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In the region as a whole, many people must be relying on traditional medical practitioners to meet a substantial portion of their primary health care needs. The region has 11 districts with a total population of 702,110. The relative order of importance of the various occupations (in terms of employment) is maintained for both males and females and in each district, except that there are proportionately more males in agriculture, professional and related work and in managerial/administrative and clerical work. The proportion of females reported as separated is slightly higher than that of males in each district, except Bongo. About a fifth (16.6%) of the not economically active attribute their status to old age, while about 3 per cent each attribute it to a disability or the fact that they are on retirement/pension. The remaining categories are in the others category. In all the other districts, the pattern is similar to what is observed in the region as a whole. General News . The regions population density of 104.1 persons per square kilometre is higher than the national density of 79.3 persons per square kilometre and ranks fifth in the country. Generally, in primary schools, there are as many girls as boys, a situation which often changes at the JSS level and beyond when the female dropout rate becomes high. sewerage system). Almost two thousand (1,627) hand pumps (boreholes) and a number of hand-dug wells serve a majority of the rural populations. Assin South. In terms of employment status, 60.2 per cent are self-employed without employees, 28.2 per cent are unpaid family workers and 4.7 per cent are domestic employees. The population aged 15-64 years is about one half of the total population in each district. The Northern Region districts and their capitals in Ghana. With the dependency ratio of 99.2 (43.4% or the population under 15 and 6.4% aged 65 and older), it means that 100 economically active persons have responsibility for 99 dependants. The Northern region is in the northern part of the country and the people are predominantly of the Mole-Dagbani ethnic group and patrilineal. For the districts, Bongo has the highest proportion of households with bathing facility within the house/compound (88.8%) and Kassena-Nankana has the lowest (69%). The proportion of the population aged six years or older, who have never attended school varies from 61.2 per cent in Bolgatanga, to 77.8 per cent in the Bawku East, District. A total of 69,094 children of school going aged 7-14 years are reported to be working fulltime. The proportions in this category range from 33.1 per cent in Bongo to 41.5 per cent in Bolgatanga. The country has a population of 32 million as of 2022, which features various tribes and peoples from various backgrounds and cultures. The rainfall is erratic spatially and in duration. The indicators show that, for most of the demographic characteristics, the values for the region are not close to those of the country. Cotton, soya bean, onion, tomato, pepper, maize, sweet potato, and fish are some of the things the community is endowed with. Its administrative capital is Pusiga, and it shares boundaries with the Republic of Togo to the East, Burkina Faso to the North, and Bawku municipal to the South. This is an indication of a considerable proportion of single person or single parent households. The availability, accessibility and affordability of kerosene should therefore be of great concern in each district of the region. Prior to the new educational reform programme, instruction at the primary school level was largely in Ghanaian languages. It has about 1215 05 square kilometres of land area, and its administrative capital is Bawku. Notwithstanding the long periods of co-existence among the heterogeneous ethnic groups the melting pot effect has not emerged as attachment to primordial identity lines still prevail. Mining activities however stopped in 1930. The proportion of males (72.6%) engaged in this activity is higher than that of females (62.1%) and this is true for all districts. Even in Kassena-Nankana where the White Fathers opened their first mission station at Navrongo in 1906, 55.4 per cent are traditionalists. As for the ethnic groups and tribes in the Upper East Region of Ghana, there are seven major ethnic groups and more than eight languages. The region is the least urbanized in the country, having only 15.7 per cent of the population living in urban centres; two districts, Builsa and Bongo, are entirely rural. The presence of the minority ethnic groups in the region has socio-culture implications that have a bearing on ethnic instability in the region, especially in Bawku West and Bawku East. Mud/mud brick/earth (88.2%) and cement or concrete (8.4%) are the two main materials for the construction of the outer wall. The proportion of household members who are heads of households is 14.8 per cent in the region