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I think the Regs adequately address both tractors. However, if these items are reproduced without modification they are considered tangible personal property and subject to sales or use tax. Gotcha. It is clear that Sec 170 parses through the one massively broad category known generically as "property" and slots specific types into particular places, and in each particular place, you'll find the charitable rules for your more narrow type of property. Or, in this case is the dime now tangible property, not money, and he gets his basis, 15 cents, as a deduction. A tangible personal property list can be used to transfer a broad array of personal property, with the exception of money, coin collections, and property used in trade or business. Aircraft & Boats Transfer and ownership of aircraft is handled by the Federal Aviation Agency. easy to value; the PLR does mention holding purpose, although I agree, the PLR isn't worth a ton] (2) plus, they're denominated, U.S. Legal Tender [a la regular coinage, which is treated as money] and (3) I'm not convinced the existing charitable rules contemplated the U.S. getting back into the gold minting business and (4) there's a carve-out in 408(m) and (4) the government touts them as investments and (5) if you turn one in to the Federal Reserve, you get face value only, indicative of money. Trustee compensation should be specified. The Comptroller treats the sale of software, canned or custom, as the taxable sale of tangible . 5703-9-46(A)(7) do differ somewhat on the treatment of "customized" software. Gold prices have declined about 15% since they reached nearly $1,900/ounce last August and are known to be volatile as a rule. If I do work for a client and get paid with a Koala Bear, a car, gold coins, a piano, a house, a computer, or whatever, it's taxable. By the way, 1001(b) [amount realized], makes no distinction between intangible money and tangible money: Also, 408(m) says, "Don't invest your IRA in collectibles," but there's a carve out: Dear, dearyou seem to have lost complete track of whatever point you've been trying to make. Estate Planning for Art and Personal Property. OK. Now Fogel states categorically that the people who say the PLR would have been reversed are just repeating what someone else told them and in actuality have no direct knowledge. (Might also want to try paying your local property taxes with onesee how much credit they'll give youor, just ask Mr. Klein (Crummey vs. Klein Indep. School Dist., 2008 WL 4441957 (5th Cir. Use this button to show and access all levels. A lock icon ( Another foolish comment by Dennis. An unreferenced PLR that was withdrawn and not published isnt any help. I guess we could say since OP's coins *aren't* all that, then OP's coins are not tangible personalty, for Section 170 purposes, per that RR. The "gold masters" allowed the corporate mainframe to communicate directly with the store computers. 1. But, as things stand now, you're right. This is contrasted with intangible personal property, which includes stocks, bonds, and intellectual property like copyrights and patents. The Regan era coins are tangible personal property subject to gift tax. Tangible personal property is everything other than real estate that has value by itself. SmartAssets services are limited to referring users to third party advisers registered or chartered as fiduciaries ("Adviser(s)") with a regulatory body in the United States that have elected to participate in our matching platform based on information gathered from users through our online questionnaire. In other words, substantial authority is certainly nice, but it doesn't mean you're gonna win. Definitions. End of story. So are ETFs that invest in gold bullion. Property owners who lease or rent tangible personal property must also file this return for tax purposes. You're awesome! are gold coins considered tangible personal property. Household furnishings, books, tools, jewelry, motor vehicles and boats are some of the items which fall into the category of tangible personal property. Okay, enough with the gold coinsI need help with that Preggers post Maybe. And I'm sure you would submit the charity's letter as evidence. Intangible personal property is an item of individual value that cannot be touched or held. platinum, gold, or silver bullion having a total value of $1,000 or more; . A statement by someone who authored an article? http://www.pgdc.com/pgdc/tangible-personal-property. Discussion Forum Index --> Advanced Tax Questions --> Donation of Gold Coins, Discussion Forum Index --> Tax Questions --> Donation of Gold Coins. So are ETFs that invest in gold bullion. Liza is also the author of Busy Family's Guide to Estate Planning: 10 Steps to Peace of Mind. As usual, we are a bit ahead of our time here on TA. 22 E-books are also taxable. Thus they appear to be USC Title 37 5112(a)(7) coins. It can be valued just as easily, you just weigh it instead of looking it up on a stock chart. Youre more likely to encounter tangible personal property taxes if you own a business, however. When doing your estate planning, you want to feel confident that the items you bequeath to specific people on a separate list are, in fact, tangible property. Absolutely! South African Krugerrand coins are more akin to money than to coins that have value as collections items. No net deduction. "Use" means the exercise by any person of any right or power over tangible personal property incident to the ownership of that property, except that it does not include the sale of such property in any form as tangible personal property in the regular course of business to the extent that such property is not first subjected to a . therefore, they can be measured