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I like to say that traditional karate is a thinking man's discipline. | But this ties in with my previous points: if you never train for real, then how do you know you can do it? Gichin Funakoshi, the writer of this book, was an honorable master of Okinawan Karate of his time. In Japanese Karate, its practiced even less. Obviously when you use a technique against someone, there is no style, you just make it work. I especially enjoyed the why over how and also the Tuidi aspects when you look at masters of old on film, they invariably look sloppy, but this was not the show Karate they demonstrated. Hai, hai! Tuidi Techniques. Then kata. Therefore, old-school Karate masters were also masters of Kobudo. Okinawan styles make great use of the closed hand, and the delivery of the fist centers mainly on the straight thrust method. I wouldn't brag about being a direct lineage of Funakoshi Sensei, because while he was a great karateka, he didn't teach his students as well as he could have. The stance involves moving your back leg forward, making the back knee to be pushed into the back of the other knee. When Karate was introduced to Japan,manythings changed. Hi Jonathan-san! Teaching, learning, or even writing about martial arts was prohibited. 8. In one particular technique, my sensei toldme to have a spring-like upward movement, calledhanchaatii. 3. We don't use your nomenclature. It was not called Karate at this time. Use of the ankles, knees, legs and hips to create stable Karate Stances and powerful Karate kicks. Helps me to clear up a couple of Aikido partners which I tried to explain these diference. OKINAWAN VS. JAPANESE KARATE COMPARISON DEGRADING??? Due to its central location, Okinawa was influenced by various cultures with a long history of trade and cultural exchange, including Japan, China and Southeast Asia, that greatly influenced the development of martial arts on Okinawa.We would like to introduce you to five main styles: Goju-ryu, Uechi-ryu, Shorin-ryu (&), and Matsubayashi-ryu. A total of twenty-four Okinawa karate kata are discussed in this chapter, namely: 11 kata of Naha-te-lineage: 1. The Okinawan-style club was VERY much about the why. While it taught me many great things, it was focused on tournament and exhibition. Another difference between modern karate and traditional karate is that the traditional form focused on a minimalistic approach in fighting spaces. Pete is now passing on all he has learned from Taira Sensei to in excess of 150 students. My point is comparisons like this one are generally made by someone who knows their style very well and has little concept of the other system. Okinawan Karate has a lot of high stances. I would love to see you or some one else write this same article but with a more biased lean towards Japanese Karate. This drill provides a system to practice basic offensive and defensive techniques while moving through the stances utilized in Kata. The characters Shorin (), meaning small and forest respectively and pronounced shorin in Japanese, are also used in the Chinese and Japanese words for Shaolin Kung Fu. Renzoku means to continue. Great article! Got your wonderful article on the Internet. Its because young Okinawans needed skill for self-defense more than ever. Ive noticed that for some time, a lot of dojo's are trying to go "the old ways" like the kissakikai movement. Greetings from the Netherlands , Osu (i apologize if my english wasn't that good xd). Usually, yes. Kewa Mabuni studied the Okinawan Shuri Ryu Karate in-depth and developed this art form. I'm really interested in how you're balancing the two training styles. the tuidi (pushing hands) is similar to Sticky shand used in wu shu? Raise one leg and place its ankle behind the knee of the standing leg. It was my first trip to Okinawa and I have the same feeling about Okinawan Karate. How is it condescending or insulting to state an opinion that there exists a superior and inferior something? Thank you Jesse-San Hai!!! To sensei Funakishi, shotokan karate was a way of life. It's the individual who brings the excellence and your comment is ample demonstration. I am going to Tokyo and Okinawa in October. Karate was introduced to the public as a way of life, means of healthy living, right action, benevolence and self defense. I love Naihanchi. I have done some Shotokan myself, but only because I was forced to do so (another story, another day). When learning Okinawan Karate it is important to first learn and understand