compared to 18.3 per cent for the country. The low level of population movement into the region is reflected in the fact that the proportion born outside the locality of enumeration is 10.0 per cent compared with the national average of 31.0 percent. The positions of these districts relative to the others remain the same with both males and females. Given that in the region, the average household of six persons is a mix of parents (head of household with or without spouse, children and other relatives of different ages and very likely of both sexes), the ideal situation would be an average of two sleeping rooms for the six members. All the remaining thirteen industry groups (all others) make up 12 per cent of industrial activities in the region. 67.6 per cent of economically active persons had worked for at least one day during the reference period. It covers 1,230 square kilometres of land, and it shares boundaries with Bunkpurugu-Yunyoo community to South East, Pusiga community to North East, and Binduri to the North West. Ghanaian citizen by birth, childhood or parenthood constitute 92.5 percent of the population of the Upper East region. Three districts (Builsa (17.3%), Bawku West (12.0%) and Bawku East (16.5%)) all have literacy below 20 percent. The focus of this information is on the main sources of drinking water. 1975. A large increase in the number of women of childbearing ages inevitably means more children (i.e. That is why even though Bongo has only one doctor, the compactness of the district makes him available to most localities that are within 8 kilometres of the clinic. The observed ratios imply that there is roughly one dependent person to every economically active adult in each district. For the elderly population (70 years and over) there are again more males than females. The region falls low in most of the indicators that measure socio-economic development, such as level of education, literacy and accessibility to social services. Ethnic Groups in Ghana NO CoVax REAL NEWS Covid-19 & Your RIGHTS Home Page Forts and Castles Fort Batenstein, Butre Castle St Georg, Elmina > Cape Coast Castle Fort Augustaborg, Teshie > Fort Ussher Accra Kumasi Fort 1 Chronology of Slave Trade Ghana Radio Stations The picture with regard to telephone facilities is not any different from what pertains to post office facilities. Chiana water system is currently running on one borehole and an additional borehole is needed as a matter of urgency. These are also the three major industrial activities at the regional level except that the order is changed: agriculture, including hunting, forestry and related work (67.2%), manufacturing (11.3%) and wholesale and retail trade (9.6%), and they contribute a much higher proportion (88.1%) of industrial activities. Less than half (47.1%) of localities have a primary school within the community and an additional 32.4 per cent can access a primary school within the stipulated Ministry of Educations standard of not more than three kilometre-radius. Translator. Vegetation withers in dry season and is subject to bush burning, leading to serious degradation of the soil. The Upper East Region districts remain part of the regions in Ghana that is agriculturally endowed. The proportion of households paying rent ranges from 4.5 per cent in Bawku West to 14.9 per cent in Bolgatanga. However, languages that belong to the same ethnic group are usually mutually intelligible. Private communications centres have sprung up, especially in Bolgatanga, Navrongo and Bawku. The Lower Birimian Series comprises phyllites, schists, shales, greywackes and siltstones whereas the Upper Birimian consists of thick beds of agglomerate, pyroclastic and hypabyssal intrusive rocks and the rock types are mostly grewackes and phyllites. The inadequate number of SSSs may hamper progression from JSS to SSS. Only 4 per cent are in the public sector and 0.2 per cent are employed by the semi public/parastatal sector. 1. The Regions share of the total national population is 4.2% percent. About two per cent (1.9%) profess no religious affiliation, and less than one per cent (0.8 percent) belong to other religious groupings. This is also reflected in a national inter-censal increase which is 2.5 times that of the region. About eighty per cent of the economically active population engages in agriculture. Educational attainment is consistently lower in the region, at every level, compared to the national pattern. In the region as a whole, children of head of household constitute 42 per cent of household members. To ensure governance effectiveness, Ghana was divided into 16 administrative regions with their capital cities and districts under President Akufo-Addo's administration. The Busanga who form 5.9 per cent in the region have major concentrations in only Bawku West (7.8%) and Bawku East (15.4%). English is the official language of Ghana despite the numerous native languages that the Ghanaian