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Web visits to drudge 1/12/2023 25,152,778 past 24 hours 671,900,576 past 31 days 8,571,129,993 past year. So, God is definitely looking out for all of us in different ways. But this movie felt eerily close to a truth. You cannot believe fairy tales are true, then tell other folks to apply common sense to their thinking. I agree Christ is our savior, but vampires and wolves really??? And their spirit bodies were taken into the 4th dimension. What put me off the most was the deputy that sees the UFO, reports it and nobody fallows up on the most credible witness. My god! Dont believe in all this vast universe anythign exist but us?! and names were changed. The only one that wasnt memory wiped. God bless. They messed with humanity then just as they still are today! She is a doctor of philosophy in physics. There just isnt that many people who are that stupid when all the evidence points to staged, fake, pushy, forceful, its true and believe what you will based on factual events the just are not. Despite the overwhelming evidence disproving the alleged true events in The Fourth Kind, some people believe that theres some truth behind the films narrative. Certified Akashic Record Reader & Life Coach. I think some of the answers in our own backyard. Many people just brush the movie off as a complete fabrication. About the owl, I do not know if it is superstition or truth, but it does not represent anything good. Reality is string together with spit and bubblegum the faster you LEARN that the faster you will be able to spot the most ignorant statements in this paragraph youve sort of written. Google image this: Nome Alaska. The real footage taken from the police car shows a UFO going over tall trees. I pray they dont hurt people or take them away from their families. The film was entertaining and it invites people to think beyond their own ego. All 25+ missing cases have alcohol and violence involved, except a few that were different missing persons case, from the Winter blizzards and storms, the rest are alcohol and violence. You should read this article with an open mind and come to a conclusion yourself. Reading all of these posts shows why most wars are fought due to religion. The newspaper pointed to the FBI investigation, again citing the high incidence of alcoholism and extremely rugged weather conditions. I know for certain there are UFOs and aliens.while driving north in 2010 on I75 just north of Tampa Fl., I saw 14 disks at the 33% of the horizon. Since these demons are much higher in intellect than humans, they are smart and they are technologically advanced. En Alaska, un mystre demeure encore irrsolu et il ne s'agit pas de la nomination de Sarah Palin comme colistire de John McCain lors de la dernire lection prsidentielle amricaine. I just watched the movie The Fourth Kind on HBO.. it was not the best movie/ Documentary. The Fourth Kind purpoted to be a re-enactment of true events and even featured supposed archival footage of certain events. I dont know if that is true or not either I do know I saw a UFO when I was a teenager hovering over my backyard my Father saw it and also my brother at the same time in fact my brother went out on the porch to get a better look I tried to stop him for fear they would do something to him but when he did that it shot off into the sky faster then any plane I have ever seen my Dad did report it to the Air Force we never heard anything after that about it but I know what I saw and that is all I can say about the subject maybe parts of the movie were false but it still was a compelling movie. Think about it, not ion the slightest Im a bowhunter and i get serenaded by owls at 4m every morning starting end of Sept. Abonnement Max Actif + Alop (ex Mon Forfait Annuel), Abonnement tutti hebdomadaire/mensuel +26, Abonnement tutti hebdomadaire/mensuel -26, Abonnement tutti hebdomadaire/mensuel combin +26, Abonnement tutti hebdomadaire/mensuel combin -26, Abonnement Mtrocane: Cte Atlantique <> Nantes, Forfait multi | voyages illimits jusqu' 5 personnes, Mercredi tout est permis | voyages enfants gratuits, Garantie ponctualit clients occasionnels. Stop that Ambulance hand me my 12ga and find me a nice big oak tree Ill handle it like a man inxstead of an overpaid , arrrogant sadist with no empathy, hahaha sean you are a joker. Now that Im recovered Ive come to believe that all the stuff about ufos and demonic possession are creations in ones own mind when it isnt working properly. I was intrigued in the story about this ET referred to as Thor (apparently from Venus) and his crew who stayed in Washington DC, if that is a true story, it is very interesting. They make up some white lie (no racism, but for real made just for the money only). They can use their spirit bodies to listen in on private conversations, kill someone and move things around but you can not see them at all, because they are only visible in the spiritual realm. Believe me or dont, for your sake and others around the world I pray you do believe or at the very least keep those words and the possibility of belief in Christ close to your heart. Time to wake up! So it cant be done even though we all know they are here and have been for a very long time..i Ive seen them on 3 different occasions in 2 different states Utah and Arizona. If you look @ archaeological fact; There are some strange artifacts and wall art from ancient times that do tend to depict something not from earth. I really was concerned about it because I didnt write these things, Nancy told Anchorage Daily News. This film is a dramatization of events that occurred in October 2000. But the Government to actually admit that would destroy religion as we know it and would throw this world into such turmoil that people would not be able to understand and be able to handle such a thing. And no one else would be reachable either! EVEN if it wree all one big accident that in itself is enough of a miracle to negate the nihilist atheist stuff you naive folls try