receive the breakfasts and lunches normally included in the full-time school meal program, according to a UNESCO study. Standards moving through the development process at standards developing organizations (SDOs). They often experienced racism and discrimination and were frequently victims of violence. According to a 2019 National Child Labor Survey, the number of children ages five to 17 in child labor, including in hazardous household work, was 3.3 million, or approximately 11.5 percent of children in the country. According to the Mexican Social Security Institute, as a result of the law 2.7 million workers of the 4.6 million subcontractors moved from formal subcontracting status to a formal direct employment status. The law allows for the reinstatement of workers if the CAB finds the employer fired the worker without just cause and the worker requests reinstatement; however, the law also exempts broad categories of employees from this protection, including so-called employees of confidence and workers in the job for less than one year. Index; Crime Index: 68.49: Safety Index: 31.51: Crime rates in Mexico City, Mexico. On October 1, a judge sentenced Fidel Figueroa, mayor of Zacualpan, state of Mexico, to 236 years in prison for murder. State search collectives reported being victims, at times fatal, of attacks, threats, and other acts of harassment. In just the first few months of 2019, the Mexican coastal state of Veracruz has been plagued by bloodshed - on the streets, in drive-by shootings, and even with a massacre at a family gathering . On January 11, the government ended migratory detention for children. 345 long rd, pittsburgh, pa 15235 The COVID-19 pandemic in Guinea-Bissau is part of the worldwide pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2).The virus was confirmed to have reached Guinea-Bissau in March 2020.. Guinea-Bissau reported their first two cases of COVID-19 on March 24, 2020. The National Guard and state and municipal police are responsible for enforcing the law and maintaining order. Access to justice was limited. And while the media sensationalizes stories of violence in Mexico, Mexico is safer than many major U.S. cities.Visitors from around the world enjoy these vibrant cities in relative, reasonable safety. The law criminalizes sharing, distributing, and publishing intimate sexual content (including photographs, audio, and videos) featuring individuals who have not explicitly given their consent, with penalties of up to six years in prison. Between January and August the CNDH recorded 123 complaints of arbitrary detention. Although the law requires entities recruiting for overseas employment to register with the STPS, there is no enforcement mechanism, and only a handful of recruiters complied. Recent Elections: International observers considered the midterm elections (legislative, gubernatorial, and local) to be generally free and fair, with only minor reports of irregularities. Mexico is a multiparty federal republic with an elected president and bicameral legislature. Observers from grassroots labor rights groups, international NGOs, and multinational apparel brands reported that employers in export-oriented supply chains increasingly used hiring methods that lessened job security. Flores received temporary protection from the Interior Secretariat protection mechanism. On August 31, the government suspended the two agents for inappropriate conduct. The board identified 3,286 homes in five states for relocation before completion of the construction project. In July 2020 the CNB launched a public version of the National Registry of Disappeared and Missing Persons. As mentioned in the Justice in Mexico 2020 Organized Crime and Violence Special Report, Guanajuato is one of the major hot spots of violence in Mexico. The 10 most dangerous cities in the world mapped. Lead a diverse and talented team to protect our people, assets and operations in the Americas region. Sometimes family members arranged marriages for girls younger than 18. Several outbreaks of COVID-19 resulted in multiple deaths. Federal labor law requires a minimum of 20 workers to form a union. The law also provides for the rights of appeal and of bail in most categories of crimes. 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