and are considered tangible personal property. This is especially true when the beneficiaries of ones residuary estate are intended to be different than the beneficiaries of ones tangible personal property. Some states only apply a tax on tangible property in the year the property was purchased. Based on the foregoing, it is ruled that sales of gold coins, such as Krugerrands and Maple Leafs, the value of which depends upon their gold content, are sales of tangible personal property rather than exchanges of currency. Typically, individual retirement accounts (IRAs), which are tax-advantaged, can be used to hold tangible assets, such as gold and silver coins. So, by this definition, such a good coin wouldn't be a collectiblemaybe wouldn't be "property other than money," leading one to conclude that it might be money. When boats or cars are still subject to a lien, these items will need to be sold in order for the title to be transferred out of the decedents name. Yah I read that one (at least some of including the section on coins, anyway). Personal property comes in two forms. Examples So, I pointed to the one place in the IRC when there's a relevant reference to Gold - Sec 408 - wherein the gold coins at issue (I'm pretty sure) were carved out as not being treated as a collectible. And there do not seem to be any opinions supporting. We don't care what 1031 says. It qualifies for a 1031 exchange with gold bullion. (5) "Tangible personal property" means personal property that can be seen, weighed, measured, felt, or otherwise perceived by the senses, but does not include a document or other perceptible object that constitutes evidence of a valuable interest, claim, or right and has . Outright gift of gold bullion Anyway, these debates are good. Under that rule, a sale of canned software was considered to be a sale of tangible personal property, as is a sale of prewritten computer software as defined in new R.C. The sales and use taxes are imposed with respect to sales of tangible personal property (G.L. Then come the Regs. Thought must also be given to whether the packing, shipping and transportation of items should be an expense of the estate or borne by the individual beneficiaries. Comparison to Non-Tangible Assets, What Is Bonus Depreciation? What is Tangible Personal Property? Tangible personal property includes a wide variety of equipment, from small office fixtures to light trucks and buses. What matters is the value of the property. Part of the problem, as I see it, and as noted a few times, is that we're dealing with a law (charitable contribution of tangible personalty) that came before the Gold Bullion Coin Act of 1985. Yes, I'll just cut and paste from my above comments, since you're a little slow today. However, if these items are reproduced without modification, they are considered tangible personal property and subject to sales or use tax. A ruling on the Canadian Maple Leaf does not apply to US minted gold coins "However, the IRS apparently was ready to reverse its position in a later PLR that was withdrawn because the taxpayer died. Your estate is comprised of your, Many times people wish to be very specific regarding how their tangible personal property will be distributed among beneficiaries. My client says they are 1.0oz $50 American Eagles. Even though an ETF share is just paper (or more likely just bytes), it represents ownership of the metal itself and thats enough to make it a collectible for tax purposes. Goodman Law | Attorney Advertising, 14 Ridgedale Avenue, Suite 254, Cedar Knolls, NJ 07927 | Phone: 973.567.3849, Legal Blog For Elder Law and Estate Planning In New Jersey, Estate Planning Questions About Tangible Personal Property, Elder Law From an Estate Planning Perspective, The Difference Between Executors, Trustees, and Guardians, Avoiding the Pitfalls of Trust and Estate Administration, Divorced Parents with Special Needs Children, Estate Lawyer Planning for Solo Boomers, Estate Planning: Telling your Children What Youre Planning and Why. They will use the vehicles make and model, manufacture year, mileage and condition to determine what its potentially worth for taxation purposes. 69-63 donation of coins not held primarily as a medium of exchange is a gift of tangible personal property. 1)Does the client get the bullion value of the gold as a charitable donation deduction (i.e. Gold coins and gold bullion are considered collectibles for tax purposes. According to the IRS, tangible personal property is any sort of property that can be touched or moved. For purposes of this subsection, the term collectible shall not include. If you turn a $10 face vlaue gold coin in to the Federal Reserve, they'll give you a $10.00 Federal Reserve Note (i.e. Heres why. And that is the position of every state that imposes a sales tax. But the carve out, although it doesn't mean that much, at least in my mind, makes one wonder if the implication is that the carved out coins are, in fact, "money." Sure, it would be easy to do that, but I'm not so sure its appropriate. Thank you everyone for all the input. Also - check me on this - but I think that in determining "personal property" for 170 purposes, we'd go by the Sec 48 ITC rules. Some page levels are currently hidden. Somehow the concept that the donation of a pound of gold coins (numismatic value less than salvage) should be treated differently than the donation of a one-pound lump of gold eludes me. Boats, depending on their size, are subject to different regulations. What is not on the books is a single case of someone donating U.S. legal tender, newly minted, circulating gold coins to a charity. Tax Implications of Contributing Gold to Charity Related Professionals. a) Held over one year. It also has securities that can be