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When lying in the sand, they can easily hurt one another. The large double war canoe ('alia) and the two-bowed taumualua have been superseded by the big row-boats which the natives have learned to build European style. I shouldn't say fat, that might offend him, but he's Samoan and claims to have seen ghosts. Ua leai se manu e olo. They were too late for the catch. (A paraphrase for moemoesolo.). 110. The whole contraption is known as matau, or more simply, pa. To polish the pa, pieces of coral are used: the rough kind called puga, as well as the softer 'ana. 184. The heaviest object, i.e., the house, is carried by the strongest fellowthe Cinderellawho has to do all the heavy work. Mr. Neffgen, Govt. I don't know the views of that person. Home | About Us | Contact Us | Privacy Policy | Terms of Service Copyright 2023 Funeralwise, LLC. This phrase literally means he is a lizard crawling however it is actually used to describe a disobedient person. Originally this was used metaphorically for a beautiful calm day when the sea and the mountains are perfectly visible. The work is progressing fast. 123. So he prayed to Tagaloalagi, the highest god, to help him. 13. Given that dialogue relating to death and grief for many Samoans remains in the realm of tapu (sacred) or s (protected), few attempts have been made by researchers of Samoan heritage Foga'afa is idiomatic for faga'afa. When a Samoan has to do manual work, he takes off his lavalava and puts on a girdle of ti leaves. 193. Avetu ni lo, aumai ni lo. Before the advancement of mortuary science there, the deceased was buried the day after death. E 'asa le faiva, 'ae le 'asa le masalo. The tia are close together but it is long way from one to the other. This is the titi with which one can slide about (se'ese'e) in the dirt. The matai takes precedence and must be given what is best. Fagaiofu goes fishing first. I think it is simply used as a faianaga, a jest referring to a lean person. You shake in vain the branch that bears no fruit. Words of encouragement: dont be negligent, but do the thing thoroughly. 111. A motto characterizing the Samoan who is suspicious himself and often invites suspicion. Someone has misued the umu lapalapa. ", "Live that people may speak well of thee at thy grave. To catch one pigeon after the other. In the bush villages and sometimes also in those near the seashore, the inner bark of the fausoga tree is twisted into a cord used to make fish and lobster nets and for other purposes. On a narrow neck of land near Puipa'a in Faleata there was a tia. Neither is it unusual amongst the Samoans that in a common undertaking one partner tries to overreach the other. Before the introduction of firearms, this bird was caught in the following way: The hunter searched for a nest with young and climbed up to it. However, a second aitu, much revered by the other woman's family, approached her and said Run away quick and I will conceal your flight; that is not your friend but an aitu. While she was running away, he changed himself into her form and went fishing with the first aitu. Profitless is the turning of the drill plate, whilst the drill goes on eating through (the wood). The lower end of the rafters is tied fast, the upper end lies hidden in the timber work. Few mats, however, meet these requirements. If the assistant is inattentive and looks away, the plank will not fit in and the work miscarries. Today. When wearing the mat, it is folded in two and the coarser half is worn underneath. This is no concern of mine. The bundles of sugarcane leaves fetched by the women from the plantation for the purpose of thatching the houses are large and bulky but light in weight. Here are some humorous words that may help: Knowing when not to speak following a death is as important as knowing when to speak. From the direction of the wind. 78. The busybody's pretended wisdom, therefore, will be of no avail. 24. E a sipa le lama, 'ae fano malolo. It is like the fishing of the heron. A pair of coconut trees, one of which is full of maggots. The whole village led by the tautai takes part in the drive. However, the orators use them so frequently and they shed so much light on the past history and the present opinions of the people, that their importance cannot be overrated. Ua se u ta'afale. Ua maefulu le tava'e. Ua le se'i seu fa'aalo. Upu faifai: The little crayfish valo that leaves its hole and, unbidden, enters its neighbour's hole, illustrates a person who officiously meddles with other people's concerns. 