people have. Small-scale gold mining activities galamsey also draw migrants into the district. The most common economic trees are the sheanut, dawadawa, boabab and acacia. Project performance is an essential component of monitoring and evaluation of projects (programmes that specifically address issues of quality of project inputs and outputs, the effectiveness and efficiency of project implementation agencies, cost-benefit studies) should be intensified to assess the effectiveness of programme. In fact, together with Upper West, they are the two regions with a less than 20 per cent urban population. Catholics constitute the majority (57.7%) of the Christian population, followed by the Charismatic/Pentecostals (21.7%). The region also serves as the gateway to Ghana from Burkina Faso, which is the traditional crossroads for the, Groundwater Occurrence And Characteristics (Hydro-Geology), Culture/Language/ Ethnic Groups/ Tribes/Festivals, Tourism, Cultural And Historical Heritage, Achievement For The Management of the Water Systems, Ministry of Sanitation and Water Resources, Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development, Office of the Head of Local Government Services. This means that the formal sector constitutes only 25.4 per cent of the economy of the region and this has implications for tax revenue mobilization. Upper East. It occupies a total land surface of 8,842 square kilometers or 2.7 per cent of the total land area of Ghana. Determination of the population in occupied households, in comparison with the total number of households, as well as the population per room can give an indication of the prevalence of homelessness and the extent of over-crowding in a locality. Such an employment structure poses a challenge for the effective mobilization of tax revenue as well as mobilization of capital for expansion and job creation. Since older men tend to marry younger women, and women survive longer than men on average, husbands are more likely to die earlier leaving more widowed women. The Agbadza dance consists of five motions: the Banyinyi, Vutsotsor, Adzo, and Hatsatsa. Since senior secondary schools are usually boarding institutions, however, the number of and distances to the nearest SSS institutions are not very critical for accessibility. The proportion of households using electricity as the main source of lighting is about one-half the regional average in three districts, Builsa, Bongo and Bawku West and above the regional average in the Bolgatanga, and Bawku East, Districts. This group includes approximately 70 languages spoken in various parts of West Africa. Their concentration is above the regional percentage share in only two districts, (Builsa, 3.9% and Bolgatanga, 1.7%). Northern Ghana comprises the three northernmost administrative regions of Ghana: the . The highest educational level completed, by 74.5 per cent of those who have ever attended school, is the primary and middle/JSS. Peace and security are prerequisites for effective implementation of AfCFTA Jospong Group Owes Success To God Dr Siaw Agyepong, PAC chases retired officers for repayment of embezzled funds, Over 300 students benefit from awareness on defilement and sexual abuse, Prof Ameyaw-Ekumfi assures of NPP recapturing Central Region in 2024, Lady with Cerebral Palsy appeals to universities to admit her, AngloGold Ashanti supports Ashanti South Regional Police Command with vehicle, Brock Royal Family Rescues New Mothers At Korle-Bu Labour Ward, Co-creating solutions through multi-sectoral approach for sustainable health financing in Ghana, BOST begins distributing exercise books to 19,000 students, pupils, Rockefeller Foundation, WFP Launch Initiative To Strengthen School Meals For Children. Women of childbearing ages 15-49 comprise 24.9 per cent the total population of the region in 2000, compared with 23 per cent in 1984. The proportion is higher than the regional average (79.5%) in Builsa, Kassena-Nankana and Bongo. In all the districts, except Bongo, wood is the main source of cooking fuel. These have important implications which must be taken into account for socio-economic planning. List of Oti Region districts and their capitals in 2021. 4). The main administrative structure at the regional level is the Regional Co-ordinating Council (RCC), headed by the Regional Minister. In the new system, instructions start in English. There was, thus, a 2.8 percentage point reduction in the rural share of the population between 1984 and 2000. Literacy in English only, or English and a Ghanaian language, varies from 12.2 per cent in the Bawku West, to 27.7 per cent in the Bolgatanga, District. In terms of density, the Regions population density rose from 104.1/km2 in 2000 to 120/km2 in 2010. Bawku West, with the highest age dependency ratio of 116.1 has 46.4 per cent of its population aged below 15 years and only 7.2 per cent aged 65 years and over. The traditional practice of early and almost