converted easily into cash. Why? [1]. Own shares in a gold mining company or in an Exchange-Traded Fund (ETF) that invests in gold mining companies. No other relevant details. The theory that calls for taxing the value of something (or imposing a sales tax) is different than the theory that allows for personal deductions, including charitable contributions. It is also advisable to consider the appointment of successor trustees and custodians. The property type doesn't matter. You may have donors who have accumulated significant holdings in gold. Photo credit: iStock.com/Artur, iStock.com/Pete Martin, iStock.com/vm. People can hold this type of property and they can also see it. If its determined to be cash, then the collection should be bequeathed through the Will, which you must sign along with two witnesses, and which must be notarized. Valuing Tangible Assets. We'd like to know about Section 170. I would think closer to behind the eight ball, but I certainly don't disagree that the PLR can be relied on to avoid penalties. A letter from the property appraisal office will usually be sent by mail to the company notifying it to file taxes on its property. Own shares in a Gold ETF. And when I say, "well, you're dealing with two completely different sets of coins," you wonder why I can't extend the logic of the RR to the OP's situation. For a charitably-minded Mr. Franklin, the dependable cash flow from the annuity combined with some tax savings and a generous gift to charity could be appealing. Actually, I left out my basis in that dime, so not sure how you come to that conclusion anyway. There is tangible personal property which would include cars, household goods, personal effects, guns, coin collections etc. Based on the foregoing, it is ruled that sales of gold coins, such as Krugerrands and Maple Leafs, the value of which depends upon their gold content, are sales of tangible personal property rather than exchanges of currency. But I don't think the Regs contemplated newly minted, U.S. gold coins. One of the many reasons a person creates a Will is to specify who is to receive or what should happen with their tangible personal property when they die. Tangible personal property is the opposite of real property, in a sense, as real property is immovable. Now, if we take Ck's route for charitable purposes and treat it as (1) money worth 15 cents or (2) property, but not tangible personal property, worth 15 cents with a basis of 12 cents [i.e. Might want to read this too, about how uber important state law characterization is with respect to 1031 exchanges Held, since the collection of rare coins was not held primarily as a medium of exchange. Call it personal property, if you will, but the cases haven't really gone that far. It includes all personal property that isnt considered real property or intangible property such as patents, copyrights, bonds or stocks. Tangible personal property (TPP) comprises property that can be moved or touched, and commonly includes items such as business equipment, furniture, and automobiles. Wills often contain trusts for the benefit of younger or disabled persons. Chris already brought this up, more or less, but I ask: What if Chris paid 15 cents for the aforementioned dime? I think we can do so with a great many things. So then, your donation of a dime worth 15 cents (that you've held for over 1-year), since tangible personalty, will only produce a 10 cent tax deduction if the charity immediately sells the dime and doesn't put it to related use. The only states that exclude tangible personal property from taxation altogether are: The process of levying taxes on tangible personal property varies wildly from one state to the next, and may even vary between different counties and local municipalities. I'm also smart enough to know that OP's client has a pretty good case to make some waves with this issue. They are probably the bullion coins authorized by Reagan. Legally, pets are considered to be "property." To meet the legal definition, "tangible" property must not only be tangible, of course, but also weighed and "physically relocated." Keeping up with the law's definitions of tangible and intangible personal property is key in estate planning and probate administration. 82-96 -- exchange of bullion for Canadian Maple Leafs qualifies. 2 & Ch. He bought them strictly as a gold bullion investment, not as a collector. They certainly don't "for purposes of" 408(m) - and I wonder why? I dont think youre going to find any relevant guidance on this issue other than the PLR. Tangible personal property means: articles of personal or household use or ornament, for example, furniture, furnishings, automobiles, boats, airplanes, and jewelry, as well as precious metals in any tangible form, for example, bullion or coins. Dear Liza: I collect estate jewelry, and ancient and antique coins. Within the law, there are many categories of tangible property which may be considered for purposes of . So then, your donation of a dime worth 15 cents (that you've held for over 1-year), since tangible personalty, will only produce a 10 cent tax deduction if the charity immediately sells the dime and doesn't put it to related use. These assets can be held by both individuals and corporations. Checklist for Personal and Tax Documents After a Natural Disaster. Tangible assets are physical and measurable assets that are used in a company's operations. Neither the RR or PLR deal with recently minted U.S. Gold Coins, as I have told you many times. For charitable purposes, if treated as "money," the deduction would be 10 cents. Rul. The coins in the RR did take on collector's value and this is why the RR made mention of it. Possession of certain items are considered to be strict liability crimes that