172). They can be particularly useful when you are simply trying to find the right words and need a little inspiration. The Samoans maintain that if a single unavau happens to be in a swarm of pelupelu, the latter will all be poisonous. In the war between the birds and the fishes (No. If used in the other sense, it refers to pigeon hunting. 192. A house built of the wood of the breadfruit tree is particularly durable and may, therefore, be compared to a chief or a tulafale who is able to protect his family. Otherwise, ones spirit may cause problems for the family. For example, the Congregational Christian Church of American Samoa (from the LMS tradition) ministers to half of the population there. O le upega le talifau. When gathering breadfruit with the lou, it may happen that branches not bearing any fruit are knocked about and injured. This translation is only a private one and must not be published at all. 8. The bonito fishing rod is fastened to the thwart by means of a sinnet ring (futia). ", "If the rich could hire someone else to die for them, the poor would make a wonderful living. Death, in Samoan tradition, is considered Gods Will. It has traditionally been believed that Samoans should die at home. This is the u ta'afale. These Samoan quotes about love and family give an interesting insight into the Samoan beliefs and language. Some manutagi have the bad habit of driving the wild birds out of the cage before the hunter has had time to catch them. 25. It is becoming to listen to and to consider the speech of a distinguished orator. Mocking words referring to loveless, undutiful parents. The top and the bottom are turned back and forth. O le malie ma le tu'u malie. Verywell Health content is rigorously reviewed by a team of qualified and experienced fact checkers. Divided on top of the fatuga. Polata, however, is not very durable and the ribbon tore time and again. 178. 153. Upu faifai: Why don't you pay respect and deference to others? 4. In return the owner will receive a gift of food. The pigeons are scattered in the bush to look for food, to mate, etc. He who wrongs one threatens many. Introduced with the verbal particle ua, the saying also refers to a persons disposition. 61. However, it presupposes that only one person is engaged in an undertaking, or, if there is more than one, none of them meets with success. Before the Samoans had steel tools a new path was made by breaking (fati) the twigs off the trees. A careless person will be taken by surprise by his watchful enemy. The following saying is based on the same story. When a big funeral happens, orators and their mourning family members should directly receive mats and food as forms of reciprocation for their gifts. In Asau, Savai'i, the soil is very stony. Applied to petty quarrels between families which are not of a political character and do not threaten the general peace of the community. The undertaking was miscarried because of someones error. Interpreter. Let the fishermans bamboo receptacle be completely emptied out. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. I am fishing because I have helped to make a fata. More Samoan Proverbs: You shake in vain the branch that bears no fruit. Upu vivi'i: Words of praise referring to the speech of one high chief or orator and the reply made by another. "Who is old and doesn't believe it, will trip into his grave without seeing it." If a visitor comes to the faimea to get a fish-hook, the latter should empty the receptacle completely and not niggardly hide a hook. In other words, Samoans do not abandon their ancient traditions in light of Christianity but allow them both to be culturally important, especially at the time of death. Muagagana (from mua, first, excellent and gagana, language, speech) could be translated: embellishment of the language, elevated style. 142. Family responsibility and the care of family land are the keys to the culture. The overwhelming religion in Samoa is Christianity. 73. 66. Instead of the gentle, steady trade wind, they prayed for a stormy westerly that would cause the leaves to fall down and save them the trouble of climbing up the trees. Pepe tried to catch it. When a village is making a new net, the nearby villages are not allowed to fish for some time before its completion. The alamea is a spiny sea star. Faimea are those tautai who are clever at making fish-hooks. In the Samoan villages the papalagi house built of weather boards - 172 is the exception, whilst in Tonga it has become the rule. Ua afa le aso. Upu alofa: Loving words referring to friends who stick together through thick and thin. There is usually at least one church in each village and most of the ministers are native Samoans. 