the ten basic moves. I feel every true martial art is a unique entity unto itself. Certain training practices, techniques were changed to suit the traditions of the audience to ensure that the Karate being taught was accepted. Also Okinawan Prefecture is poorest in Japanese states. I did that for ten years until I learned about Okinawan karate. If you are going against someone stronger and more experienced barehanded, trickery is the only thing you can use. Shortly after arriving at our family home in Awase, outside of Sukiran and one of my first forays I found myself outside of the Kadena AFB gate going into town. Ancestor schools. No. Interesting article! The East-West Okinawan Karate was not designed for demonstrations or shows. I also love learning the differences in karate. Shit-ry () is a form of karate that was founded in 1934 by Kenwa Mabuni ( , Mabuni Kenwa). The high stances of Okinawan Karate feel more natural, and is much easier for westerners to hold - as opposed to the deep karate stances that often feel forced. Shrin-ry (Japanese: ) is an old Okinawan karate style, established as a combination of Shuri-te and Tomari-te styles, along with influence from various Chinese martial arts. *Kara Karate Stances - A Perfect Karate Foundation, Arizona Hombu Dojo - School of Traditional Karate & Kobudo, Top-Rated Okinawan Karate, Kobudo & Self-Defense in Chandler, Gilbert, Mesa, Arizona, International Training Center in Mesa, Arizona Focuses on Traditional Martial Arts, Arizona Karate - Nobody in Arizona Does it Better, Arizona Karate Instructor Nominated for Man of Year, About Arizona Martial Arts, Schools, Instructors, Styles and Classes, Picking a Martial Arts School in the Phoenix Valley, NUNTEI BO: Okinawa Fishing License for Traditional Karate and Kobudo, Breaking Rocks - Arizona Martial Arts Instructor, Geologist & Author Loves to Teach, ADULT Karate Classes: Mesa & Gilbert, East Valley Phoenix, Arizona's Adult & Family Karate and Self-Defense Classes, Traditional Martial Arts - A Path of Peace, Mesa, Arizona Self-Defense Class taught by Hall-of-Fame Grandmaster (Professor of Martial Arts). Also, EVERYONE knows that Funakoshi Sensei had to "water down" Karate to teach it to the masses in Mainland. olympic referee head kicking [etc].. I respect the author's piece, especially since the Japanese karates evolved out of the Okinawan karates, to do a little synthesis, liking to the author's "Karate-Tree Piece." Traditional Okinawan Goju Ryu Karate #3 Stances & Footwork DVD Morio Higaonna | eBay Master Higaonna starts with the basic stances of Okinawan Goju-Ryu Karate and explains that stances are different to each individual body type. Would love to see more practitioners of Wado Ryu move over to MMA and demonstrate your strong personal feelings >>> in the Octagon. If I remember correctly, one way in which all karate is the same is the concept that "karate begins and ends with courtesy". Wow. removal of grappling/joint locking etc, from karate.. Unfortunately, this is the way of Martial Arts these days! The level of martial knowledge , i.e. 1. I am from Cambodia . Nobody tries to hurt you or outwork you, and there is no holier-than-thou aura around the sensei either. Yes Shotokan suffered with bad bunkai being passed down which confused the contexts of close-in street defense and long distance sports-kumite type attacks, and also tried to make everything block-kick-punch thereby missing out 90% of possible applications. Recent initiatives by Okinawa Prefecture and martial arts officials stimulate Okinawan karate's recognition domestically and internationally, underline its cultural importance, and support three main arguments why not to change its traditional form: (i) The principle of never changing kata: Okinawan karate's battle-and street-fight-verified kata concepts were honed to lethal efficiency and . Okinawans definitely know about their rich Chinese influenced heritage. It's considered a Japanese style. You can have library of fancy movements in your head, but without the foundation, they are useless. With my best regards, M.R, great article, i love your website. If you really want to improve your Karate, you should definitely check out this article I wrote about my favorite equipment for training Karate at home. Anko Itosu is the father of modern karate. It's not hard to describe nature, but try TO DEFINE it. Karate is practiced in every subcontinent. Great article! "effective" at what? It was the fighting technique that was only used to protect oneself in an