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In the end, I was only able to handle this for a year. Although, I mean, I know of a couple of people who commute from Modesto to the city, and thats like2.5 hrs or something, so there are always those who are willing to go to extremes. No matter how I adjusted it was still awful. Audiobooks keep my sanity. This is how I discovered audiobooks. The mitigating factor there was that I worked from home 2 days a week and had additional flexibility, otherwise it would have driven me insane. Orlando, FL. OP, two hours might be fine for some people and might not be unusual in your area, but if you are finding it frustrating then Id say go ahead and either move or look for work closer to home. Regardless of whether its normal (and it doesnt have to be), a 2-hour commute isnt right for YOU. You probably wont get this unless you commute in CA, did he say its the first day of spring? Ive looked at a few jobs in SF specifically because I live in Vallejo, which has one of the ferry buildings, and its only an hour by ferry across. I live in a city with ample pubic transit, but I prefer to drive. It was horrible and I wasnt even driving for most of it! Which probably means a higher rent. heres some free help preparing for job interviews. I cant imagine tolerating 2+ hours each way unless I lived somewhere with such a limited job market that there was no other choice, and no possibility of moving. If the commute turns out to be terrible, look into renting a room at someone's apartment or house (or even in a nearby extended day or hotel, if that's financially feasible). That was unsustainable, and eventually higher management began to push back against the practice too (the travel money was expense-able, and it was eating into our profits like woah). I got my commute down to 40 minutes each way, and then realized I would rather pay more for a smaller home than spend a bunch of time commuting from a large house. It is. I dont think I would ever consider more than 45 minutes for any job. It was never consistent.) I was just about to point out this every same thing. NYC had an incentive to grow *up*, where LA had more incentive to grow *out*. Its limiting my job search, but I know I will be happier for it in the long run. Subway takes 30 best case and 50 worst case, car takes 18-60. The only way I see people make it work is to have jobs you can start really early like be in the office at 6:00 AM and leave work at 2:oo PM. Of course that means you have to pay Dublin rent prices. Its bad. Former Angeleno here: This is not normal! I honestly didnt think less than an hour was possible in NYC. I live and work in different parts of LA than you do, but I and my husband have both had some really awful commutes since weve moved out here. Who knows! Im in Atlanta too. Unfortunately there are none. I listen to audio books that are young adult novels so its harder in my case to lose track. Yeah, no, I would consider 2 hours each way to be completely unsustainable. I had to do a 50 mile 1 way commute during a couple of limited stints a little over a decade ago (both from my moms once was for a 6 month internship; the second time was for about 2 months when I was between housing in grad school), and those commutes ended up being 1-1.5 hours, depending on traffic. If youre interested in the topic, theres a fantastic book called Traffic: Why We Drive the Way We Do (and What It Says About Us) by Tom Vanderbilt. Total game changer to get that much time of your life back even though my rent cost was about $400/month more. Also: the PITA factor of working in a downtown building cannot be underestimated, although it may vary by city & building. If its an option to exit, Id go for a longer way around just to keep from sitting it traffic for 2 hours. I will be living at home. can I get my coworker to stop using awful corporate jargon? Im glad youre making a change! Also, thats also why SoCal folks tend to describe distance by time to get there versus actual miles/kilometers it really depends on how busy/connected points A & B are. If you have pets, it costs them lost time to spend with you to get attention, be played with, be exercised. Im originally from a town that had $600 2 bedroom townhouses just 2 years ago. This seems expensive and wasteful to me, both in terms of money and life. This is another challenge when the peak of rush hour doesnt actually end. And it is just going to continue getting worse. It doesnt matter if this is normal or not. There are only a handful of cities where you can really rely on public transportation. But as another lifelong Bay Arean, I agree that 2-hour commutes in the central Bay Area are not common. Theres been heavy suburbanization of poverty over the past 20 years, so were seeing more folks commuting from Modesto/Stockton/Antioch/Fairfield because of housing costs (rent is cheaper, which in the short run helps offset increased transit costs). Distance in miles is not how the commute is measured in LA/OC, and a 2-hour commute could be entirely normal based on where you live. Because normal does NOT equal ok. I rode the BL for a few years in the early aughts for school/work it was a little bad then but its getting worse. Theres the concept of geographically undesirable and thats pretty much where you are. (I was born and raised in LA but now live in Santa Barbara; we have traffic jams at rush hour now too but of LA strengthyet.). It was a contract job so it didnt make sense to move) and I hated every second of it. No, Im sure the drive time for that distance is completely normal. Ive ridden the train about a dozen times from LB up to downtown around 5ish (to go to Staples center) and its always been fine. Ive had several coworkers with 1.5 hour to 2 hour commutes. Not to sound melodramatic, but Once you find something closer to home, you will gain so many hours back youll wonder what to do with yourself. I dont have personal experience with it, but I have heard that EMDR therapy can work well for PTSD. Good luck =), Break a leg! Still, commute times in all peer metros have worsened and the Bay Area now falls in the middle of the pack. Even if it was normal for the area, that means the area is terrible and I wouldnt want to live or work there. My husband and I are considering buying a house right now, and since we live in a city where walking is not common, our realtor seems bemused by the fact that we outright reject anything more than 2.5 miles from my office. No wonder. My company is headquartered in Pasadena. Sometimes I go to another gate and back around the base to my building so at least Im moving versus just sitting in a long line. My commute is similar to Hannahs and yes, it is faster to cycle, so I do when the weather is good! Some of the people here choose to live in a faraway suburb, or even the next state over, and do 1 2+ hour commutes. Los Angeles is known for having terrible public transportation. For more tech tips, news, and updates visit - . I think LA is just so far past vehicle capacity at this point. The only good thing was that I had a lot of time to listen to podcasts and audiobooks. Plus, having a long train ride means I can actually relax on the train I get on early enough that I always have a seat. That was a trade off I was willing to take. OC or LB for me! The traffic in was non-existent but the end of day traffic was horrible. 1,040 extra hours a year of non-paid & non-free-time. The rage was real. I have a sister who lives in rural Washington state, and one morning while I was visiting, she warned that wed be stuck in traffic to go to the restaurant she had in mind. I dont even drive on the weekend ever (we either take my boyfriends car or his motorcycle) so its all gas for work. What?! Hah! But in this case there is wide spread collective knowledge that confirms the traffic. This was a really hard habit for me to break, but my quality of life got so much better when I just shrugged and said It is what it is about traffic and commuting. And I work very near to Nationals Park, so everything is jacked up if there is a daytime ballgame. Most of the people I know live pretty far away from their workplaces here because thats just the nature of average wages and cost of living. Definitely not normal here! Well done. I learned that I am not good with long commutes so I have always chosen to live fairly close to where I work (in the same town). But to alleviate his stress levels, its worth it to us to move to a location that will shorten and ease his commute. Public transit simply isnt accessible enough for most people and most jobs here (although its gotten easier, now that the Expo line is open and stretches to Santa Monica). I am his assistant and I understand bringing up flex hours for my role will 99% not work. But I knew that already. Just because it is normal doesnt mean its sane. :) I did Culver City to Santa Monica for a while (before the expo line opened!) Im sooo looking forward to it. Tracy, Manteca, Stockton, Merced, Sacramento, Vallejo. Now they spend 3 to 5 hours a day in their cars. That long of a commute isnt worth your sanity. If you like your job I wouldn't see it alone as a reason to leave even, sounds like you've got a decent manager. (If you havent seen the movie L.A. Id love to get behind audiobooks but I dont seem to read books which have audiobook versions (or at least, they didnt when I last looked)! This current 10 minute commute is my reward for all those winter road commutes on the highway. But like a lot of commenters said here already, its an individual decision based on your individual (/family/partners/etc.) You literally picked the third worst commute in LA. Right now, I work from home, but the longest commute I can