3. The big net has been spread out in the sea. Besides, it refers to a faint-hearted person who is ready to give up as soon as he meets with a difficulty. ", "Death doesn't just look through the book of the old. O le upega tautau, ae fagota. Otherwise, ones spirit may cause problems for the family. They are shouting together as at the tern hunt. Ua pafuga le a pei o le faiva o seu gogo. Upu taofiofi. The pigeon flew away, just skimming over the water near the place where Pepe was hidden. Ia moe le ufu, to'a le paipai. Ua vaea i ulu fatuga. 57. To use thatch a second time. v. Buelow and Kraemer give the following explanation: The one dances about and wastes his time with useless things, whilst the other by persevering efforts goes straight towards his goal. From honoring the person who died to supporting surviving family or friends, these time-honored proverbs reflect these vast differences in how people view and approach the loss of a loved one. 103. O le faila tu i le ama. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. To disentangle the coconut-leaf net. Upu fa'anoanoa or alofa: The former concord is at an end. O le lamaga ua fa'atau aitu. At the time when the Samoans had only stone tools, much strength and skill were required to cut this notch. When the middle post is broken, the side posts cannot withstand (the weight of the roof). This high development traces back to the days before the arrival of the missionaries,when all communication was transmitted orally. Please share to your friends: Sightbefore hearsay. Upu fa'aulaula, alofa or fa'anoanoa: He who comes too late must content himself with what is left. (LogOut/ 126. Ua savini fa'apunuamanu. From this we have the saying: O le fa'afiti a tautai. Used by someone whose opinion has not been sought. If the maga breaks or is bitten off by a fish, the loss can easily be repaired. They also decided that the Fijian method of fishing being so unsatisfactory, should no longer be taught to others. The fish fugausi secretes a whitish substance in which it hides itself and feels secure from its enemies. She simply came to sponge and, sitting by the mother, she smacked her lips covetously until she was reproved for her unseemly behaviour. 131. Proverbial Sayings of the Samoans. Pratt translates: to be prosperous. III.MANUAL WORK INSIDE AND OUT OF THE HOUSE. Ua se ta'ata'a a le ala. Like the grass on the wayside. It is used for colouring siapo (tapa). If you are grieving, give yourself time. The fishermen said Ua tagi le pu ina ua maua i le upega, o le a mate. (The pu cries because it is caught in the net where it will die.). 188. When a family wishes to lay out a big taro plantation, it is well that a specified spot be apportioned to each member. An orator who digresses from his topic and speaks now of this, now of that, so that no one knows what he wants to say (fa'a le maua se tonu) is compared to the ise fisher who swings his net in every direction. 68. Gather the breadfruit from the farthest branches first. Ua pona i vao, 'ae liai'iina i ala. E tasi, 'ae afe. E atagia taga tafili. 63. Fa'amanu po'ia i le ofaga. Samoan Sit and wait for the good chestnuts. Mago is a species of shark; pa'itele was a sea-monster about which little is known. 45. ", "Good men must die, but death cannot kill their names. Upu faifai referring to a meddler or a slanderer who endangers the peace of a family or a village. 83. People have lots of misconceptions about me. Se'i toto le ta'amu te'evao. Used of a weak, sickly old man. Ua solo le falute. 123, 201. A new boat was smoothed with pieces of coral, each workman being assigned to a particular part of the boat. The sapatu (barracuda) is a big predatory fish which, when caught, is very violent. I was also told that Seu foga'afa designates a usage customary at the alafaga and resembles the malagafaga (No. The chiefs and orators make the decisions, but the common people (tagatalautele) must carry them into effect and suffer all the consequent hurt and damage, e.g., after a declaration of war. The owner of a certain plantation had his crop stolen time and again. It is used for the pit in the ground in which the Samoans cook their food with hot stones. Mocking words referring to common people who begin to eat before the high chiefs, and to similar cases. Upu alofa: expressions of love, compassion, and sympathy. Our website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If the apprentice passed the test, the carpenter said: Ua vela lana umuhis oven is hot. Ia oloolo pitova'a. There are a variety of cultural traditions surrounding death as well as different emotions and perspectives on what death means. 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