to ram down our throats. If you believe in Jesus today there is hope. As a Christian, I know what you have said is true. Look at the signs of the end time. That point alone makes it meaningful. Its ties to real life mobs, Is The Rehearsal scripted or real? Well, Its pretty darn easy to be astray from God to begin with and you will certainly, within personal regrets have the spiritual experiences to collectabout the most wide open road you can travel in life! the spiritual realm is home to aliens in spiritual words, these aliens are called Angels and demons. Third Kind: Contact- there are six levels of . People who are afraid just claim that. in the mid ages witches, nowdays aliens, etc I think that we all whenever we experience something strange we should go first to a doctor/psychologist/psychiatrist and have a check up before starting thinking about possesions, or something alike. He was only 31 when he died. As a real event it was totally unbelievable because of these things. The Holy Biblemost versions;a book built through faith and a book that will answer questions the entire span of our humanly lives.No other book can do this! Now when these people were hypnotically induced, they experienced another reality, their bodies were taken over by a demon spirit, maybe satan himself as he is likely to call himself God. Alien encounters are measured on a scale developed in 1972 by Dr. J. Allen Hynek, a noted astronomer, and famous ufologist. Web looking for online definition of dr or what dr stands for? Nothing to do with demons or aliens. Was told it was indigestion. It was even published in a newspaper that when the full moon was bright, the light shown in on my uncles garage, through the door window and the window of a car, the Virgin Mary holding baby Jesus, on the shadow line. lets face it that they can do what they want but lack communication skills . The movie looks ridiculous, said Kawarak, Inc. vice president Melanie Edward told the Daily News. And one more thing, aliens dont drag around people who are fighting to escape from them. I think theyve been here in the past and we havnt studied archeology properly. Abductees are paralyzed first and then moved around in a light beam. The milky way is the youngest known solar system by human technology, and so far the only on containing life, but the universe is infinite an unknown. Our latest book, Historys Most Bizarre, Outlandish, And Controversial UFO And Alien Encounters contains over 60 encounters. They dont give a **** what kind of cereal you eat for breakfast so, why should you care who or what they believe in ? While still sleeping and dreaming I like woke up but still sleeping and I could see two hugh owl like figures. But I have never heard of or seen image disturbance on recorded video during a hypnotic regression, let alone the abductee to start to levitate. : /. People disappear over there and where are the bodies going? We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us. But still, required in faith. When universum has born, u cant even imagine how big it is. This is now on the list of my favorite alien movies, along with Dark Skies, Signs, and Fire In The Sky. Demons look like ugly aliens and they are very strong and evil. Im feeling the same way, if there really are aliens, there may be good and bad ones, just like people, since this is such a vast universe and we are discovering earth like planets as well. An investigation of an investigation of an investigation that has more questions than answers. Prparez votre voyage ! If you don't like what you read you can unsubscribe at any time. Medical are is money making product sold to people totallyout of tune with their own spirits and bodies. UFO Insight does not take responsibility for the content of the comments below. However, the producers were not interested in clear-cut facts as much as profitable entertainment. Finally, for further reading, you can read our article discussing deadly experiences of the Sixth Kind here. The film disclosed that Dr.Taylor was not her real name. A few years ago I had a major breakdown due to overwork and past unresolved childhood abuse issues. LIke the man who said he can hear two distinct voices talking in his head. the next thing they remember is when theyre back. $ you if you think we r only planet w lifehow arrogant r humans puny earth cmon open yur minds folks.. ugh Every1 knows, there is other life must be. Is this the new standard for journalism? The burden of proof is on the footage, which is not met and even admitted to being fake. The Fourth Kind is embarrassing. As for the Sumerian influence, they were a very wise people who believed we came from the stars, as I do. The Alaska Press Club, on behalf of the newspaper and Maguire, sued Universal and settled out-of-court for $20,000. Be Informed! We all have Free Will. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Subscribe to our free weekly newsletter to receive the latest articles directly in your inbox. The characters sexuality explained. You got to tell me what youre on My parents taught me about God, and with God, I defeated the Evil demon. We do not aim to prove nordisprove any of the theories, cases, or reports. He never returned to his village of Savoonga. its all in the bible. The Fourth Kind purpoted to be a re-enactment of true events and even featured supposed archival footage of certain events. However, investigations by several outlets didnt find a Dr. Abigail Tyler from Alaska. Someone who by long study has gained mastery in one or more disciplines. None of these events actually occurred, none of the archival footage was real, and Dr. Abigail Taylor has never existed, a piece on Overland reads. Mormons I didnt remember my dream until seeing this movie in.early 2010. I state again, youre quiet ignorant of you believe that we are the only intelligent life out there. I agree. Posted on May 23, 2022 by . Where are the reports though? Since we exist of three parts. I know that doesnt debunk anything but the producers will to get things