attack. In a sense, that's what happened with the early UFC (and yes, I know you're very familiar with MMA). They understood more the relaxed application and vital structural functionality of the body. Glad you found what works best for you :-). I practice Shotokan-ryu but I'm enamored with Okinawan Karate because of my short stature, hehehe. Thanks for sharing this informative post!! Nunchaku is two small round sticks connected with a chain. Karate Stances - A Perfect Karate Foundation: Traditional Okinawan Karate Stances Traditional Okinawan Karate Stances Soke Hausel demonstrates yoko geri kokomi (side kick) on the 1.4 billion year old Sherman Granite near Happy Jack, Wyoming. But, the 4 core styles of Okinawa Karate are: Goju-Ryu is one of the old styles of Okinawan Karate. best wishes for all instructors & all student Isma, This was super interesting. Suggestion for guest article(s): No. I've noticed differences in the length of zenkutsu dachi between different branches of karate, but shiko dachi, kiba dachi, and Sanchin dachi were not significantly different. How right you are Ian. I will be visiting Okinowa this April 20-30 2018. No one has to go out an perform all the bunkai exactly as demonstrated. A few words on Shotokan. This kata uses stances and attacks comprising of the five previous Pinan kata. The Naha-di system is comprised of nine kata and a philosophy. "Imi" translates to "meaning" in English. In the 14th century, under the rule of King Sh Shin, there was a ban imposed on the practices of martial arts. Btw, I'm a fan of yours and I like your other points. How this convention fits into traditional karate training is a key question highlighted by the authors discussion. It's probably the most well known. 2. fighting? 4. Once you accept that, you can move beyond mere Styles. We also used "Osu" there, but this being an American-style dojo, they pronounced it "uhss". Deadliest Animals. It is the most famous art form in West Japan. I do taekwondo and not karate but i like watching you a lot and i like reading about karate, and this was just amazing to read. ravichander It is obvious to see that Japanese karate had and influence on my predominately Okinawan style that is taught in the states. I have read this article four times. Shorin Ryu Okinawan Karate Vs. Japanese Karate - Differences Sports Vs. LifeStyle Natural Stances Why And How Okinawan Karate Weapons - Kobudo Top 2 Okinawan Karate Dojos The Jundokan Shodokan Dojo 4 Famous Masters of Okinawan Karate 1. Gomeans hard, refers to closed hand techniques or straight linear attacks,Jumeans soft, refers to open hand techniques and circular movements. You are espousing knowledge that is to be taken as fact. As you might have figured out by now, Okinawan Karate has many unique quirks. For me, the typical "stopping/arresting"-precission in kihon- or kata-technics was only the "outside visibility" of "kime" - but not the goal itself. it is not the original form, but part of a deliberate One can build their ashi (legs) by repeatedly perform Sanchin. locking and suchlike are against 'the rules'.. I'm thinking when I'm training/teaching the kata, bringing more of a Japanese style to it, but keeping the bunkai at a more trapping/close range having being influenced from kung-fu and watching a LOT of Sensei Iain Abernethy. I'd like to end with a strong OSU!! A good example can be seen in Kusanku with the drop after the one-legged turn (or jump, in some styles), but there is another drop into a low stance in some versions. Shorin () -ryuis one of the major Okinawan Karate styles. They need to be easily seen byhuge massesof people! Keep up the great work! O.K. We're all champions! You see we do have several practitioners who have taken their art to the ring. "It's very good. Okinawans still consider themselves Okinawans. No. of Old monk - Pencil Sketch by Soke Hausel To say that all are equal is just ludicrous. Wanna know more about karate styles, check out this article: 13 Main Karate Styles and Their Differences. are interested in shedding pounds, there at net, except I know I am getting experience daily by reading such good content. In Japanese Karate, the verbal command Osu! (pronounced Oss!)is used sometimes. Fighting stances like han zenkutsu dachi . By how I see Shotokan is typically practiced, the emphasis is clearly on striking. Goju Ryu 2. I know you are very busy, but if you have the time please contact me. having one-on-one attention from, say, a math teacher. I have trained under an Okinawan 'programme' to green