carry severe penalties. If that's all you've got you are going to lose. The owner purchases shares in a company that is mining gold, rather than gold itself, with the expectation that the mining company and its share price (or the share price of the ETF that invests in such companies) will prosper when the price of gold goes up. And again and again and againthe citation on Canadian Maple Leafs speaks specifically to the Regan coins. For reference, the unfavorable tax treatment can be found in. But if you would like it to be, its an interesting position by the IRS, because it flies in the face of your notion that if you can see it and touch it, and if it's subject to sales tax, gift tax and estate tax, it MUST be tangible personaltyregardless of holding purpose. And just maybe, under Section 170, certain types of "personalty" are subject to the related use rule and other types of "personalty" (in quotes) are not. Good question. I see a charitable deduction here for 12 cents. No exemption is available for distribution made in accordance with a Will or a Trust. The Regan era coins are like kind with gold bullion. Rul. Different rules depending on the situation. Of course, the word "money" isn't defined in the Tax CodeI made that point too, Dennis, but maybe you missed it. The Regan era coins are tangible personal property that can included in the Estate of a Non-Resident Alien. As such, applying a strict "personal property" label to something like a gold coin might not be appropriate. So, not sure why you think the charity is taking your position. I dispose of it via sale, I have a gain to report (realization). The feedback will only be used for improving the website. It speaks to rare coins, because as you noted, but would rather forget, the ruling predates. This is not an offer to buy or sell any security or interest. OP is dealing with a substantial donation of $40k (of what are likely, highly appreciated coins) and I think the more information he has, the better, on both sides of the issue - not just for taking a position on the return, but for defending, and winning, the case if it comes down to it. The article involved realization only and took no position on anything. Best Review Site for Digital Cameras. It includes furniture, fixtures, tools, machinery, signs, equipment, leasehold improvements, supplies, leased equipment and any other equipment used in a business. Contact us today or call862.307.8719. On the day he contributes the gold to your charity its value is $161,500. As I am inventorying my belongings to determine what should be left to whom, I wonder if this all needs to be spelled out in the document, or if I can maintain an inventory spreadsheet with pictures of the items. And, I'm also smart enough to know that OP's client has a pretty good case to make some waves with this issue. And note, the RR *didn't* say, "the coins can be felt and touched, so they are tangible personalty property.". The Canadian Maple Leaf is "money" It has a defined currency value. A .mass.gov website belongs to an official government organization in Massachusetts. This is not meant as disagreement, merely a comment. John Franklin, age 72, purchased 100 ounces of gold bullion for $31,000. Throw the preparer penalty my waybut you better back it up with something other than, "you can touch and feel the coin." The money collected is generally used to support community safety, schools, infrastructure and other public projects. I myself don't think we should treat a dime as personal property. If you guys are thinking, "Dennis seems to be focusing on the status quo and ignoring the fact that the U.S. has started minting gold coins again," you would be right. In my opinion, that's no proof at all. Ah. This isn't my article, but here's some stuff on it: Thanks, Chris. That's why I like the "akin to an appreciated stock" argument better. You can't extend the logic b/c the RR logic applies to the specific coins involved in the ruling. If its deemed to be tangible personal property, then you can just gift it via a separate list, without the need for witnesses or a notary. I have no problem with a taxing a 1031 exchange that involves coins. Sometimes, however, it isnt clear whether or not an item falls under the definition oftangible personal property. If the courts would like to call these coins "property other than money," for purposes of 170, then great. The stock certificate evidences the Company you own. "Collectibles" is a term of art to designate something subject to a special 28% tax rate, or something that can't go in an IRA. Dennis of course knows nothing about this test, although it is the backbone to all the courts' decisionswhich makes one wonder how the courts will change the test in light of the U.S. now minting coins again. And, if we must go there, we should cite the relevant parts from the RR. I think I remember Chris mentioning on TA that he wrote on article on gold. [2], "A second Kruggerand ruling submitted some nine months later, which was withdrawn because of the tax payers death, appeared to indicate that IRS had changed its mind." 2008). It just fleshed out the history of the cases and the facts, with a few observations here and there. gold, silver, or numismatic coins of any value; iii. The IRS has ruled that nonrare gold coins (such as Krugerrands, U.S. Mint gold coins, and Canadian Maple Leaf coins) are to be treated like currency 27 and are therefore not subject to the restrictions applicable to the donation of tangible personal property. The term includes articles even if held for investment purposes and encompasses tangible property . Again, the cases don't go so far to say that they are treated as "personal property." 1.170A-13(c)(2). 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