to credible, just like they used a mountainous film location as Nome. Ive seen it with my own eyes, but they havent went far enough until we have ships that can travel like UFOs. The details included in the articleare based on the reports, accounts and documentation available as provided bywitnesses and publications - sources/references are published above. Science doesnt state Gods inexistence and bettermight just be proving that God actually does exist. The entire article and the contents within are published by, wholly-ownedandcopyright of UFO Insight. Your email address will not be published. More than what people want to believe hopefully many people are going to see that the Bible is prophesy and depicts that in Ephesians 6. There are demonic portals all around the world and where there are demonic portals there are usually a high number of UFO spotting. All caps? As it was crawling up I was watching to see my cat but when the weight got to my chest I couldnt see anything. At the start of the movie the actor said that they changed everyones names AND professions! There have been serial killers in Anchorage, Alaska, and in Nome, Alaska! We cannot see them, because they live in the 4th dimension. If that part of the movie where she disappeared really happened, has there been any update on her whereabouts? We all have the right to believe what we choose to believe. The human mind is vast, no one knows what kind of potential (expect lucy lol) it has. Yes! Her daughter, Ashley, gets abducted, and upon questioning, Dr. Tyler tells police that shes been taken to the sky. The body, the soul, the spirit of an individual is a trinity within ourselves, meaning it is one, so what effects the body effects the spirit and soul, just as what effects the soul or spirit of an individual effects the body. Because you just might see something that you dont believe is out there !! Gods love, He doesnt force us to be anything other than what we decideand its our decision to find life with Him.and in this case, the road is quite narrow and much joy to be found within it. What was interesting to me, the voices that said We are God Oh and when you do go to **** (with ur unbelief) you will get what u wished for which is ur **** getting sucked. Marcus Lowth is a writer with a love for UFOs, aliens, and the Ancient Astronaut Theory, to the paranormal, general conspiracies, and unsolved mysteries. Just watched the movie myself and must admit for a lot of the movie as I watched I thought it may have been real and based on facts. I they dont believe dr. abby tyler why is it that they cant find her daughter? Well.. where to start, Why cant both be real? I seen the meaning of Life, and that is to accept God and what he created us for: to fear him the most, not all the Evil and violence, because God is the only one who can destroy both Body and SOUL. Then research alien encounters and notice which attributes these people have experienced. The Fourth Kind suffered negative reviews as the producers faced accusations that they lied about the films true basis. Google these two words together: Sleep Paralysis. Aliens are not a species from other planets, they are the fallen angels from Genesis 6. why so many versions so brainwashed know yur history Your email address will not be published. This footage was provided from Nome psychologist Dr. Abigail Tyler who has personally documented over sixty-five hours of video and audio material.. Thank you for your explanation of exactly what is happening now on our planet. A legitimate biography failed to surface while licensing bodies and associations asserted that they didnt know of a Dr. Abigail Tyler. I hope more people read your comment and take it to heart. Moron READ THE ARTICLE CAREFULLY, THE STORY WAS BASED ON LIES and yet youre dumb idiot self goes ranting off topic and as if the movie is true based on your nutty logic. Retrouvez toutes les informations du rseau TER Pays de la Loire : horaires des trains, trafic en temps rel, achats de billets, offres et services en gare During the breakdown I saw scary images, could sense things before they happened and had profound pshychic abilities. It is also used in the Illuminati and even on an American money you can find a small owl. When I first watched this film, carrying the perception that it is a true story, each detail within this story led me to think similar to ME in a above reply. Religion is just a delusion its for people who are scared or just to ignorant learn the truth . I supose people unfamiliar with Alaska, and its many different tyes of living and environments it would seem real enoough. Web looking for online definition of dr or what dr stands for? god created the universe he created the aliens too goid and evil exists in all planetsf#! I believe people are and have been abducted by aliens for a long time, but I dont believe all of them. Through many years of Humanity and book making, only one Book has made it all the way, The Bible, the Word of God. Marcus also regularly appears as an expert on radio talk shows including Troubled Minds and Unexplained Radio discussing these topics. After I watch this movie I will check myself what is real or what is false and publish the outcome of it. When your soul is not filled with the Spirit, you surely will find another spirit controlling it. Many people go missing in Alaska and are never found! Its funny but I believe that something doesnt have to be explained because we either find God or we wont. Let people who make films come forward and be transparentthey may make more money lets see. Newest comments appear first, oldest at the bottom. I dont know if having disorders such as Schizophrenia is linked to demon possession, but I do know in the name of Jesus Christ these disorders can be cured or helped tremendously. He believed everything you commented about and I have no doubt in my mind that he went straight to heaven. Why dont we stop saying This is is, this is what it is and stop and really look, really study, really observe and really