Basic Facts on Bangladesh

Bangladesh, located in the eastern part of South-Asia, emerged as a sovereign independent country in 1971 following a nine-month long War of Liberation. Being one of the largest deltas of the world, Bangladesh constitutes a small country in terms of geographical border with great potential for industrial development and economic growth as well as offers lucrative opportunities for investment:

Official Name: People’s Republic of Bangladesh
Political system: Parliamentary Democracy
Head of State: President  and Head of the Government: Prime Minister
Independence: 26 March 1971
Capital: Dhaka
Time Zone: GMT + 6 hours
Administrative Units: The country is divided into 8 Administrative Divisions: Dhaka, Chittagong, Khulna, Rajshahi, Barisal, Sylhet, Rangpur and Mymensingh.
Districts: 64
Upzilla: 493
Working hours: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm; Sunday to Thursday. Friday and Saturday are weekly holidays
Language: Official Language is Bangla and English is widely spoken as second language. 
Literacy rate: 74.40% [Male: 76.5%, Female: 72.3%] (2019)
Principal industries: RMG, pharmaceuticals, cements, garment accessories, chemicals, fertilizers, newsprint, leather and leather goods, ship breaking, ship-building, paper, sugar, jute, oil refining, light engineering, toiletries, processed foods, electrical and electronics, assembling and manufacturing of refrigerator, freezer, LCD and LED television and computers and assembling of jeeps, buses and trucks.
Principal exports: RMG, pharmaceuticals, frozen foods (shrimps), leather, leather products, jute, jute products, tea, ceramic, textile fabrics, home textile, chemical products, handicrafts, newsprint, computer software, IT solutions, light engineering products including bi-cycle, toiletries, processed foods, ocean going vessels (below 10,000 tons) etc.
Best tourist season: October – March of the year
Places of tourist interest: Dhaka, Chittagong, Cox’s Bazar, Kaptai,Rangamati, Khagrachari, Bandarban, Kuakata, Bogra, Khulna, the Sundarbans, Sylhet, Rajshahi, Dinajpur and Comilla
International airports: Dhaka, Chittagong and Sylhet
Domestic airports: Cox’s Bazar, Jessore, Rajshahi, Syedpur, Barisal, Iswardi, Comilla and Thakurgaon
Seaports: Chittagong and Mongla
Radio stations: Bangladesh Betar and Private radio channels: 25
Television stations: State owned: 3 and Private: 23


Location Between 200 34′ and 260 38′ north latitude and between 880 01′ and 92041′ east longitude.
Boundary: North: India
West: India
South: Bay of Bengal
East: India and Myanmar
Area: 147,570 sq. Km
Territorial water: 12 nautical miles
Maritime economic zone: 200 nautical miles
Main seasons: Spring (February-March), Summer (April-June), Monsoon (July-September), Autumn (October-November) and Winter (December-January)
Principal seasonal crops and fruits: Rice, jute, wheat, tobacco, pulses, sugarcane, oil seeds, spices, vegetables, potatoes, jack-fruit, banana, mango, coconut, pineapple, etc.
Natural resources: Natural gas, coal, limestone, white clay, hard rock, glass sand, etc.
Principal rivers: Padma (Ganges), Meghna, Jamuna, Brahmaputra, Teesta, Surma and Karnaphuli

Demographic information:

Population: 169.11 million est. [January 2021] Male: 50.41% and Female: 49.59%
Population growth rate: 1.37% (2021)
National poverty level: 20.5% (2019)
Life expectancy: 72.6 years (2021)
Labour force: 56.5%

Economy Overview:

GDP US$ 324.24 billion [FY2019-20]
GDP growth rate (%):  8.15% FY2018-19]
GDP per capita: US$ 2227 ( Sept. 2021)
GDP Composition by sector: Agriculture – 15.1%
Industry- 26.5%
Services- 53.5%
Total exports: US$ 38.75 billion (2021)
Major export partners: USA, Germany, UK, France, Netherlands and Spain
Main export commodities: Garments, knitwear, agricultural products, frozen food (fish and seafood), jute and jute goods, leather and leather goods.
Total imports: US$ 65.59 billion
Major import partners: China, India, Indonesia, USA and Japan
Main import commodities: Cotton, machinery and equipment, chemical, iron, steel and foodstuff
Total FDI: US$ 2.56 billion (2020)
Remittances: U$ 24.77 billion (2021)
Foreign reserves: U$ 46.39 billion (June 2021)
Currency: BDT (1 USD= BDT 84.60) Dec. 2018