reasonably handle is 30 minutes. For me it is just too much time to spend in a car every day, and OP at 2 hours each way even if everybody else is doing it I think you really have the right to feel that way too! Why would anyone live 30 miles away from work? I go with the flow of traffic in the morning and afternoon. I also happen to live in a part of the city that is very conveniently located relative to the suburb where my office is located, and that was sheer luck. Good point about the roads! Alisons absolutely right whats acceptable to you is what matters, not what your boyfriend considers acceptable. link to paper: I did Kingston to Oxford Street, and that was 1.5 hours. On weekends its only $10.00 for a metrolink day pass that gets me all the way there and back on metrolink trains and also the metro in Los Angeles. We moved, and now Im just a little too far to walk to the Metra stop by my new house. The later I leave, the longer I usually have to sit around waiting for the bus, which adds to the total time. 30 miles of doom and gloom of 90 to Aurora, no good. Good luck! I am in the Midwest. Someone I know did the Westside to the SGV (San Gabriel Valley) commute. I hope you can find something with a reasonable commute (2 hours is not, imo). Born and raised in LA so sorry about the culture shock! Obviously, the traffic in LA is even worse. My husband is job hunting, and everything he sees is either in Orange County or on the West Side (were in the East Valley). By the time I left NYC I had a 30-40 minute commute each way, which I tolerated only because I could do it by bike in good weather. . In my last semester of college in Sacramento in the mid 1970s, I lived in San Francisco with my boyfriend and commuted the 90 miles each day. My longest since then was 45 minutes driving across town even during rush hour. I live in the Houston area (suburb & commute to the loop) and my job is 20 miles from me which is anywhere from 45 minutes- 1hr 15 minutes an an average day. She creates really unique / weird worlds. Its been life-changing. I think just having parents around to babysit at short notice, and actually being able to do things in the evenings occasionally with my partner would be amazing. Keep your fingers crossed for me please! In my mind, it was a better commute. I grew up in the Seattle area, then got a job in downtown Seattle. After sitting in your car for 4 hours, dont waste any of your time TALKING about sitting in your car. Probably even some of the more steamy paranormal romances too I wouldnt want to listen to Im very conscious of the audibility of what Im listening to outside my vehicle, because I regularly overhear peoples in car telephone conversations!). So while I think theres a few factors contributing here, I think its perfectly OK to not WANT a two-hour commute, and to figure out how to make your life easier on yourself. I live in the Haight (middle of the city) and commute to AT&T Park area, which is basically deep on the other side of the city. People in my tiny, rural hometown thought she was crazy. I live in Southern California, Los Angeles area, and when my commute was roughly 25 miles, it took anywhere from 1 hour 15 minutes to 1 hour 30 minutes each way working from 7 4. Theres a radio sketch show That Mitchell and Webb Sound, his autobiography Back Story and a radio panel show called The Unbelievable Truth. Which is also within 30 miles of Bushwick. We live in central NJ and my husband commutes to Manhattan. Like many commuters, Neil Shapiro never quite knows what will happen on his . However, only 10-15 minutes of that is by car. Eventually I was able to transition into working from home most of the time, and then I was laid off. Two hours by car in traffic sounds utterly vile. I need to take a bus (7 miles) to reach either of those. Maybe a little more would be okay, but two hours, no way. This 30-year-old commutes 4 hours and 140 miles for work in San Francisco every day. I dont think Id personally cope well with much over half an hour if I had to drive but I probably have a bit of bias that comes from living in a small UK city where lots of things are well within walking or cycling distance, or public transport, so my expectations of what I find doable in terms of committing is affected by what Ive become used to. Good luck! God, that is a terrible commute. Theres the official Commuter Express routes run by LADOT, but many of the far-flung suburbs have a special express bus service to get people to LA (Foothill Transit comes to mind). DC area is another one where new arrivals should really get local info about traffic before committing to a job and/or housing. Thats already happening. Generally, the vast majority of people on the subway are there to get from point A to point B, not to bother other each other or make mischief. A non-resident worker (NRW) who works as a cleaner in Macau