try to get to the truth. Only satan can actually go up to heaven and talk to God. According to The [] Usually people who practice these things find it impossible to submit to God and they hate talking about Jesus. Have a wonderful evening. I;m concerned he was involved in a government cover up in the form a witch hunt against this hypnotist! Demons can lift people, demons can talk through people, demons can kill people and break their bones. pentecostal, U cant even agree on a christianityCatholic still i think this is a very scary movie factual or not, Ah yes, I was waiting for religion to find its girthy little self into this comment section. So some of illnesses we come across with, its origin can develop through in part of us.God bless. Tyler later discovers evidence suggesting that she might be a victim of an alien abduction. Double rub (fabric testing) dr: Degree (or the equivalent) from an academic institution; Depositary receipt, negotiable financial instrument issued by a bank to represent a foreign company's publicly traded securities. The Bible does say Since from a spiritual view there is only black and white either you are filled with the Love (Spirit) of God or something else is inside you. Trying to wake up it was hard for me to breath. The bottom line is that none of us/you know. Demons are ugly in appearance and because they are higher than humans, they can seem terrifying in power and appearance. The opinions and discussion in the comments below are not the views of UFO Insight, they are the views of the individual posting the comment. Its not the job of the skeptic to prove something is fake, its the other to prove that its real. Youre more closed mined than a snake bitten evangelical from Appalachia. People should be free to believe what they want. Studies about hypnosis in spirituality suggests that hypnosis causes a hole in your soul (body) to open which can allow your spirit to leave your body, while connected with a golden thread, and of course while your body is open anything can possess it. Whatever..and I grew up in this religious bogus She also explained the time phenomenon. I also do believe there is another kind besides humans. While I do not attend church or pray, due to this and a few other things. However, no one knows for sure. This movie will remain to be the most frightening real, fact-based movie I have ever seen. This movie freaked me out, much like Fire In The Sky (the story about Travis Walton). The Quiet Before The Storm Of The Modern UFO Era, The Mini UFO Waves And Strange Encounters From The End Of The Second World War, The Surge Of UFO Encounters Before The Second World War: The Final Years Of The Thirties, Conspiracy Theory Analysis, Unsolved & Unexplained, read our article discussing deadly experiences of the Sixth Kind here. In reality, Nome is on the edge of a treeless flat expanse up against the Bering Sea in the middle of Alaskas West Coast. You spout off fairy tales then talk about having common sense. The expressions translated from Sumerian are more like demonic phrases. His body was found almost a year later in the Nome River after the ice started melting in the spring, autopsy showed broken and beaten body and face, most likely from a Police baton, and shot to the head, matching Nome Police ballistics, but NO evidence found, most likely was killed few miles out of town by the Nome River in the middle of no where Tundra. I will say, If the Police Officer saw that, why didnt they interview him too. He called Nome a boneyard for the region because there are so many remains there that have never been found. The FBI began their investigation in response to the growing frustrations of the native population. It blends fiction and real life, Is Jeremiah gay in the books? If u listened closely, she was the only one to see her little girl before she dissapeared , and he or son walked In when she was gone. Believe in him, cconfess him with ur mouth and You will be saved! Someone who by long study has gained mastery in one or more disciplines. This woman was unaware of what she was actually doing and how many lives she ruined. There are no trees and no mountains. Most missing cases are alcohol related homicides within Alaskan Natives. Copyright 2023 UFO Insight, All Rights Reserved. And whether theres facts to globalize the facts that some believe and more dont believe, there are indeed things going on that cant be explained through coincidence or science that ppl need to recognize, fearful of not, that there is indeed more than one power in the world besides human. The other missing cases are known to be Natives within Natives, witnesses (family) in most missing cases, but yet again, no evidence (that ****** me off! Right on! And that is where the common phrase demonic possession comes from. You may not republish the article in its entirety. They had a fake story that was reportedly from the real-life Nome Nugget newspaper. Very soon! Why not juust film in Nome instead of all over the world? There are spiritual forces in high places but certainly deceiving those unless you are with Christ. A closer look at his dating life, Why did Joe leave Impractical Jokers? Some people have certain experiences they cannot understand, whether they see Mary or an alien, it doesnt matter. Your exactly right, definitely not crazy brother. He has been writing and researching with over 20 years of experience. I appreciate my gift and will definitely use it to glorify God, but at some times, it has been scary, even when I was in Kindergarten or 1st, Ive had very vivid nightmares or dreams and I think they were pertaining to my parents splitting up later. Could see two hugh owl like figures of us/you know evil demon into the dimension... And the contents within are published by, wholly-ownedandcopyright of UFO spotting money making sold... Citing the high incidence of alcoholism and extremely rugged weather conditions as a Christian, I defeated the demon... 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Nancy Brady Boston, Articles D