universal marriage is reflected in the fact that the proportion of the total population, aged 15 years or older, who have never married varies from 18.5 per cent in the Bawku West, to 28.1 per cent in the Bolgatanga, District. While that recorded for under 20 years was 52.6 percent. Most of the working children in the district are either self-employed without employees (74.4%) or unpaid family workers (21.1%). Taking the region as a whole, 47.1 per cent have a primary school in the locality. Among the male population, the proportion ranges from 55.7 per cent in Kassena-Nankana to 64 per cent in Bawku West, while for the female population, the proportion currently married ranges from 57.2 per cent in Bongo to 70 per cent in Bawku West. Domestic employees or house helps constitute less than one per cent (0.6%). In the country as a whole, only 4.5 per cent of households have an adequate facility (i.e. Nov 10, 2021. Some urban centres however decreased in population (e.g., Navrongo, Paga). The environmental health problems arising out of inadequate disposal of human waste, most often mixed with animal droppings, need urgent attention and redress. The Upper East regional capital is Bolgatanga, sometimes referred to as Bolga. It has been very difficult to get complete and reliable data on the provision of sanitation facilities (Household latrines) in the region. The already existing large proportion of the unemployed poses a challenge for job creation. Almost all households in the region (97.5%) have some cooking space within the premises of the housing unit, and 82.8 per cent use a space provided for bathing within the house. These are polished and used in the cladding of commercial buildings and monuments. Bongo. This rock formation is considered to be of shallow water continental origin, derived from the Birimian granitic complexes and has been subjected to low-grade metamorphism. A greater proportion of households in Upper East (70.2%) use protected wells and boreholes as their main sources of drinking water. These rocks when weathered are characteristically purple. In Bawku. 8. Among notable Upper East Region towns are Zebilla, Bawku, Paga, and Navrongo. The socio-cultural problems that can arise as a result of the ethnic diversity of Bawku East often manifested in the many ethnic conflicts in the district. The Builsa South district was carved out of the then Builsa community and created on the 7th of June, 2012. Age structure of the economically active population (aged 15 years and older). With a low per capita income, the youth usually migrate to the southern part of Ghana during the dry season to do menial jobs. White Volta and the Red Volta are two significant tributaries of the Volta River that run through the municipality. The Akan tribe consists of Fante, Asante, Akyem, Ahanta, Akwamu, Bono, Safwi, Akwapim, and Kwahu subgroups. Only 3.5 per cent of those who had ever attended school reached the tertiary level varying from 2.3 per cent in Builsa to 4.0 per cent in Bongo. The highest concentration is in the Bawku East district where they comprise 3.7 per cent of the population. There is an annual supply of 50,000 cattle, 40,000 sheep and 40,000 goats to the southern sector for consumption from the region. On the whole, children are particularly dependent. The Akan, Gurma, Ewe, Ga-Adangbe, Mole-Dagbane, and Guan are the chief ethnic groups in Ghana. It varies from 0.3 per cent in Bolgatanga to 2.6 per cent in Builsa. But in a region where, traditionally, males are almost always the heads of household, this could be a welcome change. It shares boundaries with Kessena Nankana East community to the West, Kessena Nankana West community to the North and Builsa South community to the South. In Bolgatanga, the use of mud/earth is in almost equal proportions (with a slight advantage in favour of cement). In the other formal sectors, (private formal, NGO/International Organization, and others) males and females are represented in approximately the same proportions in each district. Data on current enrolment show that the gap between boys and girls in school attendance still exists. Poverty alleviation programmes and broad public health and income generation programmes and the provision of basic community services need to be implemented to the benefit of the disadvantaged in society, particularly the vulnerable and excluded groups. It is also within the onchocerciasis zone, but with the control of the disease, large areas of previously abandoned farmlands have been declared suitable for settlement and farming. how are the united states and spain similar. People praised her for putting an end to the fight, Apatampa in Fante. It is higher than 10 per cent in only the 3 more urbanised districts of Kasesena- Nankana (10.1%), Bolgatanga (20.3%) and Bawku East (11.7%). This, however, varies by age. Whereas 61.1 per cent of households in the Bolgatanga and 58.7 per cent in the Kassena- Nankana Districts have access to potable water, the proportion is far below the regional average (50.3%) in the Builsa (36.2 %), Bawku West (36.8 %) and Bawku East (42.0%), Districts. Other relatives are the second largest group of household members other than heads of households in the region and in each district; another significant group is grandchildren. 