but lives in Zhuhai tested positive for COVID-19 in Zhuhai on Monday, Macau's Novel Coronavirus Response and Coordina I only lasted about 9 months in that job and left to avoid a complete mental breakdown. I do leave 30 minutes before my shift starts so I have ample time to drop my son off at school, stop for a caffeinated beverage and get to work with several minutes to spare but my actual in-the-car-driving time is 15 minutes with all of that added in there. I took it as commiseration :). I did it myself for about 4 years I simply could not afford to live in or around the District so I lived 40 miles outside the city and, on a good day, I was facing a 1.5 hour commute. I now live in Central CA and have a 30 minute commutebut its 25 miles. Anything under an hour I am okay with. 37 traffic lights, multiple school zones. Long hours, stress and the commute just made it unsustainable. Could easily be an hour. She once got caught in the pass and it took her 6 hours. LA isnt great for that as far as Ive seen and I cant imagine drivers there being fantastic about sharing the road. I dont live in LA, but I visit frequently and have close friends who do live there. At 545AM, Amin Aljunied's alarm clock rings. I guess the silver lining is that The commute became too much for me seemed to be a commonly-given reason for leaving a position in Los Angeles, so hopefully interviews will accept that without question. My manager flies in from another state one week out of the month. The answer to your letter is that you and your boyfriend are both righta 2-hour commute is normal, if on the extreme end of normal, and its also exhausting and bad for your health and nobody would think you were being unrealistic if you gave that as a reason for looking for a new job. Agreed, although theres a huge class element to commutes. I dont see it as a red flag, I see it as an extremely valuable data point that he is providing her, namely this is part of what it means to live here. She needs facts in order to plan her life in a way that is maximally satisfying to her. LA resident here, though Im a transplant from Chicago. Even here in Denver, where I now live, the population boom has been so dramatic that the traffic is starting to look like L.A. at rush hour. That's why our strongest recommendation is to make the time to commute, even when you are working at home. East Bay, Walnut Creek, Concord, Tri-Valley area to San Jose/Peninsula is easily 2 hours. I hated the long drives, but when you have 3 million people going to the same place at the same time, what else can you do ? Even a cab will take me about 30 minutes due to rush hour traffic. It would take me only 15 min longer to walk, which I should probably start doing! and some of the back roads are in run-down or sketchy areas, depending on which part of LA youre in. Nope nope nope. Id be on board with public transportation options too, but given how long those take to get funded & built, self driving cars are more likely to happen first. My commute is probably 45 min door to door. I think 10 is about the limit. Short answer: No. I would rather drive than depend on public transportation, which doesnt save me any time at all either. Ive had a long-ish commute (45min to 1 hr) for years and finally discovered the joy of audiobooks about 6 months ago (as a lifelong bibliophile, I dont know what took me so long). Can you take public transit part of the way (I know thats a long shot in LA)? By bus (three buses total) it takes an hour. It also made us think twice about coming back to town to see friends, etc. Yep. This is not a normal commute anywhere outside California or a handful of world megacities. When I lived in WA there were a LOT of horrible (white) drivers who, as my roommate put it all learned to how to drive in the sticks on a tractor and has no idea how to handle real cars on the almost traffic-free roads & freeways in the small town where I lived. I have 20 min commute now. I need to have time to rest and a life, so Ive always applied for jobs that were a reasonable 30-minute commute away. Were building more but its going to take a long time. The folks with less traffic during their commute hours consider 1.5 hours not bad. Do not waste your youth in traffic! If you do decide to suck it up and live with your commute, start exploring alternate routes. There are a lot of people selling stuff, panhandling, or just riding the trains to get off the streets. Yup, the 10-mile stretch from the exit I get on to the exit I need to take to switch HWYs is always deep red on the GPS, completely clogged and Im basically parked. It would be completely intolerable. Eventually, I found a gym near work, and would go there and get my workout in and wait for traffic to die down. OP can do with that information what she will, but now she has the additional data point of, okay if 2 hours is normal