belt (from Martin Rice). Okinawa Goju-Ryu Karate-Do Kyokai [Sandangi] Renzoku Bunkai. "For example; when I went to Okinawa last summer, I learnt a new kata called Tomari Chinto." | It was not an opinion piece it made statements that were to be taken as fact. Please take the time to improve each position to perfection. If a practitioner never competes (realistically) then how does he know his techniques/methods will work if the time comes to use them? In the 90's we had three from the Dojo, where I began my training, who were world rated professional kick boxers, long before MMA. In some styles, yes, and in some styles, no. Fantastic Article. This gearis still being used in Okinawan Karate today. I went over this web site and I believe you have a lot of wonderful information, saved to favorites (:. There is one of our senior Black Belts who also teaches Gracie Jujutsu and makes trips to Brazil to train where we also have a large following in Wado Ryu. Was it bc Japan promoted it and Okinawa did not? I was taught the details you mentioned, foot movement, hip movement, etc. Okinawan martial arts systems had been divided into three main branches or styles commonly referred to as Shuri-te, Tomari-te and Naha-te after the communities in which . By signing up you are agreeing to receive emails according to our privacy policy. This spartan training environment actually adds to the focus of individualization over mass instruction. I also respect Gene Foster's specific & detailed commentary, his Wado Ryu contribution. which i am going to present in university. Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt - Jon Hamm - Karate! The opponent has essentially no options in the position he is in. But this doesn't mean that one is better than the other one just different. A hundred years ago on Okinawa, the stances were much shorter in general. Does that make you feel better?? Distribute your weight to 70% on the back foot and 30% on the front foot. Bo).). I will not comment on those because I have no knowledge of these so I must hold my comments and just restrict them to Wado Ryu. Neko-ashi-dachi is, in my view, both a traditional stance and an evolution of kokutsu-dachi. (Related reading: 2 Forgotten (But Deadly) Techniques of Okinawan Karate). Personally, I don't care for the Japanese styles of traditional karate. Back then face punches were allowed in kyokushin tournaments and Gary Alexander used boxing, judo, jujitsu, aikido, aikijitsu, elements of shotokan, etc. Kanbun uechi was the founder of uechi ryu karate. Keep a distance of maximum one shoulder width between the front and rear legs. Sure they're a bit flashy, but "flashy" doesn't necessarily mean ineffective. Karate enthusiasts in Japan practice it because they believe its good for their health. Your article make me want to travel to japan again, but this time to Okinawa. It was why Okinawan karate was superior to Japanese karate. Our stances were pretty deep, but we were always told our style was a close-in type of fighting, and there was, and still is, a constant effort to be authentic. I'm too old already, but even though I'm 71, I wish some day I'll get to live in Okinawa and learn their karate before I die. I do JKA Shotokan (i.e., Japanese Karate) and allow me to share the following: They are EQUALLY important. Nagaminenamed his style in honor of the two most important masters that his teachings were influenced bySokon Matsumuraof Shuri-te andKosaku Matsumoraof Tomari-te. ?. He made it his home. I'd salute by the O-word, but it's not in my style. might get it wrong. You probably understand your style of Karate to a fairly high degree and what you say about your Okinawan art I do not doubt. Maybe Gojo-ryu in Australia and Italy ditto. The propagators of Shotokan [TMU] were more interesting in promoting the principles of traditional karate training, and the benefits in that, than making ninja / defendu, experts. Say you learn that a certain technique is actually an arm bar into an arm break. IMO, I think the article's author comparison of Okinawan & Japanese karates extremely valuable in understanding what it is we are striving for in different conventions & traditions of karate training. Traditional Okinawan Goju-Ryu Karate With Morio Higaonna: Stances & Footwork No views Sep 27, 2022 BLACK BELT MAGAZINE (OFFICIAL) 288K subscribers Traditional Okinawan Goju-Ryu Karate. Comprising of the other knee this April 20-30 2018 to favorites (: but without the foundation they. 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