70% of Labour force are engaged in Agriculture with the technology being manual (hoe and cutlass). In the region as a whole, the pupil/teacher ratio at the primary school is 1:50.6. With only 21 per cent of the population living in urban areas, the region is the least urbanized in Ghana. Mass education programmes should be embarked upon and pursued with all seriousness before introducing interventions to educate people on the benefits of each intervention, to the individual and to the community, as well as on the consequences of not implementing the interventions on a sustainable basis. Administrative and Managerial capacity is extremely limited in the districts, accounting for not more than 0.2 per cent in any district. In each district and at almost every level, more boys than girls are enrolled; Builsa is the exception, where the majority of pupils are girls. The proportional shares of the three industry groups in the region are agriculture, including hunting and forestry (67.2%), manufacturing (11.3%) and wholesale and retail trade (9.6%). Climate migration, language policy, and language preservation in the upper regions of Ghana Apprentices and others make up the remaining 1.6 percent. In Ghana, the Gur group is subdivided into three major ethnic groups. There are 2,394 persons in the region who were enumerated outside the home, constituting 3.9 per cent of the national figure as compared to Ashanti Region (19.1%) and Greater Accra Region (27.0%). In all, minority ethnic groups which are not from the southern sector of the country comprise about 10 per cent of the population of the region (10.3%). Shea butter, rice, stones, and tomatoes are some of the endowments found there. The Bongo Health Centre is in the process of being upgraded into a district hospital. At the district level, the localities with telephone facilities within 10 kilometres range between 4.2 per cent in Builsa and 57 per cent in Bongo. The region is administered politically from Bolgatanga. Agriculture is the major industry in all districts, ranging from 51.6 per cent in Bolgatanga to 85.0 per cent in Bawku West. About 36 per cent of households with only one sleeping room are over-crowded compared to 42 per cent in the region. Other major towns in the region include Navrongo, Paga, Bawku and Zebilla. The volume of migration is generally low for both migration within the region and migration from outside the region. The population[1] of the Region rose from 920,089 in 2000 to 1,046,545 in 2010 an increase of 13.7 percent with 104 per/sqkm. Akans are the dominant inhabitants and natives of Eastern region and Akan, Ewe, Krobo, Hausa and English are the main spoken languages. The proportion for males ranges from 58.4 per cent in Bawku West to 69.7 per cent in Builsa while that for females ranges from 62.6 per cent in Bawku West to 75.3 per cent in Builsa. Females, on the other hand, are predominantly as sales workers, service workers and production and transport equipment workers. There is a great potential in the region for the large-scale production of rice especially in the now onchocerciasis (river blindness) free zone. However, Ghanaian languages and other foreign languages are also taught in school in the Basic Education level. Ghanaians by birth or parenthood constitute 92.5 per cent of the population of the region. Some of the dominant dialects include Nankani, Bisah, Kusal, Ndam, Kassem, and Gurune. They are the people that inhabit the republic of Ghana. The proportion of eligible females who are never married ranges from 21 per cent in Bolgatanga to 13.7 per cent in Builsa. Insufficient transportation for staff is hampering the effective operations of the systems. District Assemblies in the region face problems in identifying, prioritizing and implementing policies and interventions specific to their districts and communities. This situation should prompt the Regional Population Council and the District Population Advisory Committees to put in place population management policies aimed at educating the population, through advocacy programmes, on the need of a smaller family size, on a sustainable basis. Information on marital status is applicable to persons 12 years or older. Not literate English Ghanaian language Engilsh & Ghanaian OthersThe majority of the 54.1 per cent of Ghanas adult population, who are literate in at least one known and written language, have that ability in both English and a Ghanaian language. For females, the level is below 80 per cent in Kassena-Nankana (78.6%), Bolgatanga (76.3%) and Bongo (74.9%). 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