here, will I be happy if I can just cut that down to 1.5 hours, however I can?. The alternative is working at a job in a small city that nobody with a mid-level income wants to live in (like I do now). In my lifetime, it may actually make sense to ban humans from driving due to computers driving much more safely and efficiently. Two of my friends are going to a different uni, which is russell group also, but it is 3 hours away and i wouldn't be able to live at home. Traffic during the commute varies widely depending on time. My own commute is 15 minutes and that includes a stop to get breakfast. Its a big place, like any major metropolitan area, where traffic sucks and there are bad drivers and stressful commutes. I dont even care if its normal or not for the area, it feels awfully stressful and unhealthy. We would move if it were over an hour. My commutes not bad now, but I miss that! She thought she was lucky because she only worked 4 days a week. It doesnt really matter what your boyfriend thinks is normal if thats simply unsustainable for you. I worked flex hours, but still my commute averaged 90 minutesone time it was 11 hours to get home. Door to door its 1.5 hours each way, but as other said, at least I can read and listen to music on the train. Im actually surprised more people dont pursue the option we are, though, because theres really nothing job-wise if youre not a professor or student out where he is. 30 miles is definitely going to be 2 hours in LA traffic. So has anyone had the experience of such a long commute? It can be done! Also, Metro is beefing up security on lines and I would always see sherriffs on board checking fares. I faux commuted to my target neighborhoods to make sure I could handle it. Say you have a line of 10 cars and the first car has to stop very briefly for some reason. Getting home in the afternoons could take anywhere from 1.5 3 hours. Seattle traffic is getting so bad, Tacoma to Seattle can be easily 2+ hours, both ways. Or if youre commuting from the Valley (Tracy/Manteca) to San Jose is from the central Alameda and CoCo County suburbs (Danville, San Ramon, Dublin/Livermore) to Silicon Valley. I found a radio station with bible studies, so I listened to that. Id love to know more about working/living there. from where you live? Yikes. I miss some things about city life, but I dont miss city commutes, and I will have to be living somewhere amazing to go back to that kind of lifestyle. Theres a reason why people in Southern California give distances in time and not in miles. And there is nothing I can do about it. The best to hope for in the car is audiobooks and podcasts. Best thing I ever did was arranging my life so my home and office are four blocks apart. 2 hour ride, changing, full 8 hour day, and repeat for the return. Yeah, not only would a drive like that mess with my mental health, I would not be able to take it physically either. Is your boyfriends work near yours? Me personally, Im taking a vanpool from the IE to the OC. But I think the question here is not what is normal, but what works for you and whether the overall benefits of the job outweigh the cons. LA traffic is just brutal. It gave pretty good estimates of the average commute times. I hope to return to say more about LA traffic and choosing your jobs based on commute (which can include commuter buses, light rail, and number of alternate driving routes available), but the short version is: dont let your boyfriends acceptance of a long commute pressure you into accepting something that you find exhausting and/or sou-killing. :(. My commute could be close to 1 to 2 hours on a good day. Good Luck! Car pool to share the annoyance of the road. I did jump and scream at least once, though, getting wary looks from other commuters, heh. How long is too long to commute? Ooh look, I found this article specifically about California commute times! It is a fantastic way to start the day, and you can skip the gym. I definitely increased my data plan when I was commuting on rail so I could watch Netflix and Now TV on the train. Riding the train during commuting hours seems much different than late at night or on the weekend. You can get folding bikes for public transport or some stations have permanent bike racks you can keep your bike in. Especially if you want to leave by 5:30am in order to beat the traffic. Now, where I live (Alabama) my commute is like 10 minutes. Otherwise, consider moving. The last time I was in Eastern Cali was going to Reno during Obamas first run and Prop 8Ive never wanted out of somewhere so bad and I was just passing through. Are you happy doing it is the question. Early morning starts and late finishes, due to excessive travel, would've been so draining. Changer to get off the streets hours consider 1.5 hours shorten and ease his commute, Ive! 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